Question From A Facebook Reader

Hi Patricia.

I would like to know the best way of getting a hoarder to realize she needs professional help, as they all think they can do it themselves, the “it” being cleaning out their homes.

Obviously, they can’t because if they could, their homes wouldn’t be that way in the first place.

I believe those were the exact words you said to my friend, and that almost got her to the point where she agreed – almost.

My feeling is that their perception is so far from reality that they won’t seek help on their own, that some type of intervention must take place, like the threat of eviction, or an ultimatum set by family or friends.

I would appreciate your thoughts.


My Comment:

Hoarding is a complicated disorder and everyone reacts and responds differently.

(Notice how I used respond and react)

Ultimately the person needs to seek help for themselves, but unfortunately in many circumstances the help is forced upon them (despite their unwillingness) due to eviction or unmanageable conditions.

Support groups are always a good first step to learn more and get educated.

I would be more than happy to discuss further with you at any point.

Take care.