
Mindfulness In The Workplace For Organized Living


Rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives, yet “Eighty-four percent of recently stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress.” (Huff Post)

When dirty dishes are piled, laundry overflows and your belongings are scattered about, your stress level rises. Trust me when I tell you, clutter & stress is real.  Stress is inflammatory.  When we are stressed out, it not only creates physical clutter, but it causes mental and body clutter as well.

Unfortunately this is a lethal combination.  When a person is under the influence of a significant amount of clutter, their well-being is compromised, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious and helpless.  Ultimately this trickle down effect exposes itself in the workplace and productivity in many facets suffer.  This puts the employee and employer in a vulnerable position which can lead to financial consequences.

6 Mindful Tools to Organized Living is a program that helps remedy this situation before it gets out of hand.  Implementing best practices for a healthy body and mind is an enormous factor in overcoming clutter and disorganization. Although part of the problem is underdeveloped skill sets with organization, it is not the only culprit to having clutter.  To penetrate the problem and resolve it entirely, it is necessary to engage lifestyle tools that embody wellness for the body, mind and environment.

If you are receptive to learning more about how the 6 Mindful Tools can benefit you personally and/or your team,  I would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you and tell you about my FREE offer. Simply email me at [email protected]

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.




Your Life Is About To Change Dramatically!

You’re life is about to change dramatically!

If you are seeking to live an organized life I have great news for you! 

You know that clutter runs deep. There’s a story behind your clutter. Once that story is revealed and understood, the clutter will subside.

After that you need to remove any obstacles that may prevent you from fighting off the clutter and build up a strong sense of self.

From there it is mandatory to have strong skill sets for your toolbox and a back-up plan to defend yourself int he future.

In a nutshell that’s how your life will change.

Let’s take a deeper look at how the 6 Mindful Tools work:

Mindful Tool Number One:
You will learn what your clutter manifestation is all about so you understand why it is there.

Mindful Tool Number Two:
You will learn about the relationship you are having with your clutter and how to change it.

Mindful Tool Number Three:
You will learn how to keep your body healthy to ward off the clutter and fight back.

Mindful Tool Number Four:
You will learn how to keep a positive mindset for your decluttering time and exercise your mental muscles.

Mindful Tool Number Five:
You will learn a simple 7 step process to build strong skill sets to declutter and organize your life.

Mindful Tool Number Six:
You will learn how to maintain all your organizing efforts with ease and peace of mind with a 10-step plan.

I’m super excited to offer this course to you. Not only will you be learning ground-breaking techniques and strategies for your clutter but you will be getting one-on-one guidance from a coach with over 20+ years in this field.

I’ve done the work and put a lot of heart and soul into this program and I know that if you follow my system, don’t skip any steps, and allow me to guide you, you will be SUCCESSFUL!

To make it even more exciting for you, I have provided a few extra options and bonus items to impact your results.

Click the Register Button for all the details.

Register Now!

This program supports conscious, healthy living for an organized lifestyle.

Presenting 3 Hallmarks of Wellness

Such a warm welcome for presenting the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness at the Lodge at Woodloch.

The 3 Hallmarks of Wellness is derived from my book, Organically Yours, Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

We cover how to have a Fit &  Nourished Body, A Forward Thinking Mind and a Fresh, Free Environment.  Essential holistic practices for well-being.

If you are interested in learning more about the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness, drop me a line.  I would love to discuss this with you.

To your wellness,


Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Did you know that every morning you wake up to a reality vision board?

Think about this. Your home, is your creation. It is your vision in real life.

So if you are pleased with your environment that you live in, good for you. If not, then change it.

You see, we do manifest outwardly from the inside (the way we think and feel). Your living space is a good barometer check for what is going on internally. Take a good look at the way you are living. There are clues there.

To your wellness,

Patricia Diesel

Would you like to ask me a question about how to live a more organized life? Click Here.

Let Go And Let God – How This Pertains To Clutter

I’m sure you have heard the expression, Let Go And Let God. Yes?

Recently, I attended a seminar that gave me a different perspective on what Let Go And Let God means.

Most of us think about letting things go and turning things over to God when we are up against insurmountable odds. I would like to share some fascinating information that just may be a game changer for you when it appears the odds are stacked against you.

I would also like to take a closer look at what it really means to Let Go and Let God as it pertains to clutter. I know, it may sound a little “out there” but trust me…it was a huge aha moment for me and I can’t wait to let you in on it.

If this interests you, I would really love to talk to you.  Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with me personally.  I am opening up my calendar for three days, beginning July 10th – 12th. You can go ahead and register by clicking here!

Talk to you real soon!

Another Happy Client

Another Happy Client

Working with clients who are ready to make their dreams a reality is one of my biggest dreams. For years I used to envision what it would be like to have clients work with me here at The Cottage. To be living this dream and creating with my clients is such an exciting and beautiful process. I’m passionately crazy about creating!

Recently, I had the pleasure of creating with Andrea Colby. Andrea is now working on her second book and launching a speaking career. But before all of this, Andrea and I worked together on many different aspects of her life’s journey as she transitioned from her legal career to becoming a coach and author. You can learn all about Andrea and her business by visiting her here!

