How To Be More Efficient Without Stressing Out





How to bring more ‘positivity’ into your life

Let’s talk a little bit about “positivity”…

Positivity is the ability to meet challenges and situations in life with an “I can do it,” “I’ll figure it out,” “Things will work out,” attitude.

Now here’s the thing…

It’s not that people with positive attitudes don’t face the same disappointments, challenges and stressors in life that everyone else does.  Not at all.

The difference is that they choose to find a productive and positive way to cope and respond to challenges.

Studies have shown that positive thinking brings positive responses in your body which can boost your mood and diminish stress.

Again, we all have stressors in our life, but by practicing the power of positivity the more likely it will be that you will enjoy a sense of well-being.

Here’s a very powerful exercise you can do immediately to help you feel more positive:

  • Make a list (yes, write it down) of all the things that are going well in your life, of the things that bring you joy and the things you are grateful for.
  • Make an effort to read it first thing in the morning and before going to bed.  Also, place it in a place during the day where you can read it often.
  • Why is this important?  Because by focusing on the aspects of your life that are going well for you can promote a positive attitude in the rest of your life.

Now here’s a little suggestion.  If you are struggling right now and the idea of “positivity” seems far-fetched, it could be that you just need a little mental clarity.  So I’m going to invite you to schedule a FREE one-on-one call with me so I can explain how the mind clearing exercise (you know, the one that people are raving about) can be your new best friend.

Just click the link below and rest assured that soon you will feel lighter, have a sense of peace and yes, be  more positive.


How To Re-Focus And Find Simplicity In The New Normal


As the country slowly starts to open up, there are still many challenges and adjustments ahead, as people start to get back to work – new procedures and protocols will have to be put in place.
Therefore, we will need to become more mindful of our personal habits and learn how to adapt as we get used to the “NEW NORMAL.”

Now more than ever, you need to be ORGANIZED because these changes will influence your home and work environment. It is ESSENTIAL that you sharpen your skills for focus, self-discipline, and time management.

And it’s equally important to keep things as SIMPLE as possible!
A brief overview of what you’ll learn in the workshop:
  • Mind Hacks:  To overcome stress and overwhelm and maintain a positive attitude
  • Clutter Solutions: To control clutter overload in your home and work space
  • ​Motivational Tips: To ensure self-care remains a top priority for your wellness
  • Safety Strategies:  To establish new boundaries and healthy habits
  • Skill Sets: To manage your time efficiently for focus and productivity

Now more than ever you need to learn the skills to navigate your way through The New Normal.  Being organized is just one of them.

Learn more about this very special workshop by clicking the link below:




In A Funk?

So, you’re in a funk, huh?

Let’s look at some reasons why this happens and how to get yourself out of it.

Fatigue:  It’s Time For Recovery

Your body is telling you that it needs better care.  Fatigue can feel like a bad hangover, only this hangover is from lack of sleep and a poor diet.  Pay attention to how you are managing your body. Treat your body like a Temple.

Reaction:  Understand Your Triggers

What are you reacting to – Rude comments? Negative thoughts? Past sadness? Upsetting email? Your triggers can cause overwhelm and stress. Journal your feelings to release and get clear.

Rumination:  Move Around

Are negative thoughts playing over and over in your head – like a merry-go-round you can’t get off of?  When this happens you need to interrupt the pattern by moving around or changing your location.  Get up, move, stretch, bounce around,  go for a walk or run.  Just move.

Here are some additional things you can do:

Set an intention for the next hour.  What would be a win for you?  What will make you feel better so you’re back in charge? (not the negative thoughts) How can you take back control?  It could be something very simple. Little things go a long way.

Turn on the positivity.  Listen to a podcast, audio book, youtube, read a book.  This helps reset your mind.

Tackle an action.  Make the bed, clean your desk, do the laundry, empty the dishwasher. Anything that makes you feel productive will help shake the funk.

Share your feelings.  Don’t be afraid to confide in someone with how you’re feeling.  Seek professional support if needed.

PS:  Be mindful of your clutter build up during this time.  If you need support you can schedule a FREE call with me by CLICKING HERE.


Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life

On a scale of 1 to 10, how content are you with the feeling of being organized in your life right now?

Let’s assume 10 would be if you had everything just the way you wanted it – everything had a place and everything was in its place. You could locate whatever you needed without wasting time, you could have people over at the drop of a hat without stressing and you felt joy in knowing your place brought you peace of mind.

With being organized at that high water mark, where would you say you are at today?

Is it a 7? Or an 8? Higher? Lower?

And considering where your organized life is, do you have a concrete plan for moving up on the scale?

The first step to getting to a level 10 from wherever it is now, is to truly believe it is possible. That’s the first step to overcoming resistance.

To that end, I believe that if you are at a level 1 you can make the best of every situation you are in …

But you must be willing to seize opportunity when it knocks on your door.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because I like to begin my week doing something that will motivate me for the week ahead. So here’s what I have in store for this week:

Today I am giving away my private notes to “Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life.” All you have to do is click on the link below to schedule a FREE call with me and I’ll personally review my notes with you.

Here’s you chance to move up the scale! Opportunity is here – open the door!


If You Are Struggling Read This

Photo By:  Danielle MacInnes

Recently someone who was struggling with getting organized wrote to me asking for help.

