Imagine If We Could Just Love And Care More

Sometimes when we’re feeling stuck or frustrated, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to focus on self-love and self-care.

This is not always easy for many people, especially if they have been living with physical clutter.  Clutter that hangs around too long tends to condition the way we think and feel about ourselves.

Limiting beliefs of “I’m not good enough or worthy of” can surface, which can sabotage our focus and deprive us of the very thing we need the most – love and care.

That’s where the power of mindfulness can help release these blocks and move you forward in a more positive way. This is just some of the criteria I cover in my Mindful Tools for Organized Living program.

Mindfulness Program All In One

I show you how to dig into where these limiting beliefs came from and how to rewrite them, and how to show up in life with your new story that embraces your authentic self.

We all need love and care, but more importantly, we need to give it to ourselves. Mindful Tools for Organized Living will show you how to do that and in the process unclutter your life – plain and simple.

I hope you’ll give it a try.



If You Are Struggling Read This

Photo By:  Danielle MacInnes

Recently someone who was struggling with getting organized wrote to me asking for help.

Here is some of what she wrote: ✍️

“Why can’t I get organized?
  I want nothing more than to be free from this clutter, but I can’t seem to do it.
I start, I stop.  Sometimes, the thought of it, even though it’s what I want, seems so overwhelming. 
If it’s something I want so much, then why can’t I do it?  What’s stopping me?  
Please help me understand this.  What am I not getting?”  🤔

Here’s part of my response to her:

“There can be many reasons why you may be experiencing overwhelm, especially when it’s a goal that is very important to you.  Without knowing your situation entirely, I will try to give you a better understanding of what may be the reason behind your lack of follow through with getting organized. 

There is a theory, one that I subscribe to, that beneath one’s clutter is the inability to forgive one’s self.  You see, buried underneath the clutter is a lot of life history, with raw emotion.  When we try to “deal” with the clutter, we are then reminded of our pain that was never healed.  This can be conscious or unconscious.

The truth is, we all make mistakes in life and have regret.  Unfortunately, people with clutter have difficulty with letting go of their past. They cling to their past with shame and guilt which only keeps them imprisoned.  They don’t realize that there is greatness in their brokenness.”

                   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –                     

Friends, forgiveness helps us make peace with what is and discover self-acceptance and grace.  Forgiveness allows us to move forward. 

I understand that coming to terms with brokenness and choosing to forgive yourself can seem like an impossible task.  But if you are struggling with your past, feeling overwhelmed and accumulating clutter, there are resources that can help you. 🔥🔥🔥

This is one of them:  CLICK  HERE

And Just Like That … I Changed

I just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. 

So I changed.

This is what it’s like for people who just can’t take the madness and chaos of clutter.  Be it physical or mental – clutter is clutter.The heaviness of clutter is painful. Dragging around all that “stuff” day after day and the crazy mental chatter that swirls around – it’s exhausting.

It takes courage to change, but it’s possible.

And I make it a hell of a lot easier with my Mindful Tools For Organized Living program.

Patricia Diesel is the creator of Mindful Tools For Organized Living.

A coaching program that rapidly speeds up your results to overcome clutter and keep you organized for good.

She is one of the most sought after organizing experts and clutter coaches in today’s modern world.

If you are willing to learn and open to being guided, then you will be successful with this program.  Each tool is designed to empower you to be deliberate and confident as you move through the process. It is possible to change and be organized.

End the heartache today and say “Yes” to clutter-free living!

Start by clicking HERE!

I Love What I Do – That’s Why I’m Teaching This Class!

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about my very special workshop, 7 Habits Of Organized People.
It’s coming up soon and in case you’re sitting on the fence on whether to register or not, this might help change your mind.

This workshop is so special for me because I love teaching people about the benefits of being organized. There are many reasons for this, but foremost, it’s because I know when people are organized they FEEL BETTER! 

Throughout my 20+ years of being a Clutter Coach, I can truthfully tell you that I have witnessed many situations that hurt my heart deeply.  It pains me when I see people hurting.

I made a promise to myself that I would always do my very best to help people live clutter-free. I’ve seen the devastating toll it takes on people’s well-being.  The stress alone from physical and mental clutter can be tragic.

In my upcoming class 7 Habits Of Organized People I will be sharing some fascinating new material that you can implement into your own life right away.  Not only will you be better organized, but you’ll gain peace of mind and a sense of relief.

I hope you’ll join me for this very special workshop. I’m going to do my best to make it brilliant!

You can register for the 7 Habits Of Organized People by CLICKING HERE!

The Inside Scoop On How To Be Organized


I have some inside scoop for you!

