Are You Still Holding On?

Are you still holding on to old ways yet yearning for a new way?  Think about that for a moment…yes, yes, think about that.
Holding On & Letting Go

Let me help you simplify this in the bigger picture, so to speak.Neale Donald Walsch said this and I believe he is spot on…He said,

“That yearning for a new way will not produce it.  Only ending the old way can do that.

You cannot hold onto the old all the while declaring that you want something new.

The old will defy the new;
the old will deny the new;
the old will decry the new.

There is only one way to bring in the new.

You must make room for it.”

Allow me to share something with you if I may…You see, I know what it feels like to let go.  I believe it’s a very intimate process one experiences when they release and end something.I also recognize that it can be difficult for people to let go or end something because they are fearful of the unknown.  They are not sure of what their outcome will be and worry if it will be better, worse, or if they will end up regretting their decision.

So inevitably they do nothing. 

But what most people don’t realize is that not to decide is to decide.  You are deciding to do nothing – so it’s still a decision.

Ask yourself:

  • What are you deciding right now by not deciding?
  • What are you choosing by failing to choose?

As Jack Canfield suggests:

“Sometimes people stay stuck because they fall into a dangerous trap of settling for less than they deserve in the name of gratitude.”

Here are some examples:
“Rather than taking action and asking for a raise… they say, “Well, I should be grateful I have a job.”

“Rather than taking action and asking for what they want in a relationship… they say, “Well, I should be grateful that my partner is faithful.”

“Rather than taking action and looking for a bigger house… they say, “Well, I should be grateful that I have a house when so many people don’t.”

Here’s the thing, friends… 

  • Wanting more doesn’t mean that you’re ungrateful or greedy.
  • Letting go and releasing the old allows for a grander, better life.
  • Making room for the new creates the opportunity for you to express and demonstrate your higher self.

It is time now.  It’s time to make a decision.  You don’t want to live your life by default, do you?  Here is your signal – take it!