Here is some of what she wrote: ✍️

“Why can’t I get organized?
  I want nothing more than to be free from this clutter, but I can’t seem to do it.
I start, I stop.  Sometimes, the thought of it, even though it’s what I want, seems so overwhelming. 
If it’s something I want so much, then why can’t I do it?  What’s stopping me?  
Please help me understand this.  What am I not getting?”  🤔

Here’s part of my response to her:

“There can be many reasons why you may be experiencing overwhelm, especially when it’s a goal that is very important to you.  Without knowing your situation entirely, I will try to give you a better understanding of what may be the reason behind your lack of follow through with getting organized. 

There is a theory, one that I subscribe to, that beneath one’s clutter is the inability to forgive one’s self.  You see, buried underneath the clutter is a lot of life history, with raw emotion.  When we try to “deal” with the clutter, we are then reminded of our pain that was never healed.  This can be conscious or unconscious.

The truth is, we all make mistakes in life and have regret.  Unfortunately, people with clutter have difficulty with letting go of their past. They cling to their past with shame and guilt which only keeps them imprisoned.  They don’t realize that there is greatness in their brokenness.”

                   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –                     

Friends, forgiveness helps us make peace with what is and discover self-acceptance and grace.  Forgiveness allows us to move forward. 

I understand that coming to terms with brokenness and choosing to forgive yourself can seem like an impossible task.  But if you are struggling with your past, feeling overwhelmed and accumulating clutter, there are resources that can help you. 🔥🔥🔥

This is one of them:  CLICK  HERE

Sometimes Waiting & Holding On Causes More Damage



I love this quote…


Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.
~ Debasish Mridha


Far too often we wait on taking action that could be serving our highest good.


And by waiting, it prevents us from moving forward and getting our “stuff” done.


It’s like holding on to “things”  that no longer serve our needs or purpose.


All it does is keep us in a cycle of stagnation and clutter.


Waiting too long or holding on too tight can keep us in a bad relationship, a crummy job, and stifles us from pursuing our passion.


And when we live in the past all we do is continually reprogram our mind to stay there. That’s because its job is to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed.  Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept.


This is why motivational activities, positive affirmations, and mindfulness programs are so impactful for people who want to change the course of their life.


So today, I’d like to encourage you to stop waiting and holding on and step into a new way of thinking…


Click Here To Let Go Of The Past And See What’s Possible For You


Because sometimes waiting and holding on does more damage than letting go.


Click Here To To Let Go Of The Past And See What’s Possible For You

And remember…


An uncluttered life is a beautiful life!

Get Organized: De-clutter & Streamline Your Life


Please join me at the Ridgewood Public Library!

I’ll be showing you how to get organized by de-cluttering and streamlining your life!


October 1, 2019, Tuesday, 7-8:30 PM

You can get all the details HERE!


Want a secret weapon to reduce your stress?

Want a secret weapon for relieving stress? Get organized.

It’s pretty much common knowledge that clutter can drain your energy. A cluttered home – a cluttered mind. But clutter also drains your finances and schedule, which we refer to as the hidden cost of clutter. Not only does it affect your energy and pocketbook, it ultimately creates a chaotic life.

Putting in the effort to get organized by establishing healthy habits, (especially if the disorganization and clutter extends to multiple areas of your life) can help reduce stress tremendously. Just think how stressful it is when you’re scrambling at the last-minute looking for your things or you show up late for a meeting because you lost track of time.

Being organized on the other hand, can leave you feeling empowered. Facing the day prepared can actually minimize the strength and duration of your stress. The key is to reduce your triggers in the first place.
Getting organized doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are a few habits you can learn right away, such as:

• Everything in its place and a place for everything. (And that place should make sense.)
• Keep like with like.
• Dedicate 20 minutes to a task each day.

To reduce your stress, consider how organized you need to be. While you may not need your books alphabetized or have every minute scheduled in your calendar, adopting a few good habits could go a long way.

In case you haven’t heard, I’m teaching a class on the 7 Habits Of Organized People. If you want to minimize your stress and learn some pretty cool strategies, put this class on your calendar! Although I won’t be addressing how to color coordinate your clothes or line up your shoes and handbags, I can promise that you will walk away with a closet full of valuable information.

Reduce your stress by CLICKING HERE!

I Love What I Do – That’s Why I’m Teaching This Class!

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about my very special workshop, 7 Habits Of Organized People.
It’s coming up soon and in case you’re sitting on the fence on whether to register or not, this might help change your mind.

This workshop is so special for me because I love teaching people about the benefits of being organized. There are many reasons for this, but foremost, it’s because I know when people are organized they FEEL BETTER! 

Throughout my 20+ years of being a Clutter Coach, I can truthfully tell you that I have witnessed many situations that hurt my heart deeply.  It pains me when I see people hurting.

I made a promise to myself that I would always do my very best to help people live clutter-free. I’ve seen the devastating toll it takes on people’s well-being.  The stress alone from physical and mental clutter can be tragic.

In my upcoming class 7 Habits Of Organized People I will be sharing some fascinating new material that you can implement into your own life right away.  Not only will you be better organized, but you’ll gain peace of mind and a sense of relief.

I hope you’ll join me for this very special workshop. I’m going to do my best to make it brilliant!

You can register for the 7 Habits Of Organized People by CLICKING HERE!