
The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

It happens to all of us at some point. We get off track and fall into old, unproductive patterns. It doesn’t make us failures – even highly successful people experience setbacks. It just means we are not perfect and perhaps, we are human after all.

The catch here is knowing how to pick yourself up and get back on track. It’s easy to stay down and make excuses when life throws you a curveball. But where does that lead you? Nowhere productive. Instead, having the mindset that “this too shall pass” humanizes the experience and helps build-up a positive attitude toward life’s misgivings. Believe it or not, this actually attracts more positivity in your life.

Here are 6 ways to get back on track and maintain a forward thinking mind:

1. Do one positive thing each day. Think about it. Every time you do something uplifting, you automatically feel better. When you feel better you are more inclined to be more productive. This one little action can help your mindset.

2. Use your mindfulness. As you start to feel better, direct that energy toward a goal and take one small step that can influence change. This can rapidly begin to turn things around in a positive way.

3. Build a buildable plan. Start with small, positive, steps that you can build on. For example, let’s say your plan is to begin decluttering your life. Try at least each day to release something – whether you trash it, donate it or sell it. Eventually the letting go process will become easier to tackle.

4. Confirm your Plan. In other words, be committed to the new positive you by staying accountable. Instead of “saying” you’re going to do it, really do it by scheduling it into your calendar and “showing up.” This is an important step to reinforce positivity and by the way – eliminate your clutter quickly.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people. It’s true, our environment influences us – this includes people. You want to be around people that have positive attitudes, know how to work through difficulties and stay optimistic.

6. Find a Partner. Sometimes an accountability partner is just the ticket we need to help get back on track. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from someone who can help champion your goals.



Clutter Talk: How To Get The Conversation Going

I’ve got a strange question for you…

How comfortable do you feel talking about your clutter?

When I first started working as a Professional Organizer I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about it at all. I found myself having to ask a lot of questions to try and get them to open up.

When I started to see the result powerful questions had on people as they became more comfortable talking about their clutter, everything changed. Before long, I knew that this was what would help unlock a lot of the mystery behind clutter.

Instead of people wanting a quick fix they now were interested in going deeper and looking at the root cause of their clutter.

Can you see yourself being comfortable enough to talk about your clutter?

Think about that for a few moments because your answer to that question will help you begin to understand the relationship you are having with your clutter.

If you can see yourself taking a deeper look into the root cause of your clutter, that’s fantastic! You’re on your way to a clutter-free life.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with that idea, you can start changing it today.

Just getting rid of the clutter won’t keep it away for good!

Whether you like it or not, clutter has a huge impact on the quality of your life and influences a lot of your decisions in life.

I want to help you develop a healthy relationship with your clutter. Not only to declutter your life and be free of it, but to gain a richer understanding of why you have the clutter to begin with so you can finally be free of it for good.

Once you become comfortable talking about your clutter your whole world will change for the better. You will start to notice how other relationships in your life will improve.

It’s easier than you think!

I have an exercise that you can do to help you start feeling more comfortable with talking about your clutter…

Beginning today, select a clutter buddy, someone that you feel comfortable sharing with. It could be a dear friend, family member or a person that has clutter challenges as well. Make sure they are positive, uplifting people.

Ask them if they wouldn’t mind spending about ten minutes with you, either by phone or in person, to talk about something. Set up the appointment.

Next make a list of all the clutter you no long wish to have in your home. Next to each item, reference any notes that come to mind about the memory of the item. Then briefly write an explanation as to why you are ready to let go. After that, recap your feelings with how you are going to feel once you are clutter free.

Show up to your appointment with your clutter buddy and share everything you wrote down with them. Then ask them to mirror back to you what you just shared with them.

Notice how you feel. Lighter, happy, relieved, cleansed… Breathe into that feeling and exhale. Imagine what your life would look like, feel like, without the clutter.

Close the conversation with thanking them and asking if they wouldn’t mind being your clutter buddy until the items on your list are eventually gone.

To living freely,

Patricia Diesel

PS:  Let me know how you make out – drop me a note below.  I would love to hear from you!