Is Clutter Really In The Eyes Of The Beholder?

As a clutter coach who specializes in hoarding, I take heed for good reason when I hear the statement, “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder.”

The above statement references that for some there’s a level of comfort they find with their messiness and what one may consider messy another may not.

Now, if we are talking about households that periodically get out of order, or people who are not so organized but their disorder doesn’t interfere with the quality of their life, then yes, the statement carries weight.  Different people are comfortable with different degrees of  clutter.

How one chooses to live their life is their business, one may say, and although I would tend to agree, I would also have to argue that this is true up until a point as it pertains to clutter.  I say this because excessive clutter does interfere with the quality of one’s life and loved ones.

Clutter can be dangerous and a hazard for tripping and falling.  Mold and toxins grow beneath and on the clutter and are released into the air that cause breathing and health problems. And clutter can prevent a person from utilizing their home in the way it is supposed to be intended, i.e., cooking in the kitchen, sleeping in the bed, bathing in the bathroom.

Now there’s a reason why people have extreme clutter and that goes into whether or not they are hoarding their stuff or there are other reasons behind it.  But studies do show that hoarding affects up to 6 percent of the population or 19 million Americans.

To see if any red flags are raised for you, ask yourself questions like these:

  • Do you buy many of the same things over time, because you can’t find what you already have?
  • Does your stuff prevent you from having people over?
  • Are you late paying bills because you can’t find your bills?
  • Does someone complain about your stuff? Does it cause family fights?
  • Are you able to utilize your rooms they way they are designed to be used for cooking, sleeping, bathing?
  • Are there narrow “goat trails” in your house to walk through between tall mounds of stuff?
  • Are you experiencing financial hardship due to excessive shopping?
  • Has your hobby of collecting turned into an obsession of acquiring?

People often tell me that after they de-clutter (which can include their space, desk, office, home, etc.) it comes back. What I tell them is that “it” isn’t the problem – your habits are. So if your clutter is returning you need to figure out what you’re doing that’s causing the clutter to begin with.

If you’re questioning whether or not your “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder” or something more, I would like to invite you to a conference call on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm et.  It’s absolutely FREE and will be a very relaxed discussion where you can ask me anything you’d like.

All you have to do is simply click on the link below to register.


I look forward to the call.  Talk to you soon!








The Latest Organizing Trend


Patricia sitting on chair outside of house

I am often asked what I think of the latest organizing craze, especially about paring down and creating makeovers.

For me personally, organizing has always been in trend.  I’ve been helping people for over 20 plus years de-clutter and design new living spaces.

But, lately it appears more women are catching on that getting organized is not just a one time activity.  Rather it’s a lifestyle one adopts that embraces the body, mind and environment.

This makes me very happy and excited because when one understands this, it’s easier to get off the merry-go-round of clutter and break the cycle a lot easier.

The fact is, living an organized life is a choice. You become more consciously aware of what’s truly important and what makes you happy, rather than focusing on external things to fulfill you.

If you’re interested, I’d love to talk to you personally and show you how to create such a lifestyle.  It would be a very relaxed call and you can ask me anything you’d like.  You can schedule your call at your convenience by clicking HERE!

I look forward to our call together!

There’s No Magic To Getting Organized But There Is A Method

When it comes to getting organized, most people wait until they “feel” they have a really good reason to take action.  For example, the holiday season or a special occasion.

This is not necessarily the best time to start de-cluttering and creating order in your home, however.

The reason I say this is because usually the “urgency” of wanting to do something is not always the best way.  It takes time to get organized – the right way, that is.

Disorganization and clutter usually doesn’t occur over night.  So to expect to create an organized environment swiftly is just adding additional pressure on yourself.

Just like with anything else in life that you want to be successful at, there is a system to follow.  Getting organized is no exception.

There’s a reason why my clients are able to live clutter-free.  It’s not magic.  But there is a method I teach them. 

If you’d like to learn how to reduce your stress, overcome your anxiety and create a living space that reflects the essence of “who you are” then my Mindfulness Coaching Program just might be the answer to your clutter problems.

I’d love the opportunity to explain the program to you and see if it’s a proper fit.  You can find out everything you need by scheduling a call with me HERE.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Talk to you soon!

The Real Reason You Need My Help

If you’re sitting on the fence about getting help with your life – clutter and all – because you’re not sure who can help you really “get it all together” – you definitely want to read ABOUT ME!

The real reason you want my help is because I CAN HELP YOU! And I mean, 180 turn around transformation, knock your socks off kind of help.

We both know that clutter is messy – and it’s complicated!  But, the one thing I do very well is help my clients straighten it all out and bring order back to their lives.

So, if you’re ready, I’m ready.  The next step is your call – and I mean that literally.  Schedule your call with me HERE!

Darling, You’re Tougher Than You Think!

Life can be tough darling, but you know what?  So are you!

It takes courage to face our demons and deal with repressed or unconscious aspects of our personality.  But the flip side is that there is a life of freedom when we do.

It is through awareness and understanding, we recognize our unconscious actions, so as not to become a victim to the programmed patterns which accompany them.

In a nutshell, if we truly want to be free from the source of our suffering; fears, insecurities, doubts,  negative beliefs, we must be willing to let go of the past in order to embrace the life that is waiting for us.

