5 Steps to Simplifying His Routine

Mature CoupleAre you having challenges getting your man organized?  Is it common to find your significant other dropping things throughout the house when he walks in the door?  Wish you could head him off at the pass and break these patterns?

Well, with a few helpful hints, these habits can be a thing of the past. Incorporating change can improve your relationship, ease tension, and create a healthier state of mind.

Study your man

Begin by observing his routine.  What does he actually bring in the door with him? Is he picking up the mail along the way?  Does he have a briefcase in tow?  From the moment he enters, does he go to the same place to drop off his things, or better yet, does he scatter them throughout the home – a briefcase here, a wallet there and loose change tossed on the dresser?

Typically, when retiring for the day, men need places to deposit their stuff.  When it comes to their loose change, a wallet full of receipts and electronic gadgets, having proper homes will simplify their routines and bring about order in your home.

Give him homes

  1. Small change – Start with a money jar for his extra change.  He has the option to either refill his pockets the following day, or its’ a great incentive to start saving up for something special.
  2. File it away – Consider using a file folder or an envelope, and label it receipts.  This way he can clean out his wallet each day, and at the end of the month you can match them with your statements.
  3. Safe hiding – Jewelry boxes are not only for women.  If your man wears a watch, ring, or any other accessory, he will need a safe place for his trinkets.
  4. A place to recharge – Find an isolated place for a docking station for all of his electronic devices.  However, designate a spot that is in view to help prevent forgetting it in the morning; consider placing on a bright colored tray.
  5. Sorting things out – Choose a convenient spot for the household mail.  This way, he has a place to set it down that will prevent him from misplacing it. If you can label some folders with different categories, he will be more inclined to sort it.

Note: Getting organized is a learned activity. With these simple steps, just think what can get accomplished from here.

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