Life’s Golden Ticket

In Brendon Burchard’s inspirational novel, Life’s Golden Ticket, he talks about this particular character who’s life isn’t going too well.  His business is falling apart, his relationship with his Fiance, (who he loves deeply) is on it’s last leg, and he’s financially struggling.

I think it’s a fair assessment to say that in some aspect we can all relate to this character.  And because of this I would like to share the rest of this story with you.  (I will do my best to reenact.)
The Lion Tamer

So the story continues with this character going to an Amusement Park. While at the Park, he somehow gets thrown into a Lion Cage.  Now he’s obviously freaking out and doesn’t understand what’s happening.  He looks up and he sees a Lion Tamer perched up high on a red box.As he’s trying to make sense of it all he realizes the Lion Tamer is releasing Lions into the Cage.  Now he’s really, really, flipping out.  The Lions are getting closer and closer – they can smell his FEAR!

Now the Lions start swatting and pouncing on him.  He’s laying there in a fetal position trying to protect himself and he’s thinking, “This is it, this is the end of my life.” Then all of a sudden the Lions just stop.  They get off of him and start walking away.  He can’t believe it.Dazed and confused, he stands up, looks around and he sees the Lion Tamer again.  He thinks to himself, “I wonder what made him call the Lions off.”  As he turns his head to watch the last of the Lions walking away, he sees his Fiance at the other end of the cage.  He realizes the Lions left him to go and attack her!

At this point, something takes over and he musters up all the strength he has and runs towards the Lions and starts yelling at them, “Get Back, Get Back” as he’s pushing them back as hard as he can.  He can’t believe it.  He has no idea where this strength is coming from, but it’s working.

As the Lions are walking away he goes to get his Fiance, but he can’t find her.  She’s nowhere to be found.  Was she just a vision?  Dazed and confused once more, he again looks up to the Lion Tamer and the the Lion Tamer says:

“You Finally Found Something Worth Fighting For!”

The morale of the story is sometimes we need something worth fighting for to change the course of our life.  To make the difference for us. Especially when we may feel that our life is not going so well.

So the question for you Dear Friend is:

What’s worth fighting for in your life?

Sometimes when life feels out of balance and uncertain we need to be reminded that we all have something deep within that’s worth fighting for.  My coaching programs are designed to help you do just that.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.


Patricia Diesel, CPC


Sharing The Love

Whenever a client reaches their goal…well, it’s like a mini “Love Fest” breaks out.  They get all excited, I get all happy and overjoyed, it’s a great feeling!


Peggy's Empty Storage Unit
Sharing The Love
My client Peggy set out on a mission.  And that mission was to empty the contents of her 9×10 storage unit and finally be free.  Free to keep only what was necessary and mainstream back into her life and say no and good-bye to the rest.

Now mind you, when Peggy first called me she was feeling overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin or how to start.  Initially she didn’t even believe it was possible.


Peggy and I met in our weekly telephone sessions and devised a plan.  One that felt realistic, manageable and doable. Together we set an agenda, created next steps, and devised a schedule.

She stayed committed to the process and was 100% on board with being held accountable. Was it always easy?  No of course not!  But that’s the awesome part of being coached.  Coaching provides you with a mentor to help you get through it, cheering you on all the way.  Reminding you that yes, yes, you can do it!

As Peggy so beautifully put it…

“Instruction is wonderful, but encouragement brings it to life!”

So here’s to Peggy and all her hard work…

Peggy, you are simply AMAZING!

Endurance and Passion – Finding The Winner In You


It’s interesting to me how I view the words endurance and passion so differently since I began the Simplify Me Challenge.

Although it’s understood that endurance represents staying power, patience, and to some level survival, I never realized that I had the ability to stay within the confines of these words to help bring out the winner in me.

What I mean by this is typically when I would have “enough” of something, I would choose to stop or let it go.  But this time, this challenge has brought out something bigger within me that I cannot give up just because I feel like it.  There is something that has stirred within me that is almost primal – the desire and the need to fight.

I guess that’s where the word passion comes in.  I used to equate this word with love and romance for another person,  a career or hobby.  I understand that passion is about excitement, delight and somewhat of an obsession to a point, however, what I am beginning to see is this passion has expanded into something bigger, almost viral, that has managed to seep into my very core.  For the first time, I am feeling passionate about me.

It’s a new feeling that I am getting acquainted with and although at times I internally kick and scream through my challenge, I feel amazingly blessed that I am learning so much more about myself and how I can use this experience to help my clients even more.

The brutal truth is for years I have championed my clients through their life’s turbulence.  Steering and directing them  through the chaos, helping them reclaim order once again.  Witnessing their inner strength, watching them claim their victory and feel like a winner has brought me much joy for which I am eternally grateful and I know has contributed to my business success.

