
Loving What Is

Loving What Is

Below is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s Book –Loving What Is
“I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts me when I argue with reality.  We can know that reality is good just as it is, because when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration.  We don’t feel natural or balanced.  When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.”
My Dear Friends…
Doesn’t this free you up? Doesn’t it give you permission to say, ‘Ah, yes, it is all OK – I am not going to argue with what is, I can accept it and then take the steps that are necessary with ease?
Living an untruth is always stressful. So many times haven’t we denied or tried to control our reality instead of just accepting it.  And how has that worked out?  Usually it becomes at some point very painful.   
The process of  Life Recovery is just like that…loving it all…loving every broken piece of it and then some.
Maybe it’s your career, relationship, environment, finances or health that’s causing you to feel anxiety, frustration and confusion.  But if, just if, we take this approach of Loving What Is, doesn’t it feel gentler and more peaceful? Doesn’t clarity begin to focus in? Then inspiration … possibly?
If you are struggling and would like to learn how to overcome your challenges and  recover, I would love to share with you all the valuable tools that have helped me.
In Healing,
Patricia xo

A Thanksgiving To Remember

A Thanksgiving To Remember

Remembering Your Departed Loved Ones

As we enter this day of Thanksgiving and we count our blessings,  there may be people who have passed on from our lives that we deeply miss.  Although we may feel sad, we can still honor them with the same joy of Thanksgiving as if they are still here.Here is an excerpt from James Van Praagh’s article – Remembering Your Departed Loved Ones During The Holidays that you may find helpful:

When you are enjoying an almost perfect holiday event this season and think to yourself “I wish Dad was here to enjoy this” comfort yourself with the knowledge that he is closer than you think!
*    Acknowledge those who have passed in a special way – display a favorite holiday photo of that person, make their favorite recipe, or use a serving piece that belonged to them during the meal. You can even set them a place at the table- any small gesture that brings them closer will be appreciated!
*    Encourage family members to share a memory. Pick a time where everyone can share a memory or story about the person who has passed. Let the dead know that they are loved and remembered.
*    Be open to signs. Be open to subtle scents, sounds, and thoughts that signal the presence of your loved ones – and respond to them, “hi mom!” so Spirit knows you are aware of them.
Mommy -

Thanksgiving – A Time To Be Thankful

It’s My Favorite Time Of Year…

Thanksgiving is a time when traditions come into our reality and play a vital role in how we celebrate this wonderful holiday.  From cooking the turkey, baking desserts and decorating the house, it’s also a time when we get to communicate all of the things we may be feeling, but do not necessarily say to the people who are important to us.

When I think back on all of the Thanksgiving traditions we have celebrated in our family, by far the one that still holds strong, and that I look forward to, is our round robin celebration.  This is where we all hold hands before we break bread and give thanks to our “Heavenly Father” and then we take turns expressing to one another how thankful we are for our family.

I am blessed with having a beautiful daughter, both my parent’s, and other family to share my Thanksgiving with.  I have learned throughout the years, with all my trials and tribulations, that saying “I Love You” or sharing my feelings with someone that I care deeply about, does not  have to take place only on a holiday however.  Life is too short for that.

On this particular Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the awakening of my mind, the stirring of my soul, and the opening of my heart – to witness and lovingly appreciate the gift of a beautiful sunrise, a gorgeous rainbow, a lovely smile, a warm hug, a contagious laugh, and a tender touch.

It is my wish for you this holiday, that you may know these gifts and share them with the people who have touched your life.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Do Your Actions Support Your Intentions?

Recently I was faced with a decision that was difficult for me to make because I truly cared about someone, but I also knew deep down inside that this person was not ready for what I was capable of in terms of a balanced relationship. 

My intentions were set from the beginning to meet someone who is “emotionally” available in mind, body and spirit.  Hence, a man appeared from my past that I found myself attracted to.   

As time took it’s course, I tried to evaluate whether or not my decision to not go forward was realistic  – was it because I was honoring my intentions – or was it in response to injured feelings of a past hurt.  I had to be clear. 

What I found was although my one time “Forever Man” did forever change my life, this also allowed me to see what I could and could not accept in terms of what was healthy for me.  

It was nice to have companionship, it was lovely to have someone who thought about me, and it was endearing to be wanted, yet I knew by staying, I would not support my intentions of a long lasting, loving relationship.

He thought he was ready, I knew he wanted to be ready.  There was the difference. 

What about you?  Are your actions in alignment with what you desire?  Are you being true to yourself, no  matter how fearful it is or how much it hurts?

(Excerpts from Patricia’s New Book)