The same thing holds true for clutter. Facing your demons is the only way to resolve the clutter for good.  Just clearing out your physical space will not take care of the problem.

If you’re interested in learning more about facing your clutter demons, check out my blog post by CLICKING HERE.

Powerful Questions To Streamline Your Life


The core reason why we de-clutter is because we want a better quality of life. We want our life to be simpler, less complicated.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Yet, when it comes time to let our things “go” we struggle. This holds us back and delays the peace of mind we are seeking.

Here are some questions that can help you streamline your stuff and balance out what’s really important for you.

Take a look:

Does it make me feel happy, good, joyful?
Is this something I use currently or is it a “someday” item?
Is this something I would buy right now if I saw it in a store?
Do I feel confident when I wear this?
If I were moving, would I take this with me?
Do I have multiple items of this?
Is this worth my time to clean, maintain or store this item?
Would someone else benefit more from having this item?
Is the thought of wasting money keeping me from getting rid of this?
Am I holding on for sentimental reasons?
Do I like this or do I love this?

PS:  Don’t overthink your answers. Go with your gut. Then make a decision.

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations

This picture can represent someone's home or a new career for a person.

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations.


I’ve been busy creating a new class to teach.

I got inspired because I realized that people still have many questions about clutter.

Clutter is complicated. So I want to clear things up for you as much as I can.

There’s also another reason. 

I want to give you an inside look at what life is really like for people once they are clutter-free. 

There is a life way beyond clutter that exceeds most people’s expectations.

What most people don’t realize is that their entire life opens up to possibilities once they are clutter-free.

This picture can represent a fresh new start in their home or a new career for someone.

Do you see?

I’m going to show you what life really looks like for people beyond the clutter.

The course is called:

how to break the cycle of clutter
and recharge your life with purpose and passion

Regardless if you’re struggling with clutter or just trying to figure out what your next step in life might be, I’d like to invite you to my FREE class. You can grab your seat here.

I look forward to seeing you in the classroom.

I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?


I’m teaching a FREE clutter class on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

My last free class was PACKED.  And so much fun.  This one is even better.  You should come.

It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.

Yes, yes it’s true.  There is a life after clutter and the world is waiting for you to show up.  (I explain more in the video once you click the reserve link)

I hope you’ll consider it.  Click here to reserve your seat in the classroom.

De-clutter from the heart

De-clutter from the heart

Has anyone ever given you a piece of advice that made you think twice?

The other day my mentor offered up some words of wisdom that left my head reeling.  I mean eyebrow-raising material!

Initially, I was taken aback trying to figure out where she was coming from.   But after letting her words sink in, I was grateful.

You see, what she told me was something I was already aware of.  In fact, I’ve been working on being more cognizant of it.  She said I should try to be more heart-centered instead of always being in my head. This hit a personal nerve for me.  I didn’t know it was that obvious to others that my analytical style was showing up outside of my professional life. I’m used to over-thinking and breaking things down—it’s how I make many of my decisions. But what I’ve come to find out is that that’s not always the best approach with matters of the heart.

It reminded me of the similarities people face with their clutter.  They get so caught up with “thinking” about all the things that could possibly go wrong, or what they might end up regretting, and they lose sight of what their heart wants most.

From my experience, people want to be clutter-free, and not just because they would like to have a home that is neat, tidy, and organized.  That’s just semantics.

People want to be organized because they are after something much more meaningful.  They are looking to recapture the freedom that the clutter has robbed from their life.  They are tired of having the clutter be the boss and dictate how they spend their time.

Are you looking at your need to de-clutter on the surface, or can you see the deeper reason for wanting to clear out the unnecessary stuff that’s weighing down your time and freedom?

Everyone wants a tidy and organized home, and the stress reduction that comes with it. But before you leave it at that, try taking a heart-centered approach to your de-cluttering. You, like all of us, deserve to honor the desires of your heart, to feel true peace of mind, to regain your freedom.

A heart-first clutter-free life is worthwhile, and so are you. It’s my job to remind you of that and help you get there!

3 Strategies That Can Help You Get Organized

3 Strategies That Can Help You Get Organized

There are three strategies that can make your organizing efforts more successful. 

It begins with taking a look at organizing from a psychological, social and tactical aspect. 

Here’s a quick intro to get you started:

It’s extremely important that mentally you start out with a positive outlook and you maintain that throughout.  Feeding your mind healthy thoughts is good for the brain and helps sustain your motivation.  Using your mind to envision your outcome is also important by staying focused on the “outcome.”

We are humans and we’re not designed to do things alone.  Having a support system is critical to your well-being.  A mentor, friend, coach, peer, someone that you can openly and honestly talk to and receive feedback and pointers from is the key to following through.

Having an organizing plan that you can execute with confidence can make a huge difference with how you manage your time. Make sure you understand how to declutter, sort and organize in the most efficient manner.

All three strategies play an important role separately and collectively. Through the process of getting organized you may find yourself bouncing from one to the other for strength. endurance and stability.  ​

Remember, organizing can be something you just “do” or it can be a lifestyle.  It all depends upon how you choose to look at it.