Blissful Organization…

Today, I have in my hands, the final proof of my next book, Blissful Organization – A Guide to Simple Living!  Proofreading and making sure everything is just right is somehow a lot of responsibility, yet at the same time, it’s like creating a masterpiece that you are so proud of and can’t wait to share.

I guess it’s what I have been teaching all along within the Keep It Simple Now principles – which is, everything is a process – it takes time to go through each phase and step – and through it, you learn something more about yourself – maybe sometimes, you might even find inner strength that you never thought possible.

Here is what I do know…the end result, the final product, well, that’s simply amazing.  Whether it’s writing a book, getting your house in order, developing your business, or conquering a project, it’s an accomplishment that started out as a thought – turned into a vision – and then into your very own creation.  How awesome is that!

Organizational Life Coaching Helps Mesothelioma Patients…

My Dear Readers,

Here is some important information to know about:, is an Internet resource focused on increasing awareness of mesothelioma cancer, a fatal disease caused by asbestos exposure.Many newly-diagnosed cancer patients, including those with mesothelioma, find the many aspects of coping with the disease overwhelming.

That is why incorporating the assistance of a life coach can be very beneficial, as they can help a patient deal with the process of acceptance, and to help build mental and emotional strength, as well as a sense of purpose and empowerment in a time it is needed most.

Implementing organizational strategies into one’s life can bring about extraordinary changes that result in peace of mind and overall calmness.

For more information please visit:


Malignant Mesothelioma

My Very Best,


The Cluttered Soul…

“Nothing clutters the soul more than remorse, resentment and recrimination.”

– Norman Cousins – Author of Head First and Anatomy of an Illness.

My Dear Friends,

Our souls radiate our eternal essence.  I believe it’s how we find our soul mates, our soul sisters and kin.

Relinquishing painful experiences and learning how to “let-go” helps the soul be free to match up to other like souls.

It’s no coincidence one of the 3 golden organizing rules is to “keep like with like”  – this rule is designed so we may bring about harmony and peace in our life.

When our mind, our body, our environment is cluttered – our soul’s light becomes dull and cries out to shine and be healthy.  A cluttered soul invites and manifests illness – which can come in many forms of disease and disorders. If we took a moment to examine hoarding from this perspective, I think we would find some interesting information.

It is such an undeniably remarkable gift – our souls.  They are deserving of nourishment and light.

My prayer is that we can one day learn how to feed our souls bountifully to ward off anything that can remotely threaten our well-being.  This is my prayer.



Organizing The Clutter In Your Parent’s Life…

Expert Interview

Interested in learning more about Patricia’s strategies RIGHT NOW?

Click to play a FREE Five Minute Talk where Patricia reveals

how organization can be the key to healthy relationships!

How do you begin to get control over your parent’s affairs and all the clutter that they have accumulated over the years? And – how do you do this in a way that is collaborative and allows you to deal with the stress without going crazy? Attend this workshop and discover:

  • The 3 Golden Rules to managing the clutter.
  • It takes a Village to downsize a home: tips for collaborating on CLUTTER CONTROL.
  • How critical is it, really? The art of letting go.
  • SURVIVAL TIPS for managing your time and stress.

Date: October 12, 2010, 7-8:30 pm.