But this current journey is teaching me so much more.  It is helping me push myself to limits I never knew existed within me.  It’s making me fight for the winner that has been trapped inside and waiting to get out.  It’s bringing me to uncharted areas of my life that is making me believe on a much deeper dimension my favorite quote by Emily Dickinson…

“Dwell In Possibility” for when you do, you will find the winner in you!

Always my best,









I Am Taking My Own “Simplify Me” Challenge!

I am going to be taking my own “Simplify Me” Challenge!

I have decided it’s time to make some changes in my life.  These changes have been long thought out, debated, and swirled around enough to marinate for quite some time.

And I am now ready to implement them.

What has prompted this need for change?

Well for starters I believe in the power of manifesting what you believe in.  I believe we have the ability to attract positive and negative energy into our lives, therefore this will determine what type of experiences we have.

I have come to realize that I was carrying around some limited beliefs about myself that ultimately were hurting me and not helping to create the life I truly want and now feel I deserve.

Now that I understand the power behind our thoughts and spoken words, I also realize how precious a gift it is to be able to manifest our desires.  It is not something I take lightly.

In order for me to begin the journey of “simplifying my life” I recognize that I have parts of my being that need to be in check.  Simply meaning, I feel it necessary to do the work that is needed to be of sound mind, body and spirit.

One of the ways that I would like to share my journey with you my dear friends is by letting you read my everyday journal postings here on my blog about it and in other social media settings such as Facebook and Twitter.

Starting Monday, June 25, 2012 I will be waking at 5:15 am for four mornings out of seven to embark on my workout routine.  Stephanie, who will be working as my fitness coach from the BarMethod has been heaven sent.  I liked her from the moment I met her and secretly stashed that away for future reference.  Something in me new that this day would come.

You see, I tried the the program before and although I did see immediate results, I simply was not ready to be held accountable or committed to the process of change.  I am confident that I have what it takes to make the transformation and am not only excited about it, but thankful.

Will it kick my ass?  Yes!

Am I up for the challenge?  You bet!

So what prompted the need to simplify my life to bring about the change I so desire?

‘ll let you in on a private secret …But only if you can break the code.

It’s a three word sentence.  The first word is one letter.  The second word is four letters and the third word is two letters.

Let me know what you think it may be…(I’m listening!)

It is my sincere hope that through my journey you will break your own code and come to live a life of simplicity.




10 Principles of Healthy Living

10 Principles of Healthy Living

Sometimes when I think about what is really required to live a simple life, it always comes back to these basic principles.  For without these, life will be difficult.


10 Principles of Healthy Living

  1. Breathe deeply
  2. Drink water
  3. Sleep peacefully
  4. Eat nutritiously
  5. Enjoy activity
  6. Give and receive love
  7. Be forgiving
  8. Practice gratitude
  9. Develop acceptance
  10. Develop a relationship with God

Friendship Blessing

What a gift to have such a Friendship Blessing!

Holding Hands

“But oh, the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearless on any subject; with whom one’s deepest as well as one’s most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely.

Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person – having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.


(PS – I Love You!)



Unclutter Your Love – Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unclutter Your Love – Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012 is going to be a class you won’t ever forget.

It’s February – the month of LOVE.

I for one, particularly love the concept of Valentine’s Day, but I don’t necessarily think it has to be just for “lovers.”  I think sharing the love with our family and friends can go a long way.

It is in this spirit that I think this month is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to make your relationships better than ever.


Unclutter Your Love - Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This Tuesday, I am offering a ground-breaking tel-class, Unclutter Your Love based on a current book that I am writing and my years of experience helping people overcome their physical and emotional clutter..

We will be having a relationship expert/family therapist as our guest speaker as we delve into root causes and explore tips on how to organize your way back to love.

I know, it’s so exciting – so if I were you I wouldn’t miss out and I would Register Now!

This exciting event will explore the following topics:

  • Messy or neat….who wins?
  • How we may be expressing anger, sadness or disappointment through clutter
  • Exposing the real conflict
  • The strategy of compromise
  • How to set your boundaries without crossing the line
  • The secret to effective communication
  • Bridging the gap with humor
  • The powerful effect of happiness
  • Agreeing on a lifestyle that works for both of you
  • Asking yourself the tough questions

I am always interested in teaching new topics to my clients and think this one will be really instrumental in helping you and your loved ones.

Don’t miss out on learning how to Unclutter Your Love!





Thankful Traditions For The Holidays

Tips to Balance Your Life and be Thankful for this Holiday

The word tradition comes from the Latin word – traditio – which means “to teach.”  Holiday Traditions are about handing down something we believe in from generation to generation.   Traditions are so important because it is a way we can express to our loved ones how much they mean to us. Think of it as having a built in ritual or routine we can rely on that allows us to bond with our families. At the end of the day, we can always say we are thankful – but having traditions around the holidays is a way to make us feel special and create memories that are priceless.

