You’re Awesome!
It’s Monday – the start of a new week. Let’s do our best to make it amazing! Sometimes just a simple gesture or token can make our day. A warm smile or familiar giggle can do so much for our soul. I for one, would like to tell you how Awesome I think you really […]
I’VE MISSED YOU – Let’s Catch Up!
I’ve Missed You – Let’s Catch Up! It has been a long time since we have spoken and I really do miss you! I am sure a lot of things have been going on in your life and I want to hear all about them. There have been BIG CHANGES in my life that I […]
TIME TO GET THINGS DONE – SPRING BOOT CAMP Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything comes alive! I feel so happy when I wake each morning to a colorful landscape and bursts of sweet aromas. It’s breathtaking to me. The season of spring is also a time when we become more active and […]
Imagine going on a long journey into the wilderness without a compass. Unless you are very skilled and trained, the likeliness is that you will get lost. Many of us walk around in life the same way…without direction or purpose, ultimately feeling very lost. Somehow, along the way, we forgot about our special talents, skills […]
Why Do Women Shop?
Why do we fall prey to playful TV commercials and grabbing magazine ads that lure us to buy, buy, buy? Why do we order material goods that we don’t need and purchase clothes that we will never wear? Why do we then spend countless hours returning the unwanted items after we come to our senses? […]
Do you wish you had a Secret Elixir for curing your clutter – so you can live a better life? I got ya covered! I cracked the clutter code! I’m about to share with you 3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation. If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter […]
She Was A Client – Now She’s An Author
I talk to a lot of people who dream of becoming an Author. As a Coach, I’m very familiar with the patterns that hold people back from making their dreams come true. A common worry people have is: “Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say? What gives me the authority to […]
Live A Life On PURPOSE
Live a Life On PURPOSE Living a life without purpose, no direction, no goals, is just existing. It’s like going on a long journey without a compass. When I see people living this way, I wonder to myself, what happened? How did they forget about their talents, abilities, skills…their gifts? Did you know that we all […]
CHANGE YOUR WAYS – CHANGE YOUR LIFE It’s not always easy to just “change” our ways. Especially when we have been in the habit of doing the same thing over and over. The problem is that by not changing our “ways” we end up with the same results. This can leave us feeling disappointed when […]
Closets Are Indicative Of Your Mind!
I’ve heard it said that ‘Closets are indicative of our mind.’ A messy closet, a cluttered mind. An organized closet, a clear mind. I would agree that once a person cleans out their closet, they feel like they can think again. The problem is that many people have a hard time with the de-cluttering process. […]