Organize Your Life This 2011 – An On-Line Workshop!

People call into my office all the time asking for help.  Their source of pain can come from a myriad of reasons, such as:

  • Showing up late at work
  • Procrastinating on projects
  • Difficulty communicating
  • Losing items
  • Feeling unmotivated
  • Cluttered environment

Although they may have different stories, their pain comes from the same place.
However, once they make a commitment to improve the quality of their lives, it is then the process of organization unfolds and change occurs.

It is for this very reason I am hosting an on-line workshop this February entitled:

How to Get Organized by Overcoming Challenges in the Home and Workplace.

I will be taking my years of experience of teaching different subject matters and combining it into one amazing on-line workshop.  All you need is a telephone and a computer.

And I am making it so irresistible that you would have to be one organized Honcho not to sign up.

I know you want to kick-off 2011 to a great start to and I want to help you make it the best year ever!

I want to help you let go of things and relax, live simply, breath easy, be productive and for goodness sake – improve the quality of your life!

Now if you are still contemplating whether or not you should sign up I want you to ask yourself this question…
What is holding you back?

You have to be honest with yourself here.

Now please read on and see what you will be getting from this awesome workshop…

This on-line workshop is going to give you the tools to make this a productive and constructive year.
Here are the topics we will be covering:

(because you are important)

(we need to take a look at ourselves)

A Little Status Update
(things that are going on in the organizing world)

Stress in the workplace and home
(how this impacts your overall well-being)

Getting Motivated in Difficult Times
(you need steps to get you moving)

Clear Your Desk – Clear Your Mind
(from piles to files and tips to tricks)

Managing Time Productively
(creating effective systems – you know you need them)

Conquering Project Organizing
(artful ways to produce PTL’s)

Effective Communication
(how to say what you mean and mean what you say)

Empowering Methods to Manage your Home and Office
(tools to help you from backsliding)

With this class you will also receive:

  • Recording of each class (links)
  • Work book
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Class Interaction
Plus – are you ready for this…

A 30 Minute Private Coaching Session with me! (this is a $100.00 value right here)

I said it before and I mean it, your success is my success and I want 2011 to be a smashing year!

To Learn More – click on the Register Now Button…


You won’t be disappointed!

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