She Was A Client – Now She’s An Author

I talk to a lot of people who dream of becoming an Author.

As a Coach, I’m very familiar with the patterns that hold people back from making their dreams come true.

A common worry people have is: “Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say? What gives me the authority to write a book?”

Well, you know what I say about that:  “There’s a book inside of all of us. And this makes us qualified to write our little hearts out.”

You see, what holds most people back from fulfilling their wildest dream of writing a book is fear of rejection. But once the writer comes out – well, there’s no stopping these people.  They go on to being published authors!

Case in point:

Barbara, my client, had a long time dream of writing a book.  She battled with the same common worries of rejection. Consequently she doubted her writing ability and lacked self-confidence.

Most people would “Give Up!”  But, Not Barbara!


With the proper coaching and mentoring, she saw these struggles for what they were.  Just fears.  Once she started to learn the strategies and skill sets needed to pursue her writing dreams, Barbara soared!

Today she is the proud author of Memorare; Reflections on a Life of Love and Friendship


Now, instead of staying hidden in her fear, she is an inspiration to many people.

Yes, Barbara had to do the work, but the point is she learned how to push through her fears to get to her dreams.


See how this works?


So remember, you have a book inside of you too!


Now, let’s see how Barbara was able to turn this all around. Register below for my upcoming class where she will be sharing her inspirational story…


Live A Life On PURPOSE

Live a Life On PURPOSE

Living a life without purpose, no direction, no goals, is just existing.  It’s like going on a long journey without a compass.

When I see people living this way, I wonder to myself, what happened?  How did they forget about their talents, abilities, skills…their gifts?

Did you know that we all have special gifts.  Inside all of us, is a unique gift given to us.  Our job is to activate and employ our gifts.  Our gifts our also designed to be shared with others. They’re not meant to be kept to ourselves. Our gifts are meant to be expressed for the world to see just how different and unique we are.  Believe it or not, this motivates people for the common good when we do.  It also provides hope for people.

Here are some reasons why people don’t give their best in life:

They don’t know how (Lack a plan)
Feel inadequate (I can’t do this)
Guilt feelings (Living In the past)
Fear of failure (Giving Up)
Unwilling to make a commitment (Lack of responsibility)
Don’t have time (Poor management of time)
Comparing themselves to others (Worried what people think)

There are also times when we question our true purpose.  We can feel stuck and not sure of our direction.  Perhaps you are asking yourself some serious questions now. View these questions as opportunities to explore and discover new things about yourself.  Don’t be limited by your past, doubt or fear.

The world needs your special gifts, now more than ever.  Don’t waste your gifts, talents and time.  Begin today to commit to changing the way you live your life.

You can learn more about how to LIVE YOUR LIFE ON PURPOSE by clicking here.



Change Your Ways

It’s not always easy to just “change” our ways. Especially when we have been in the habit of doing the same thing over and over. The problem is that by not changing our “ways” we end up with the same results. This can leave us feeling disappointed when we are trying to achieve a life changing goal. 


Something that I found instrumental when I set out to “change” something is to figure out what is required of myself to make that change happen successfully.  By asking, ‘What am I currently doing that could be interfering with the progress of change?’  (What habit, routine, or pattern is blocking me from the change I so desire?) has been very helpful in identifying the inner work that I need to do.  When I am able to see that clearly, it helps me get realistic about the change I am seeking and how to go about it.


The key here is to think about how to break things down into a formula so the change doesn’t feel so overwhelming.  By looking inward first, we can then begin to take the outward steps that will lead us to the course of successful change.