
The Real Reason You Need My Help

If you’re sitting on the fence about getting help with your life – clutter and all – because you’re not sure who can help you really “get it all together” – you definitely want to read ABOUT ME!

The real reason you want my help is because I CAN HELP YOU! And I mean, 180 turn around transformation, knock your socks off kind of help.

We both know that clutter is messy – and it’s complicated!  But, the one thing I do very well is help my clients straighten it all out and bring order back to their lives.

So, if you’re ready, I’m ready.  The next step is your call – and I mean that literally.  Schedule your call with me HERE!

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations

This picture can represent someone's home or a new career for a person.

Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations.


I’ve been busy creating a new class to teach.

I got inspired because I realized that people still have many questions about clutter.

Clutter is complicated. So I want to clear things up for you as much as I can.

There’s also another reason. 

I want to give you an inside look at what life is really like for people once they are clutter-free. 

There is a life way beyond clutter that exceeds most people’s expectations.

What most people don’t realize is that their entire life opens up to possibilities once they are clutter-free.

This picture can represent a fresh new start in their home or a new career for someone.

Do you see?

I’m going to show you what life really looks like for people beyond the clutter.

The course is called:

how to break the cycle of clutter
and recharge your life with purpose and passion

Regardless if you’re struggling with clutter or just trying to figure out what your next step in life might be, I’d like to invite you to my FREE class. You can grab your seat here.

I look forward to seeing you in the classroom.

I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?


I’m teaching a FREE clutter class on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

My last free class was PACKED.  And so much fun.  This one is even better.  You should come.

It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.

Yes, yes it’s true.  There is a life after clutter and the world is waiting for you to show up.  (I explain more in the video once you click the reserve link)

I hope you’ll consider it.  Click here to reserve your seat in the classroom.

The Real Reason People Crave Organization

The Real Reason People Crave Organization

During one of my workshops, I asked the students to write down the reasons why it is so important for them to be organized. 

Most of the answers were the same…

  • I want to be able to find my things
  • I don’t want to be late for appointments
  • I would like to have guests over to entertain

Then I asked them to write down the reasons why it is so important for them to find their things, not be late for appointments and have guests over.

And then something interesting happened…

Just about every student sat there with a vacant look on their face, similar to a deer in headlights stare.

You see, on the surface, people can generally express why they want to be organized, but when you ask them to get in touch with it on a deeper level, they find it rather difficult to articulate their feelings.

The truth of the matter is, people want to be more organized because they crave something much deeper.  More meaningful.

The challenge is getting them to unleash the frustration, overwhelm and stress they have suppressed from playing hide-and-seek and cringing from embarrassment because they missed a deadline, showed up late or have to tell another fib about why they can’t have company over.

I have found in my 20+ some years of being in practice, that until a person can get in touch with the root cause of their clutter the cycle will continue.  It is the reason why I created Coaching Through The Clutter; Mindful Tools for Organized Living.  It is a coaching program that helps people not just release their clutter but also become more consciously aware so they can begin to make healthier choices in their life.

If you would like to learn more about this coaching program and how it can serve you, then I would love to connect with you.  Simply click HERE to schedule a FREE call with me.
















“Ask The Organizer” is back!

“Ask The Organizer” is back!

If you have questions about how to declutter your life and want to know what is the best way to organize your home and office, I have great news for you!

This Sunday evening, April 14, 2019 @ 7:00pm et – I will be hosting another “Ask The Organizer” FREE tel-conference.

Simply call into the below phone number, enter your pin # and you can get all your questions answered.  I suggest you make a list of all the pressing things you want to take care of so I can help you cross them off and get into action!

Here’s the info:

Phone:  1-605-562-0400
Pin Code:  954 5600

Oh, I expect the line to fill up, so the early bird catches the worm here… 🙂

Talk to you soon!



What’s On Your Top Ten List?

Year after year, getting ORGANIZED consistently ranks as one of the Top Ten New Year Resolutions.

FREE Offer to make your New Year a Healthy One by Patricia Diesel

Being organized provides so many benefits. Here’s what you can expect once you’re organized:

Peace of Mind
Increased Productivity
Reduced Stress
Improved Relationships
Better Health
Cost Savings

My goal for 2019 is to help women become aware of the benefits of being organized so they can live healthier lives. That’s why I redesigned my website.

Now you can book a FREE call with me, purchase my books and products and read informative news on my blog. (Oh, and I updated the About Me page with some juicy info.) You can check it all out here!

2019 can be the year you finally get organized. All you have to do is decide you want it to be!

Health & Organizing Go Hand-In-Hand

The one thing I learned very quickly when I had my health scare was the value of being organized.

You see, we can’t predict the future, but we can control our environment. And having a living space that I knew I could rely on to be clean, tidy and organized made all the difference in the world for my recovery.

I talk about the benefits of being organized in this short little excerpt from an interview on the Life & Living Show.

Good health starts with being pro-active and taking a preventative course of action. Anything you can do to eliminate stress in your life is a step in the right direction because stress is inflammatory. So you want to reduce stress as much as possible. Getting organized is one way you can do that.

At the end of the video there is a link to my on-line version of Organically Yours that is bundled with bonus items, including a video series and workbook, 3 Lessons Everyone Needs To Know When Faced With A Health Crisis with video series, and a FREE Discovery call with me.

You can start getting organized today by clicking HERE!



You spend your time wisely if you spend your time organizing!

The time you invest in getting yourself organized will give you a substantial return on your investment.  For example, you can locate your important items at a moment’s notice, because you now know where everything is.  You will save time and peace of mind by establishing a home  for your belongings, rather than frantically searching for your stuff and getting all stressed out.  It’s not a particularly warm and fuzzy feeling when you’re racing against the clock trying to find something that is lost in space.  So to quote dear Ben Franklin, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” ~ Amen

Did you find this information helpful?  If so, you will definitely like my new book Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.  GRAB IT HERE!

As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.




Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything comes alive!  I feel so happy when I wake each morning to a colorful landscape and bursts of sweet aromas.  It’s breathtaking to me.

The season of spring is also a time when we become more active and we want to do things. If you’re anything like me, I would venture to say that you also have one of those “forever” to-do lists…just waiting for each item to be checked off.

This is why I have designed a new program to help you accomplish all those “things” that have been long awaiting your attention.  I want you to start this spring season strong!

No matter if they are household items, office tasks, or personal goals – Boot Camp will help you get the results you want!

I’m going to share a few things that are on my “List” and I am also going to share something very personal with you so you can understand why I want to help you get things done!

Won’t you please join me this Thursday?  All you have to do is register below and show up.  You will be very happy you did!

Register Now!

It’s Back To School Time – Find Your Balance

Back to school time can be hectic!

It already feels like there’s so much to do just with our daily life tasks.

Now we have the hustle and bustle of getting the kids off to school, maintaining the house, staying on schedule, getting to work on time, and the list can go on. It’s understandable why one would feel the stress piling up.

What we want to be on the look out for is associated overwhelm and anxiety.  This is important because it’s generally the time we start to see excessive amounts of clutter and other manifestations.

I understand that work-life balance is a challenge and how easy it is for things to snowball out of control.  That’s why it’s so important that we prepare now.

I’m presenting a tel-class to help you re-focus, prioritize your important tasks, and clear out those cob-webs. It’s the perfect time to brush up on your skills and perhaps learn a few things or two.

Won’t you join me?  
Register Now!