
Let’s Get This Book Party Started!

Woohoo – It’s Book Party Time!

You know how I’ve been telling you to be on the lookout for an invitation to a special Book Preview Party…a.k.a. a fun and informative discussion on how you can begin the process of opening yourself to a vibrant, healthy life?

Well, I’m happy to report that the time has come! “Organically Yours” is finally in print, so it’s time for us to take a moment, let out a sign of relief, and celebrate! Besides, what better way for me to thank you for your continued support and encouragement than to share with you some extremely effective ways that you can get on a path of better health and wellness physically, mentally, and environmentally-starting today?  If by chance you did not pre-order the book it is now available on Amazon.

Speaking of your physical, mental, and environmental health, all attendees at this fun and completely free Book Preview Party will receive a special bonus at the end which will address all three of these key areas. So,believe me when I say that you aren’t going to want to miss this!

The party is going to be on September 14, 2017, Thursday @ 7:00 PM ET ….. so jot that down right now. As soon as you register, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to attend. It’s only going to take about an hour, but if you have questions at the end, I’m leaving plenty of room to stick around and answer them. For me, this is all about you! After all, you’ve earned it!

Also,as a little added bonus, if you’re one of the first 25 people to sign up and secure your spot at the Book Preview Party, I’ll even enter you in a drawing where the winner gets a free hour of coaching…with me! How fun is that?

Register Now!

 Secure your spot today and I look forward to seeing you there!




Have you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have?  Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space?  Does it feel impossible to do?

What if, instead, the constant battle went away?  You could simply transform your life so you could reach optimum health, clearer thinking and a smart environment?  Can you imagine what that would look like – what it would feel like?  In this book, Patricia Diesel helps you make it possible.

In Organically Yours, Patricia shares her personal journey back to health and guides the readers through a comprehensive organic approach to wellness.  The personal stories of others will certainly open you to a vibrant, healthy life and The Vim and Vitality Checklists will help you easily make the change.

Patricia’s own deep insights and experience as a professional coach, author and speaker makes Organically Yours a positive and motivational read.  You can take a pro-active approach to your wellness.  You don’t have to wait until a true crisis occurs.  You can begin healing yourself through clean living today!