Struggling With CLUTTER?

So many people struggle with clutter.


They don’t have to.


They can live clutter free.  There are options.


Yet, people by and large still struggle.


Why is that?



It’s a question that I have asked myself for years. In fact, I was so intrigued by this question that I found myself on a quest to find the answer. Unbeknown to me, I soon found that this one question was packed with more than I bargained for.


I wanted to know, understand, and come to terms with, ‘why human beings insist on struggling – even when they don’t have to?’


This question posed other questions for me.  Unleashing my deep desire to come to a better understanding of:


  • Why are so many people depressed?
  • Why do we feel anxious?
  • What are we all so afraid of?
  • Why is there so much imbalance in the world?
  • What is the human spirit capable of?


Which evolved into what I guess, one would say, a spiritual journey for me.


Over the years, I have received countless emails from people asking: What’s the secret to living a clutter-free life?


And with each inquiry my quest grew deeper.


I wanted to help these people.


I wanted to get them to a place where they could live in a home that was neat and clean.


I wanted them to stop worrying and feel at peace.


And most of all I wanted their pain to go away.  It broke my heart to see them suffer.


I wish I could tell you that I was able to figure out all the answers, but there are still many questions that remain open.


However, this spiritual journey that I speak of has served me well.  It has provided a richer understanding of why some people choose to free themselves of clutter while others remain stuck.


Yet, that didn’t stop my quest for trying to help those who are still struggling.


With compassion and tenacity, I created a program that is simple to implement for freeing your mind.


Mindful Tools For Organized Living is the most elite and complete, step-by-step program that will help you overcome your stress, overwhelm and procrastination.


All that is required is a few necessities:


  • You show up
  • You are committed
  • You keep an open mind
  • You embrace mentoring


With these requirements, everything else will fall neatly into place.


I am confident when I say; It is the only program you’ll ever need to finally get organized for good!


You can learn more about how this program can help you or a loved one here:


Black Friday Mania

Black Friday mania is here.

Everything is on sale, everything looks enticing, and everything is so tempting to buy, buy, buy.

But here’s the thing…

If you have an existing clutter problem, it’s a good idea to distinguish between what you will be purchasing versus what you will be investing in.

You see, a purchase can be a random, snap decision, based on impulse.  It’s something you see, want, buy and never really give too much thought about. Usually these purchases are stress related triggers and give you a negative return.

But, when you are truly making an investment in something, you are being mindful about your choice.  You’re considering why and how the investment will help you advance, overcome or improve some aspect of your life. The investment will give you a positive return.

Because I know the holidays are tempting times, I want to make sure that you have the right tools to keep you as organized as possible and as mindful as possible throughout the season.

My mindfulness program is designed to do just that.

And since it’s massively discounted, you will be saving on your investment that will give you a rapid return before 2019. Now that’s a bargain for Black Friday.

So if you want to live a stress-free, organized life, reduce your clutter for good, I’m going to suggest that you think about what’s most important to your overall well-being…

Gathering more stuff that will only clutter you up or making a sound investment that will improve the quality of your life?

Choose to be mindful.

Oh and by the way, the program has a money-back guarantee.  That’s how confident I am that you will be successful with your investment.  It’s a lifetime of savings.

PS:  If by chance you’re new to my community and have not purchased my book, Organically Yours

get it here and enjoy the extra bonus items to live a healthier, stress-free life.

Here’s to wise choices.

Giving “Thanks” Is Healthy

It’s that time of year again when family and friends gather to celebrate and give “Thanks” for their blessings in life.

I understand that not all holidays are easy for some of us. The festivities of the season can trigger memories that can make us feel melancholy and reflect back on a time when life may have been very different.

But consider this – If we can manage to adopt an attitude of gratitude and see things with a grateful heart, there’s something very beneficial we can experience.

Forbes magazine reports that it has been scientifically proven that giving thanks can improve your physical well-being. According to the source, a 2012 study showed that “grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and they report feeling healthier than other people.”

Also, one of the unexpected outcomes of expressing gratitude is that it boosts personal happiness.

This Thanksgiving, no matter what your circumstances, I wish you the blessings of an open heart to give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Did you know that holiday stress has a particular impact on women?
According to a US Holiday Stress Report, “Women generally take charge of many of the holiday celebrations, particularly the tasks related to preparing meals and decorating the home.In addition, they have a harder time relaxing during the holidays and are more likely to fall into bad habits to manage their stress, like comfort eating.”
The report also revealed that the holidays have an impact on lower middle income individuals. “This group feels the weight of stress from work plus the seasonal rush to find time to get everything done.In addition, their worries about money are heightened by the commercialism of the season and the pressure to spend a lot of money.”
Last week I offered a tel-class that covered holiday stress and I mentioned that I would be offering a follow-up workshop.
The goal of this workshop is to keep you mindful of your emotional triggers and  financial budget so you can enjoy the season without the additional stress and worry.
7:30-9:00 PM ET
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Workbook
  • Q&A Time
  • Recording for Future Reference
As my way of giving back to you during this season, I have priced this event at only $69.99
It is jam packed with incredible value that will keep on giving way beyond the holiday season.
I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

10 Principles of Healthy Living

Dear Friends,


Yes, the Holiday Season is one that brings joy and happiness as family and friends gather together.  We laugh, we share stories of times gone by and we reflect.  As the holidays settle down and we begin to think about the New Year to come, most of us consider ways to improve the quality of our lives.  Everyone’s agenda is different but I found there are some things we all have in common that we strive to have for a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some simple principles to help you along your way:

1.  breathe deeply

2.  drink water

3.  sleep peacefully

4.  eat nutritiously

5.  enjoy activity

6.  give and receive love

7.  be forgiving

8.  practice gratitude

9.  develop acceptance

10.. develop a relationship with God

Happy Holidays Dear Friends!