Here are 3 traditions that can help you create memories:

  1.  Round Robin

Everyone holds hands around the dinner table and each person takes a turn to express their feelings and give thanks.

  1.  The White Envelope

You can decorate your tree or simply give out a white envelope that encloses something you know that person would like, i.e., gift certificate, tickets to a show, etc.  A budget is predetermined and everyone is equal in spending amount.

  1.  Grab Bag

Establish a budget for your gift, then set a time prior to holidays to select who you will be purchasing for or everyone sets the amount of spending ahead of time and you do a pot luck grab bag.  Either way it’s fun!

With all the festivities and planning ahead, it’s not unusual around the holiday season to feel overwhelmed or stressed about all the things that need to get done.    Here are a few tips to help keep you balanced and mindful.

Establish Routines

The key to keeping your life simple is to create simple routines.  How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day.  Try to prepare the night before.

Make A Most Important Task List (MIT)

Set just 3 very important things you want to accomplish each day. Don’t start with a long list of things you probably won’t get done by the end of the day. A simple list of 3 things, ones that would make you feel like you accomplished something.

 Leave Space Around Things In Your Day

Whether they are appointments, or things you need to do, don’t stack them back-to-back. Leave a little space between things you need to do, so you will have room for contingencies, and you’ll go through your day much more relaxed.

Go For Quality, Not Quantity

Try not to have a ton of stuff in your life … instead, have just a few possessions, but ones that you really love, and that will last for a long time.

Simplify Your Wardrobe

Is your closet bursting full? Are your drawers so stuffed they don’t close? Simplify your wardrobe by getting rid of anything you no longer wear. Try creating a minimal wardrobe by focusing on simple styles and a few solid colors that all match each other.

Find Inner Simplicity

This could be time praying or communing with God, or time spent meditating or journaling or time spent in nature. However you do it, working on your inner self is worth the time.

Always Ask Yourself 

Will this balance and simplify my life?  If the answer is no, reconsider.


Get Simplified – Take The Challenge!

I have a Special Announcement that I am so excited to share with you!

In honor of launching my new website – (which I’m just loving – aren’t you?) I am officially running the “Simplify Me – Take The Challenge” contest.

So what does this mean for you?

Well it means lots of fabulous, deliciously good things for you, but first you have to be prepared to be courageous enough to enter the contest and put yourself “out there” … and I mean soulfully, gut wrenching, deep rooted, out there.  And then you will you have the opportunity of a lifetime to finally put the wheels in motion towards getting your life in order.

So if you are interested in taking the “Simplify Me Challenge” here is all you have to do:

  • Give me 3 Good Reasons Why You Want To Get Organized.  (How will getting organized benefit your life?)
  • Give me 3 Good Reasons  Why You Want To Work With Me.  (How will the quality of your life improve by working with me?)

Now here’s a clue –  superficial answers will not win me over – I want the wow factor – I want you to dig deep and really express yourself to me.   Wow me over!

You do this by emailing me here:  [email protected]

So what will you win?  (Yes, I know, this is the key factor of why you are going to go through all of this in the first place right?)

Well, my dear, you are going to win ME!  And then I am going to give YOU a complimentary Consult & Assessment and then additional One-On-One time with me! (Rules & Regulations do apply)  There is no price on the value of this – (How can you put a price on getting your life back on track and breathing easier?  You simply can’t.)  That’s why this “Simplify Me – Take The Challenge” contest is one of a kind – jump at the chance, just do it now opportunity!

Why am I doing this?

Because I have seen within the past ten years of my practice the overall success of my clients and there is nothing more rewarding then to see happy faces and feel good feelings that change people’s lives.  I believe in the process of what it takes to live an organized life. It’s why I do what I do and what makes me want to forge forward even in the toughest of times.  I know my programs work and I want you to have the opportunity to see what a deep impact they will have on you and how life enhancing they will be!

So this is what you need to know as well…

I will be judging them myself.  Yes, that’s right.  I am going to take the time to read each entry and judge them on how they make me feel.  REMEMBER, I need to feel everything about you.

The Winner will be posted on Friday, November 25, 2011.  (That’s the day after Thanksgiving.)  So you have plenty of time to really provide thought provoking information to me.  I will be posting the Winner on my Blog.  And hey, you never know, I may just be in the festive mood to give some other goodies away – one never knows how you may turn my head if you really give me something good!

So there you go…good luck...take your time…really think…and I wish you the best of success!  I will be talking to you soon!

Here’s to living simply,

