Thankfulness, Simplicity, and the True Spirit of Thanksgiving

As we gather for Thanksgiving, it’s a time to pause and reflect on what truly matters. In a world filled with distractions and complexities, it’s easy to forget that gratitude doesn’t come from having more—it comes from appreciating the simple, meaningful things already present in our lives. The essence of Thanksgiving reminds us that we […]

One Day…

If you want to live a clutter-free life and have the peace of mind you crave, your power is always at this moment.

A Reminder We Can All Use

A REMINDER WE CAN ALL USE A few signs along the way after teaching my Mindfulness Course in Florida.  We are all so unique and special and although our stories may be different we are all the same – and we all need kindness, love and support.  Here’s to staying mindful!

A Source Of Comfort We Can All Use

There’s a sense of peace and calmness that is derived from having things in order. Being organized, assures us that we can rely on something when everything else may feel out of our reach.


WEDNESDAY WELLNESS – TIPS FOR CLEAN LIVING I would like to share a quote from my book Organically Yours. It brings me peace.  I hope it does the same for you. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not […]

A Lesson In Life

A Lesson In Life is about a mother who is stricken with Alzheimer’s and leaves a message behind to her children. These words of wisdom are later discovered when her daughter is cleaning out her home.

My Birthday Bucket List…

So here I am another year older – and wiser I would like to think… On my 50th birthday last year, there was the party, the hype, and of course the dread of the realization that I have approached the age most women want to forget about.  I spent a lot of my time trying […]

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