Holiday Tips to De-Stress

Looking for tips to help you de-stress during the holidays?

Holiday De-Stress Tips

Here are some ideas to help you along your way:

  • Nurture Yourself: Set aside relaxation time – (yes, I am serious – make the time to relax – take a bubble bath, light scented candles, curl up to a good book.)
  • Spend time with positive people who enhance your life – (during the holidays we may have to be around people who cause us stress – so connecting with people you really like at this time is important.)
  • Do something you enjoy every day – (this will help balance you out and lift your spirits – go for a walk, play with your pet, meditate.)
  • Keep your sense of humor – (now come on, you know laughter is the best medicine of all – watch a good comedy, call a friend who always makes you laugh –  remember to just keep smiling)

And remember, try not to get too caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays – they are meant to be enjoyed!

Happy Holidays!

The Best Time Is Now!

Can you believe we are already at the end of 2013?
This made me think about the things I accomplished this year as well as my future goals for the upcoming year.
I was wondering if you were thinking about your goals too?
If you are anything like me, come New Year’s Morning I have HIGH hopes and aspirations for the year.
All types of things buzz around my mind that excite me.
Let me ask you now…
  • How’s that organizing project going – did you complete it?
  • Did you overcome your procrastination?
  • Are you managing your tasks more effectively?
  • Have you been able to balance out your life?
  • Are you living clutter free?
  • Have you been able to improve that relationship that means so much to you?

Well, if you’re like 97% of the population your answer to the above questions will be no.

But I don’t want you to be part of that 97% population – I want you to stand out and succeed.

I have a little secret I want to share with you – NOW is actually the best time to go after all you want – Do NOT wait until New Year’s Morning to begin thinking about your goals – do it NOW!

I will PERSONALLY  help you get a jump start on your goals absolutely FREE of charge with a 30 minute coaching session!

With this powerful 30 minute coaching session you will leave with:

  • Written positive outcomes for the New Year.
  • A new awareness of what is causing many of your challenges that’s holding you back from achieving your goals right now (It may not be what you think!)
  • A renewed sense of energy about the New Year to come and what you can expect.
  • A “next” step action plan for moving your goals along with commitment, motivation and passion.

Email me now for your FREE session @ [email protected]  and someone from my team will be in contact with you within 24 hours.

With love,

Patricia Diesel

The New Year Buzz


It’s almost time to “ring in” the New Year…

and the most popular buzz that’s humming around town for a resolution is:

“To live a simpler lifestyle.”

Now I knew it would only be a matter of time before this idea caught on, and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for anyone who is considering reducing their stress level.  I am a firm believer that by living a simpler lifestyle you can reap many benefits, such as overall health and wellness.

But unfortunately most people have misconceptions about how to go about this and end up overwhelmed, thus causing them to break their goal for the New Year.

Living simply can be implemented once you have a simpler state of mind – which can begin with a fresh perspective on considering the lifestyle you want to live.

One mantra in particular I found helpful for awareness is “less is more.”   Try thinking about how to apply this in all aspects of your life and then choose something small to begin building on.

Sometimes purging areas of your life can be the catalyst to living a simpler lifestyle!

Happy Holidays From Me To You!


Dear Readers,

I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and prosperity for the New Year!

I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and look forward to continuing our relationship in the new year.

My wish for you is that you may find inner simplicity that connects with your passion.

My Very Best,






Holiday Tips for Tipping

Holiday Tips for Tipping

Regardless of our economic state of affairs, some things simply do not change.  There is this expectation of us to be generous during the holidays to the people who provide us service – and rightfully so.

The question then becomes, who are the folks we should be tipping and what is the appropriate amount? In addition, if we are facing financial challenges, what can we offer in lieu of this?

If you think about it, end-of-the-year gratuities are a way to say thank you to the people we appreciate because they make our lives better, happier or simpler in some fashion.

Etiquette authorities state that there are simple ground rules you follow to help determine how much you should give, such as:

  • Quality of service
  • Frequency of service
  • How long you have used the service
  • Regional custom
  • Your budget

Now let’s take a look at some of the service providers that may be applicable for you to tip:

  • Barber
  • Cleaning Person
  • Hairdresser
  • Mail Carrier
  • Manicurist
  • Pet Care Provider
  • Sanitation Worker

With respect to how much is appropriate to tip, according to a poll by Consumer Reports, the average starting tip was $15.00 going up to $50.00 based on your history with that person. Here again, if money is tight and you have to be selective, it may help to consider who really needs it the most.

There are other ways to let someone know how much you appreciate them and to say thank you.  Sometimes a handwritten note with heartfelt words speaks volumes.  Home baked goods are always a sweet treat that people love to receive.  Remember, it’s the quality of your acknowledgement that makes a lasting impression.

Tip:  When frequenting your favorite restaurant, tipping the wait staff, maitre d’ and bartender are all acceptable.  You never know, you just may find your service and table location improves.