Ask The Coach: Do You Have A Burning Question For Me?

Ask The Coach:  Do You Have A Burning Question For Me?

There’s a lot of information out there about how to recover from life’s challenges.

But how do you sort it all out to bring about clarity and order in one’s life?

Well, if you have been following Keep It Simple Now, you likely feel confident in Patricia’s approach to organization and simplifying one’s life.

It’s solid, it’s authentic and it’s results driven.

Patricia has been helping people for more than 15 years and is making her knowledge available to you!

You will have the opportunity to ask me your questions on Tuesday, May 6th @ 7:00 PM – ET.

She’s expecting to see questions on:

  • Change
  • Letting Go
  • De-Cluttering
  • Manifestation
  • Spirituality

Come Prepared!  Really think about what you want to ask Patricia!  Talk To You Soon!

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You can begin posting your questions here now.