

There’s something I would like to share with you. Although this may or may not pertain to you directly, I am sure you know of someone it will resonate with. Allow me to explain.

Over a span of 20 years, I have helped people create healthier environments for their home and office. By far, it’s been the most challenging and yet rewarding part of my career.

But what I think people do not fully realize is that clutter is no laughing matter.

Clutter hurts. Clutter depletes your quality of life and raises the potential for serious health issues. It is one of the major sources of stress and can exacerbate medical conditions.

The problem is that it’s not always easy for a person to live a clutter-free life. Although it’s true, 99.9% of the time people can learn to get organized, (it’s a skill-set that is trainable) it’s only half of the equation to living an organized life.

So why do so many people fail at living an organized lifestyle?

Well, from my experience, it is not just one simple answer. There are many reasons why a person may be unable to conquer their clutter. And, unfortunately, at times it can be rather complicated.

I am always in search of new information, new techniques, new ideas on how to help a person succeed. That’s why I am so excited to share with you a new program I have developed. I believe, (if followed exactly as I teach it) you can truly get to the root cause of the clutter problem and finally live clutter-free.

Of course, living a conscious healthy lifestyle is always a choice. But coupled with this innovative program, I’m betting on a high success rate to being and staying organized.

Starting this Fall, I will be rolling out this program on-line, in private workshops and at prestigious learning centers, including The New York Open Center. Filming starts mid August for a min-series accentuating wellness in the home and workplace. Truly, exciting stuff.

As always, if you need immediate assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me here. Until then, stay tuned!


THE SECRET TO LETTING GO (When You’re Holding On Too Tight)

It’s been said that, “nothing lasts forever.”  Perhaps that’s why we desperately hold on so tight.

We know there is a cycle to life; that our youth vanishes, our children grow up, our parents age, and one day we will pass on.  Yet, we try to hold on even tighter.

Of course, the more we hold on, the more pain we feel as things fade, disappear, and die around us. And sometimes the tighter our grasp, the more these things happen.

Think about this in the context of a relationship.  Imagine someone who is exceptionally clingy. They are so preoccupied with all the terrible things they think can go wrong, that they miss the opportunity to fully love.  Eventually, the relationship has no recourse but to end.

What about the person who holds on for dear life to their physical things? Instead of enjoying and making use of what they already have, they are too busy acquiring more out of fear something will happen to their existing stuff.  Control now replaces the caring of their things.

If we probe further, there is usually a story that is deeply connected to why we insist on holding on so tight.  A story, no doubt, that could benefit from healing.
The secret to letting go is believing that you will be okay once you do.  I understand this is easier said than done. But it’s the truth.
If you knew for certain that all would be okay if you let go, would it make a huge difference in your life?  I’m sure it would.   I say this with confidence because I am living it.
In my upcoming tel-class I will be sharing with you how I got through the most difficult of times and how you can too.
I will also be inviting you to a workshop that I am hosting in January of 2018.  My goal is to prepare you now so you can schedule your plans accordingly to attend this ground-breaking event.
Please join me in this upcoming tel-class to learn more!

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