
Struggling With CLUTTER?

So many people struggle with clutter.


They don’t have to.


They can live clutter free.  There are options.


Yet, people by and large still struggle.


Why is that?



It’s a question that I have asked myself for years. In fact, I was so intrigued by this question that I found myself on a quest to find the answer. Unbeknown to me, I soon found that this one question was packed with more than I bargained for.


I wanted to know, understand, and come to terms with, ‘why human beings insist on struggling – even when they don’t have to?’


This question posed other questions for me.  Unleashing my deep desire to come to a better understanding of:


  • Why are so many people depressed?
  • Why do we feel anxious?
  • What are we all so afraid of?
  • Why is there so much imbalance in the world?
  • What is the human spirit capable of?


Which evolved into what I guess, one would say, a spiritual journey for me.


Over the years, I have received countless emails from people asking: What’s the secret to living a clutter-free life?


And with each inquiry my quest grew deeper.


I wanted to help these people.


I wanted to get them to a place where they could live in a home that was neat and clean.


I wanted them to stop worrying and feel at peace.


And most of all I wanted their pain to go away.  It broke my heart to see them suffer.


I wish I could tell you that I was able to figure out all the answers, but there are still many questions that remain open.


However, this spiritual journey that I speak of has served me well.  It has provided a richer understanding of why some people choose to free themselves of clutter while others remain stuck.


Yet, that didn’t stop my quest for trying to help those who are still struggling.


With compassion and tenacity, I created a program that is simple to implement for freeing your mind.


Mindful Tools For Organized Living is the most elite and complete, step-by-step program that will help you overcome your stress, overwhelm and procrastination.


All that is required is a few necessities:


  • You show up
  • You are committed
  • You keep an open mind
  • You embrace mentoring


With these requirements, everything else will fall neatly into place.


I am confident when I say; It is the only program you’ll ever need to finally get organized for good!


You can learn more about how this program can help you or a loved one here:


Radio Interview – Hot Organizing Topics

What a great time with Blaine (Blaine’s World) and WPVM 103.7 Radio – Asheville, NC


Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This.

We all feel overwhelmed at times.  And overwhelm is no stranger to lack of follow through.

Don’t beat yourself up and don’t put so much pressure on yourself if you are having difficulty right now completing something.

The mind on overwhelm is complicated.  It’s going to signal you to feel an array of emotions which can leave you feeling anywhere from anxious to exhausted.

But there are things you can do to control the chaos and be productive again.

Here’s how:

First, you need to capture it.Take the ‘overwhelm’ out of your head and put it on paper, where you can distance yourself from it a bit.  Just brain dump everything that is gnawing at you that you would like to get done.

Then I want you to sort it all out.  We refer to this as “Chunking.”  Think of it as categorizing your tasks and to-dos with headings and then sub-headings (keeping like with like).

Here’s an example:


ERRANDS (Category)                                         CALLS (Category)
Post Office (Sub)                                                  Make Eye Dr. Appt. (Sub)
Dry Cleaners (Sub)                                              Dinner Reservations (Sub)
Bank (Sub)                                                             Home repair estimates (Sub)

Next, choose the category that you want to take care of immediately.  Don’t overthink it.

And finally, take Action.  Either do it immediately, schedule it into your calendar, delegate the task, but take action right there and then.

By doing this simple exercise your mind will reward you by feeling uplifted and more positive.

Remember, break things down as much as possible whenever you feel it’s getting too big for your mind to handle.  It’s how you find simplicity in the complicated.

How To Handle Events That Change Your Life Course

There are many events that can take place in life and alter our course.

Some examples are:

  • Divorce/Ending of a Relationship
  • Care Giving
  • Illness/Death
  • Career Change/Retirement

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with these life changes.

It’s not unusual during these different stages to try and manage our emotions in an effort to comfort ourselves and feel better.  Unfortunately we may not make the best decisions at the time and end up overeating, overspending and over drinking.  All of which lead to clutter of the body, mind and environment.

We can also feel pure exhaustion and overwhelm and find it difficult to get things done that used to be part of our usual routine. This can include our household chores as well as our own self-care.

We are all human and there will be times when we will hurt. This is when we realize just how fragile we are.  Being kind and patient with ourselves is key for our well-being.

As we begin to heal, we accept that life has changed and we find ourselves asking questions, such as:

What are the changes I need to make and how do I go about doing it?

Each person is different, therefore determining the proper strategy for your needs are unique to you.  Working with a life coach to help you figure things out just might be the first step in the right direction.

If you’re interested, I’d like to offer you a free, no obligation consultation.  Together we can discuss what changes are necessary for you to overcome the obstacles you are now facing.

Insight is invaluable.  Inspiration is powerful.  Action is life changing.

I hope to hear from you.

