Do You Need Decluttering Tips?

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin said that I believe it’s true.

Sometimes it may feel as if we are always trying to catch up and spending too much time on making lists and putting this and that away. But can you imagine what it would feel like if you didn’t dedicate any time to getting yourself organized?

From experience, (after working in this field for over 20 years) I can tell you that it would cost you a heck of a lot more than just time. Pure overwhelm and exhaustion usually sets in when you can’t locate your “things” or you “forget” an important meeting.  Not to mention the worry of excess physical and emotional clutter.
In my new book, Organically Yours, I dedicate an entire chapter called “Smart Living.”  I share with you a story about Cynthia and explain where clutter comes from. I also discuss the benefits of decluttering along with powerful tips.
So if you haven’t registered yet for my upcoming book party, register now so you can get some really great information on smart living and your free coaching session along with special bonus items.  You don’t want to miss out on this!