You Are Enough!

I recently attended a Master Class on dealing with rejection.

I had no idea what to expect but I was open to learning and was excited to take the class.

When I tell you that the experience I had was nothing short of profound, I truly mean it.

When I left the class, I walked away feeling “full.”  Full of knowledge, yes, but also an enormous amount of validation that I am “ENOUGH.”

The most beautiful words to my ears were:

“You are enough as you are, mess and all, beautiful and broken, showing up for your life every day.

That’s all you have to be and all you have to do. You’re already enough.”

Melisa Wilkins

My Dear Friends, let me tell you, you are more than enough! 

If you’re feeling broken and messy, that’s okay.  The truth is, we’re all broken and messy in some way.  But that doesn’t mean we’re not enough.

Buying “things” and surrounding yourself with excess “stuff” will  not give you the self-worth you are seeking. All it does is mask the pain and leave you with self-rejection and clutter.

In my upcoming class, 7 Habits Of Organized People, I’m going to show you one particular habit that will address feelings of lack and give you a better understanding of how to work through it.

If you want to dive deep with me, this is the class for you!

You can get all the details by clicking HERE!

I hope you’ll join me!

The Inside Scoop On How To Be Organized


I have some inside scoop for you!

Would you like to know why some people have little or no clutter at all and are more organized?

There’s something they do that sets them apart from people who struggle with clutter and disorganization.

I can sum it up like this:


They are deliberate about what they own, buy and choose to keep.

They know what brings them joy and happiness based on utility and purpose.

So what about you?  Can you say the same or are you struggling?

If you have it under control, good for you!  But if you’re struggling, ask yourself:

Why am I buying this and why do I own it?Do I still need to keep this or would some one else use it?

In my upcoming class, 7 Habits of Organized People, I’ll help you get crystal clear on how to reduce your clutter and get super organized.

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

See ya in class soon!

7 Habits Of Organized People; A New Course

Do you ever wonder what’s different about a person who is organized from someone who is not?

If you’re like most people, you probably think it’s because they were “born” that way – it’s their gift.

But what if I told you that’s not the case at all.

There are solid reasons why some people are more organized than others.

The good news is that you can become better organized too! 

All you need to do is learn what stands them apart (what they’re doing differently from you) and follow what they’re doing.

And I’m going to make that very simple for you to do with my new course: 7 Habits Of Organized People.

I’m going to show you the top 7 Habits that highly productive people do that  make them efficient and super organized. 

If you’ve been struggling, beating your head against the wall, trying to figure out why you can’t “BE” organized like other people, this is the class for you – so don’t miss it!

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

I’m Teaching A New Class On How To Tame Your Stress

Did you know that an estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues and ailments? (American Psychological Association)

And did you also know that most clutter cases are usually stress-related as well?

In today’s society we are triggered by many things that leave us feeling stressed out.  The problem is, If we don’t learn how to deal with the stress it will eventually build up and manifest itself in unhealthy ways.

Stress does affect our body, mind and living environment.

I’m going to be teaching a class on how to tame the stress and calm the clutter.  If you’re interested, you can check it out by clicking on the link below.

With all my classes, I have limited amount of seating available, so be sure to register early to avoid being wait-listed.

See ya in class soon!


A Class On Procrastination

Is procrastination getting the best of you? 

In the words of Brendon Burchard (the world’s leading productivity coach):

“Procrastination basically means you are not doing what you know you need to do when you know you need to do it. It’s putting things off because in the short term, it’s easier, it’s more comfortable and it’s more certain.”

The truth of the matter is, we all procrastinate.  We do it because at times it feels more pleasurable to be distracted or to indulge ourselves in doing something else, than it is to sit down and do the actual work to create the outputs that matter when they are needed.

Personally, when I start to procrastinate it’s usually a sign that I’m feeling overwhelmed and I need a break.  Sometimes that’s easier said than done though.  That’s when I have to give myself permission to walk away for a period of time and find something as a substitute to recharge myself.

But what about when procrastination feels as if it’s getting the best of you and you’re feeling stuck –  then what? 

Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to bite off more than you can handle by trying to figure out how you can conquer procrastination all at once.  But what I do think is healthy is trying to figure out a way to set yourself up to do less of it. 

Make sense?  If you agree, I’d like to invite you to a workshop that I’m hosting on-line where I’ll be showing you three ways to deal with your procrastination so you can be productive.

All you have to do is click on the below link to register. 


PS:  This topic tends to be a popular one that most people can relate to and need help with.   Early registration is advised to prevent being wait listed.  

Is Clutter Really In The Eyes Of The Beholder?

As a clutter coach who specializes in hoarding, I take heed for good reason when I hear the statement, “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder.”

The above statement references that for some there’s a level of comfort they find with their messiness and what one may consider messy another may not.

Now, if we are talking about households that periodically get out of order, or people who are not so organized but their disorder doesn’t interfere with the quality of their life, then yes, the statement carries weight.  Different people are comfortable with different degrees of  clutter.

How one chooses to live their life is their business, one may say, and although I would tend to agree, I would also have to argue that this is true up until a point as it pertains to clutter.  I say this because excessive clutter does interfere with the quality of one’s life and loved ones.

Clutter can be dangerous and a hazard for tripping and falling.  Mold and toxins grow beneath and on the clutter and are released into the air that cause breathing and health problems. And clutter can prevent a person from utilizing their home in the way it is supposed to be intended, i.e., cooking in the kitchen, sleeping in the bed, bathing in the bathroom.

