Struggling With CLUTTER?

So many people struggle with clutter.


They don’t have to.


They can live clutter free.  There are options.


Yet, people by and large still struggle.


Why is that?



It’s a question that I have asked myself for years. In fact, I was so intrigued by this question that I found myself on a quest to find the answer. Unbeknown to me, I soon found that this one question was packed with more than I bargained for.


I wanted to know, understand, and come to terms with, ‘why human beings insist on struggling – even when they don’t have to?’


This question posed other questions for me.  Unleashing my deep desire to come to a better understanding of:


  • Why are so many people depressed?
  • Why do we feel anxious?
  • What are we all so afraid of?
  • Why is there so much imbalance in the world?
  • What is the human spirit capable of?


Which evolved into what I guess, one would say, a spiritual journey for me.


Over the years, I have received countless emails from people asking: What’s the secret to living a clutter-free life?


And with each inquiry my quest grew deeper.


I wanted to help these people.


I wanted to get them to a place where they could live in a home that was neat and clean.


I wanted them to stop worrying and feel at peace.


And most of all I wanted their pain to go away.  It broke my heart to see them suffer.


I wish I could tell you that I was able to figure out all the answers, but there are still many questions that remain open.


However, this spiritual journey that I speak of has served me well.  It has provided a richer understanding of why some people choose to free themselves of clutter while others remain stuck.


Yet, that didn’t stop my quest for trying to help those who are still struggling.


With compassion and tenacity, I created a program that is simple to implement for freeing your mind.


Mindful Tools For Organized Living is the most elite and complete, step-by-step program that will help you overcome your stress, overwhelm and procrastination.


All that is required is a few necessities:


  • You show up
  • You are committed
  • You keep an open mind
  • You embrace mentoring


With these requirements, everything else will fall neatly into place.


I am confident when I say; It is the only program you’ll ever need to finally get organized for good!


You can learn more about how this program can help you or a loved one here:


Get Your Life In Order

Do you know why “order” feels good?  Well, in part it’s because our brain doesn’t have to work so hard.

Clutter creates stress that has three major biological and neurological effects on us—our cortisol levels, our creativity and ability to focus, and our experience of pain.

No matter how we slice it, when clutter creeps in to the point where it exceeds our ability to manage it – havoc occurs in our world.

So if you’re struggling with clutter, it stands to reason that your mind is craving calm, clarity and focus.  That’s why I am going to suggest that you attend my FREE webinar.

Makes sense?  (I think it does!)

Go ahead – click on the link below and I’ll see you on the other side.



Need A Boost? Start Self-Caring.

​​​Okay, so here’s the deal on motivation…

If you lost your mojo, can’t get out of your own way, procrastinating, and just can’t get it together, and you’re not self-caring at this point, don’t expect motivation to come knocking at your door.  The truth is, if you’re not self-caring, you’re not even in the game of motivation.

Lack of motivation is usually due to fatigue and stress.  So we know to combat this we must self-care.  Now, self-care is not just about taking bubble baths…(lol) it’s much deeper than that.  You can start with the regular rituals; meditation, exercise, diet and sleep – these will all help build and boost the immune system and therefore enhance Serotonin, Dopamine, etc., levels in your brain. 

Also, eating too much junk food and abusing alcohol and drugs will mess with your brain of course, so that will affect your motivation.  What you need to understand is that  motivation is neurobiological as well.

Now, another big thing is to make sure your environment is conducive to wellness.  That means, less is more.  Your living space and work space should be neat and tidy and organized –  no clutter.  Studies prove that clutter messes with your brain – i.e., gives you clutter of the mind and causes stress and overwhelm, therefore, diminishes productivity.

Now, once you’re starting to get back into the game of motivation and you’re feeling much better – the key to productivity is to have your eye on the future – meaning, you have to have a goal.  Hope for something to go after.  Without this, you will just be surviving not thriving – and we don’t want that. 

So you must begin with a Life Goal. Now that may seem contrary to what we’ve been told all these years – such as we need yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily first.  After you devise your life goal, then you start working backwards toward the other goals.  Without a life goal, you’re just skimming through life without a purpose and there’s no bigger productivity killer than that. 

So there you have it.  Remember, self-care is self-love.  Start today – it’s never too late.

Take A Virtual Organizing Session With Me!

Dear Friend,

What better way to make use of  your time then to get ORGANIZED!

Why not tackle the things you’ve been procrastinating on and bring a sense of order to the things you can control now.

Studies show over and over that when you are organized you feel better because it reduces your stress.  And right now anything you can do to be productive will lessen your anxiety.  So de-cluttering and organizing are on the top of the list!

I want to help you as much as I can create a living space that reflects wellness because I know this will help your emotional and mental well-being.

The best way I can do this is by helping you virtually.  I’ve been doing this for many years and it is absolutely 100% effective, just as if I was standing right along side you.

So if you are interested in getting organized I will be offering 45 minute consultations and assessments for only $30.   Together we will review your environment, your goals and create an action plan to get you started.

You can register by clicking on the link below.  Once you are registered, I will follow up with you to discuss further details on how to prepare for your session and to schedule your time.

I can’t wait to help you get ORGANIZED!

With lots of love,




Join Me For This Call; Ask The Organizer

I sincerely hope this post finds you and your loved ones well. 

Everyone is struggling right now; worried about the future and trying to find emotional stability in this global pandemic.

We all have to do our part and so this is my way of trying to support you the best way I can.

I am hosting, Ask The Organizer, a FREE Call, where you can call in and ask me anything you’d like about de-cluttering, organizing, clean living and self-care.  The line will stay open as long as it needs to.