You can schedule your appointment with me HERE!


Want To Get Organized Without Going Bonkers?

Want To Get Organized Without Going Bonkers?

Does the thought of getting organized stress you out?  It doesn’t have to.

There are ways to declutter, sort and organize in ways that actually make you feel good.

The concept behind living an organized life is to have a lifestyle that is conducive to wellness.  It’s for your own well-being so you can breathe easy, feel more relaxed and confident at the same time.

Don’t let worry, fear or procrastination rule your life.  You don’t have to live with clutter and disorganization.

I can give you some really cool tips and valuable lessons on how to start, where to begin, etc., by writing them here, but I think I would serve you best if we spoke directly.  So I want to offer you a complimentary organizing session.

Simply schedule your FREE call with me by clicking here. 

Spring is in the air – and it’s the best time to get started.  So let me help you get it together!

Go ahead – take advantage of my offer now by scheduling a session with me HERE!

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Is there something you’re working on that you feel really passionate about, yet a part of you is wondering if you should keep going?

Are you starting to lose faith, (hope) and having reservations about what you originally felt so strongly about?

I understand this.  I’ve had my confidence shaken before.  It can feel scary, especially when you invest so much time, energy and devotion to something you care deeply about.

You start questioning whether or not you have what it takes, or is it really worth it anymore.  The self-doubt starts to seep in, poisoning the very thing that used to keep your heart beating with excitement.

But, I’d like to tell you something.  So please, listen up carefully.

I’ve learned a few things over the years.  And one of them is that if you really, really want something, don’t give up.  It may time extra work, extra time, extra energy, but if you feel strongly about your goal, it will be worth it in the end.

No matter how much your goals seem out of reach, never, never, never give up.

Sometimes, the key to perseverance is having the right mentor and coach to remind you of how worthy and deserving your goals are.  A good coach will support you but also challenge you.

I’m the type of person that loves a good challenge.  I’m also a coach that loves to challenge my clients.

What about you?  Are you ready for a challenge?

If so, The 30 Day Challenge might be just what you need.

I’ll be the coach that will help you get your mind right.

I’ll be there every step of the way, cheering you on…

Don’t give up.  Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Learn how to win HERE!




The Cost Of Procrastination

The Cost Of Procrastination

When I ask women why they think they have clutter, they usually say it’s because they have trouble with following through.

I explain to them that if procrastination is their chief complaint, it usually is a symptom of something else.

Then I flip the situation around and ask them this question:

How often do you tell someone else that you’ll do something and then not follow through?

And their answer in most cases is always the same…”Not very often.”

You see, sometimes the problem is that we place more value on making commitment to others than we do for ourselves.

Unfortunately this comes at a huge cost.

Then it’s time to ask…

At what price am I willing to pay for the consequences of doing this?

Because the cost can be high.

It’s been determined that clutter creates an unhealthy environment, which leads to an unhealthy life.

But luckily, I have the antidote to help you combat this.

It’s 20+ years of proven strategies that are all inside my Mindfulness Workshop.

And you can still grab a seat while they are available.

All you have to do is go HERE!


Mindfulness Program All In One

Your Personal Relationship With Clutter


In my new Mindfulness Course, I talk about the Dance of Clutter and the personal relationship one has with their disorganization.

You see, the way you interact with your clutter is very revealing to how you not only feel about the clutter but yourself as well.

The clutter, I go on to explain, is a reflection of thyself because it is your outward manifestation of what is going on for you internally.

The good news is that you can absolutely learn how to have a new relationship with your clutter – and a healthy one at that. You can create a living environment that reflects the healthier you as well.

I am offering a FREE INTRO CALL to introduce my new program, Mindfulness Tools for Organized Living. I have combined over 20 years experience into this program with careful execution and lots of love.

Currently I am teaching this course at various learning centers but I will be offering it on-line with personal coaching options for my clients.

Check out the silly selfie with the film crew setting up in my home for the video series I will be rolling out soon. Super exciting!

Register Now!

Please join me so I can share all the details about how this program supports conscious, healthy living for an organized lifestyle.




This September I will be teaching two courses – one in New York and the other in New Jersey. Both offer complimentary intro’s so you can learn about the course curriculum.

Below is the information about the workshops. Hope to see you soon!

Coaching Through The Clutter

Mindfulness Tools for Organized Living

Clutter is often a sign of a deeper problem. When you live in a cluttered environment, chances are your mind is in disarray too. If you are someone who struggles with a cluttered environment, there is a way to organize your life!

Learn More…

3 Hallmarks of Health

and Well-Being

Based off Patricia’s book, Organically Yours, this workshop shows you how to take an all-inclusive approach to wellness that supports the concept the body, mind and environment relies on its counterpart to sustain harmony and balance for healthy living.

Learn More…