Now there’s a reason why people have extreme clutter and that goes into whether or not they are hoarding their stuff or there are other reasons behind it.  But studies do show that hoarding affects up to 6 percent of the population or 19 million Americans.

To see if any red flags are raised for you, ask yourself questions like these:

  • Do you buy many of the same things over time, because you can’t find what you already have?
  • Does your stuff prevent you from having people over?
  • Are you late paying bills because you can’t find your bills?
  • Does someone complain about your stuff? Does it cause family fights?
  • Are you able to utilize your rooms they way they are designed to be used for cooking, sleeping, bathing?
  • Are there narrow “goat trails” in your house to walk through between tall mounds of stuff?
  • Are you experiencing financial hardship due to excessive shopping?
  • Has your hobby of collecting turned into an obsession of acquiring?

People often tell me that after they de-clutter (which can include their space, desk, office, home, etc.) it comes back. What I tell them is that “it” isn’t the problem – your habits are. So if your clutter is returning you need to figure out what you’re doing that’s causing the clutter to begin with.

If you’re questioning whether or not your “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder” or something more, I would like to invite you to a conference call on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm et.  It’s absolutely FREE and will be a very relaxed discussion where you can ask me anything you’d like.

All you have to do is simply click on the link below to register.


I look forward to the call.  Talk to you soon!









Since so many of you have requested that I host an On-Line Support Group, I am pleased to announce that commencing January 2017 we will go LIVE!

I am super excited about developing an on-line forum that will inspire and empower all members.  The goal is to create a community for like minded individuals centered around personal and professional development.

I invite you to review the details surrounding this On-Line Support Group.  If you feel this is a good fit for you, I encourage you to complete the Membership Application and register with payment as space is limited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!

With love and support,

Patricia Diesel

(908) 642-1226



Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

The On-Line Support Group will commence January of 2017.

We will meet the 2nd Monday of every month from 7:30-8:30 pm et

Each month I will select a new topic as an educational venue.

Each month I will present a slide presentation supporting the topic of conversation.  This will be a very interactive participation and round-robin type opportunity to share, discuss, explore the topic and how it relates to your personal and professional life.

The On-Line Support Group is a Membership Platform that Requires an Annual Commitment. (Please read membership application)

Membership Fee is $25.00 per month which is $300.00 per year.  You have several options to make your investment into the group.

1.  Pay a full one year term of $300.00
2.  Pay two installments.  One now and the 2nd in 6 months of $175.00
3.  Pay monthly – one month in advance of $35.00 each month.

Please select from one of the following payment links to activate your Membership:



Finally Organized Forever

If you could manifest an environment that you know deep down you’d REALLY like to live in, what would that look like for you?

You see, most people “lie” to themselves when they think about how cluttered and disorganized they really are.  They say “If I could only get rid of a few things then my space (and life) would look and “be” so much better. 

So they trick themselves into believing that if they take a few bags of “things” out of their home they are more organized, so therefore life is good again.  (Which is one of the reasons why we tend to stay cluttered – physically & emotionally.)


If you’d like to finally get organized ALLLL the way to where your environment is echoing organization and you feel at peace with your life – once and for all


You would like to get my personal support as well as peer support to make it happen, then you MUST register for this tel-class.  In this class, I will be explaining the details of my upcoming on-line workshop.

Details such as:

*How to create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you’ll be living in your neat, tidy & organized environment.

*How to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts and keeping you cluttered.

*How to gain outside perspective by sharing your struggles without worry, shame or guilt.

*How to access support so you don’t have go it alone and feel isolated or overwhelmed.

This is going to be an awesome workshop that will provide you with extraordinary tools to help keep you clutter free once and for all.

So if you are interested in FINALLY GETTING ORGANIZED FOR REAL then don’t delay – register now for this tel-class!

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it

Here’s your chance – and I hope you will take it!  I look forward to you being on the call.

Always My Best,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Behind Closed Doors

Do you peer out your front door with a heavy heart when someone comes knocking?

If your answer is yes…

May I ask you to please search deep within your heart for the answer to this next question:


What are you truly afraid of? 

It is my Soul's calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.

It is my Soul’s calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.


 Please know this: 

My heart is never still knowing that you are experiencing clutter. For I know clutter creates fear, pain and shame.

It is my soul’s calling to help you.

I can’t promise you that it will always be easy but I can promise you that it does get better in time.

Please register for this upcoming class.

Allow me to share with you all the reasons why you should come out from Behind Closed Doors.

Register Here


I am going to make it short, sweet and very simple…

Spring is here and it’s time to get a fresh, clean perspective on how to get your life organized.

This is a FREE Tel-Class where you can ask me all your questions.



I am sure there are things you want to know such as:

  • Where do I start?
  • How do I begin?
  • Which project should I choose first?
  • How do I get on top of my paper work?
  • Should I begin in my office or home first?
  • What do I do when I start to feel overwhelmed?
  • How do I get back on track?
  • How much does it really cost to hire a Professional Organizing Coach?
  • I have so much clutter, how can I get out from all this mess? 
  • Where do I bring my things that I want to let go of? 

And the list goes on I am sure, but that’s okay – ask away!

Hope you will join me for this opportunity.


With love,