I suggest you make a list of all the pressing things on your mind and I’ll do my very best to help you out, shed some light on “things” and get you ready to springboard into action!

Here’s the info:

When:  Thursday, March 19, 2020 (First Day of Spring)
Time:     7:00 PM ET
Where:  Tel-Call

Phone:  1-605-562-0400
Pin Code:  954 5600

I look forward to our call.  Until then, be safe, wash your hands often and stay mindful.   

PS:  I’ve been de-cluttering my home and getting “things” in order.  I am noticing how it is having a positive impact on my emotions.  I’ll share this with you on the call.  xo

The 3 Gateways To Self-Care; How to improve your wellness and reduce stress

I’ve been thinking a lot more about the impact stress has on people.

The interesting thing about stress is that most of us tend to shrug it off as if it’s just a normal part of life.  So we pay it no mind and try to carry on with our day, hoping things will eventually calm down and get better.

Now, let me be clear.  Everyone experiences stress to some degree in today’s modern world.  But I’m talking about the stress that keeps building until it wreaks havoc on your body, mind and living space.

The very first thing I advise my clients to do when the stress starts to manifest is to go into self-care mode.

Our wellness is a direct outcome of how well we take care of ourselves and how intentional we are about it. When we wait on self-care, our wellness can suffer and fall like a house of cards.

If you would like to learn some strategies on how to self-care and reduce your stress, I’m going to be offering a FREE webinar on The 3 Gateways to Self-Care.

I hope you’ll join me and while your at it, invite a friend or loved one as well.


Imagine If We Could Just Love And Care More

Sometimes when we’re feeling stuck or frustrated, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to focus on self-love and self-care.

This is not always easy for many people, especially if they have been living with physical clutter.  Clutter that hangs around too long tends to condition the way we think and feel about ourselves.

Limiting beliefs of “I’m not good enough or worthy of” can surface, which can sabotage our focus and deprive us of the very thing we need the most – love and care.

That’s where the power of mindfulness can help release these blocks and move you forward in a more positive way. This is just some of the criteria I cover in my Mindful Tools for Organized Living program.

Mindfulness Program All In One

I show you how to dig into where these limiting beliefs came from and how to rewrite them, and how to show up in life with your new story that embraces your authentic self.

We all need love and care, but more importantly, we need to give it to ourselves. Mindful Tools for Organized Living will show you how to do that and in the process unclutter your life – plain and simple.

I hope you’ll give it a try.



Ready to simplify and give up all that “stuff?”

Today I received an email from Neale Donald Walsch. The point of the message was to reassure us that we all have the ability to rewrite our life story.

In other words, it’s okay to give up our past.

How often do we get locked up in our old experiences and think that we have to live that story out – all that “stuff” that has nothing to do with who we are now.

Not only is it unhealthy, but it keeps us stuck and prevents us from living out our greatness.

In case you are not familiar with Neale, he is an International Best Selling Author who’s books are inspired by God.

Here’s a picture of us:

The email reminded me once again why so many people struggle with clutter.

Clutter is just an outward manifestation of what we are continually telling ourselves – the drama, the disappointment, the pain of our messy life experiences.

The reason why people have clutter is because they are stuck in their story!

But there is a way out!  And there is a new story just waiting to be told.

I explain all of this in detail and show you exactly how to let go and re-write a new story, step-by-step, with The Keep It Simple Now System.™ People are raving about it because they are getting results –  and I know you will too!

Are you ready to get unstuck and simplify your life?  I hope so – I truly do!

You can learn how to do that by clicking on the link below. (You’ll see all the juicy testimonials inside.)






Does Your Paperwork Need Organizing?

Do you detest all the paperwork scattered throughout your house and the energy spent looking through them?

Well, you’re not alone.

Here’s a little known fact:

“Each month, the average U.S. household receives 80 pieces of junk mail, three magazines, six catalogs and 10 credit car solicitations.  And that’s just snail mail.  When you add receipts, articles clipped from magazines, and ATM slips, it’s no wonder that piles of paper are as common in our homes as furniture (and sometimes are the furniture.)”

In other words, paperwork without organization means clutter!  Period.

That’s why it’s so important to organize all of it, including your tax documents, medical info, and even your kid’s treasured drawings.

I know how important it is to take control over paper clutter, so once a year I run a workshop on doing just that.  If you’re interested in learning how to simplify and streamline your papers, this is the workshop for you!

The class is limited to a room capacity of 10 people.  Oh, and if you register within the next 48 hours you automatically get the discount price.  But I wouldn’t wait until the last minute and chance getting locked out or paying a higher fee.

You can get all the details by clicking on the link below.  Hope to see you in class!


Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life

On a scale of 1 to 10, how content are you with the feeling of being organized in your life right now?

Let’s assume 10 would be if you had everything just the way you wanted it – everything had a place and everything was in its place. You could locate whatever you needed without wasting time, you could have people over at the drop of a hat without stressing and you felt joy in knowing your place brought you peace of mind.

With being organized at that high water mark, where would you say you are at today?

Is it a 7? Or an 8? Higher? Lower?

And considering where your organized life is, do you have a concrete plan for moving up on the scale?

The first step to getting to a level 10 from wherever it is now, is to truly believe it is possible. That’s the first step to overcoming resistance.

To that end, I believe that if you are at a level 1 you can make the best of every situation you are in …

But you must be willing to seize opportunity when it knocks on your door.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because I like to begin my week doing something that will motivate me for the week ahead. So here’s what I have in store for this week:

Today I am giving away my private notes to “Shattering Resistance to an Organized Life.” All you have to do is click on the link below to schedule a FREE call with me and I’ll personally review my notes with you.

Here’s you chance to move up the scale! Opportunity is here – open the door!