Would you like to know why some people have little or no clutter at all and are more organized?

There’s something they do that sets them apart from people who struggle with clutter and disorganization.

I can sum it up like this:


They are deliberate about what they own, buy and choose to keep.

They know what brings them joy and happiness based on utility and purpose.

So what about you?  Can you say the same or are you struggling?

If you have it under control, good for you!  But if you’re struggling, ask yourself:

Why am I buying this and why do I own it?Do I still need to keep this or would some one else use it?

In my upcoming class, 7 Habits of Organized People, I’ll help you get crystal clear on how to reduce your clutter and get super organized.

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

See ya in class soon!

7 Habits Of Organized People; A New Course

Do you ever wonder what’s different about a person who is organized from someone who is not?

If you’re like most people, you probably think it’s because they were “born” that way – it’s their gift.

But what if I told you that’s not the case at all.

There are solid reasons why some people are more organized than others.

The good news is that you can become better organized too! 

All you need to do is learn what stands them apart (what they’re doing differently from you) and follow what they’re doing.

And I’m going to make that very simple for you to do with my new course: 7 Habits Of Organized People.

I’m going to show you the top 7 Habits that highly productive people do that  make them efficient and super organized. 

If you’ve been struggling, beating your head against the wall, trying to figure out why you can’t “BE” organized like other people, this is the class for you – so don’t miss it!

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

It takes courage to crawl

It takes courage to crawl when you feel like you can’t move and everything is a struggle.

But remember, that one little movement, that tiny little crawl, can springboard change.

If you’re buried beneath the clutter, exhausted by the mental chaos, don’t underestimate the power you have inside of you! You’re stronger than you think.

Start with something just enough to get the wheels in motion – it doesn’t matter how small it is.

For now crawling is courage – remember that.  It’s okay.  Things will change with movement.

If you need support, you can check out my step-by-step program that can help ease the transition into clutter-free living.

Or if you’d like to schedule a complimentary call with me, you can simply CLICK HERE!


Let’s Lift Each Other Up

Think about how you can change a person’s energy just by doing the following:

Compliment them.
Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses.

Amazing things happen when a person feels confident and believed in.

Especially when undergoing a deep de-cluttering of life.

De-cluttering is a process and there will be times of doubt and struggle. By default, this is the time most people forget how strong they really are.

But we must remember what we are capable of. This is done by recalling all our successes and accomplishments and reliving the feeling.

Soon you’ll realize that de-cluttering is just another strength you will be able to demonstrate.

Then give back and lift another by magnifying their strengths.

I’m Teaching A New Class On How To Tame Your Stress

Did you know that an estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues and ailments? (American Psychological Association)

And did you also know that most clutter cases are usually stress-related as well?

In today’s society we are triggered by many things that leave us feeling stressed out.  The problem is, If we don’t learn how to deal with the stress it will eventually build up and manifest itself in unhealthy ways.

Stress does affect our body, mind and living environment.

I’m going to be teaching a class on how to tame the stress and calm the clutter.  If you’re interested, you can check it out by clicking on the link below.

With all my classes, I have limited amount of seating available, so be sure to register early to avoid being wait-listed.

See ya in class soon!


Mindful Tools For Organized Living

Mindfulness Program All In One


Have you ever tried to get something done that’s very important but your heart just isn’t into it?

It feels strange because it’s contradictory to what you’re saying you want to do, right? Part of you knows it would be such a relief and it makes so much sense, yet you just can’t seem to find the motivation to get it done.

Do you ever wonder why that is?

Well, here’s the thing. Your mind has a lot to do with how your heart is feeling.

You see, if you don’t have clear direction, a path with steps to follow, through to completion, your heart is simply not going to be into it.

I know it sounds funny, but it’s true.

If your mind doesn’t have clarity you will find yourself procrastinating. As Brendon Burchard would say, “Your heart is going to ask you to pause.”

In my program, Mindful Tools For Organized Living, I address this issue thoroughly because I know that most people who have clutter have problems with procrastination. I also know that frustration, stress and overwhelm is a result of not having clarity.

If you’re an on-line learner, Mindful Tools For Organized Living is a video tutorial that walks you through, step-by-step, the process of decluttering your life and Mindful Tool #5 specifically deals with how to overcome procrastination.

If you prefer one-on-one support, The Mindfulness Coaching program is your best choice for rapid results. If you’re interested in learning more about this, simply schedule a call with me HERE!

Either one is guaranteed to help you get out of your rut and on to being productive.

I hope this clears up the mystery a bit about “matters of the heart” and look forward to helping in any way I can.