Check out what Andrea had to say about our time at The Cottage:

“Attending Patricia’s one-on-one live workshop was an incredibly efficient and productive way to move forward in my life. Starting with Patricia’s initial questionnaire helped me focus on what I wanted to derive from our time together and working through the entire workshop, I came to several unexpected and delightful realizations about my overall goals in life, both personal and professional. Patricia was patient and urged me on to find ways of scheduling my time so that I will spend it wisely and well, doing the things that I value and enjoy. I heartily recommend Patricia’s workshop to help jump start your coaching agenda and reach your goals quickly. It was wonderful!”

The dedication Andrea has demonstrated to her personal and professional growth has quantum leaped her career and opened up boundless opportunities for her. The same can happen for you! All you need is the right support and faith in believing in your dreams. And it all can happen right here at The Cottage.


Click on the link below, complete the connect with me form and submit it. I will then contact you to provide further details about the workshop. Full Disclosure: Only two spots remain for the month of August. Is one of them yours?


The Paper Cut Theory

What happens when you go off your food plan? Or when you fall off your schedule? That was one of my biggest concerns when I first started changing the course of my diet and daily routine.

I was concerned about giving into tempting foods that I knew caused inflammation. I was worried if I broke my sleeping ritual that my body wouldn’t have the strength to fight back.

Then I learned about The Paper Cut Theory.

Think of a time when you flipped through the pages of a book and got a paper cut. The sting is an ever-present, annoying distraction. But usually within 48 hours you don’t even notice that it’s there anymore.

When you are healthy and you go off your plan, it is similar to a paper cut, but as long as you quickly go back to what you are supposed to be doing, it is not going to have an effect on your overall health.

Don’t beat yourself up about it, a break from your diet or routine is not a disaster. Being able to recognize a break and returning to the Clean Living process is part of developing a Forward Thinking Mind.

I will be teaching you a lot about the Paper Cut Theory and so much more at my upcoming event:



THE SECRET TO LETTING GO (When You’re Holding On Too Tight)

It’s been said that, “nothing lasts forever.”  Perhaps that’s why we desperately hold on so tight.

We know there is a cycle to life; that our youth vanishes, our children grow up, our parents age, and one day we will pass on.  Yet, we try to hold on even tighter.

Of course, the more we hold on, the more pain we feel as things fade, disappear, and die around us. And sometimes the tighter our grasp, the more these things happen.

Think about this in the context of a relationship.  Imagine someone who is exceptionally clingy. They are so preoccupied with all the terrible things they think can go wrong, that they miss the opportunity to fully love.  Eventually, the relationship has no recourse but to end.

What about the person who holds on for dear life to their physical things? Instead of enjoying and making use of what they already have, they are too busy acquiring more out of fear something will happen to their existing stuff.  Control now replaces the caring of their things.

If we probe further, there is usually a story that is deeply connected to why we insist on holding on so tight.  A story, no doubt, that could benefit from healing.
The secret to letting go is believing that you will be okay once you do.  I understand this is easier said than done. But it’s the truth.
If you knew for certain that all would be okay if you let go, would it make a huge difference in your life?  I’m sure it would.   I say this with confidence because I am living it.
In my upcoming tel-class I will be sharing with you how I got through the most difficult of times and how you can too.
I will also be inviting you to a workshop that I am hosting in January of 2018.  My goal is to prepare you now so you can schedule your plans accordingly to attend this ground-breaking event.
Please join me in this upcoming tel-class to learn more!

Register Now!

The Secret Of Health

For over 500 years, people have been talking about Ponce de Leon’s discovery of the Fountain of Youth.  People to this day still flock to this historic site basking in the tale.

I think we all are curious about how we can maintain our youthfulness and stay vibrant and healthy. That’s what my new book, Organically Yours, is all about – how to live a vibrant healthy life for your body, mind and living space.

Listen, I wish just as much as you, that all I had to do is bathe or drink from the Fountain of Youth to stay forever young.  But the truth is, we have to work on our health if we want be be healthy.  But I will tell you that one of the secrets to living healthy is staying hydrated.

I am going to be discussing this and so much more at my book party.  It’s going to be a really cool discussion.  And I will be giving away bonus items that will help you on your quest to living a healthy life.

All you have to do is register now and soon you’ll be on your way to a healthier life.  Go ahead, do it now!



Why Having A Plan Is Healthy!

Did you know one of the reasons why a person’s environment gets cluttered is because they never learned certain life skills?

For example:

  • How does someone make a bed in the morning?
    How is dirty laundry taken care of?
    What is the right way to clean up after a meal?
    How is a bathroom kept clean and fresh?

The good news is that these are all teachable skill sets. However, without these skills set in an organized system, the individual is left to “make it up as they go along,”usually making things more complicated than necessary and causing undue stress.

This is exactly the reason why having a plan is healthy. Can you see how following an organized system can help you have a fresh, clean environment? Not to mention how much time you will save and the peace of mind it will provide.

If you would like to learn my proven strategies to living an organized life, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.