Ready, Set, Go! (January 10th Tel-Class)

So the New Year is here…and resolutions were made.

Now the hard part comes into play – how to honor your commitment by staying true to your word.

It would be great if we could achieve our goals without a lot of effort, but we know this is not true.  Setting out to accomplish something means we have to finish what we started – and that means, starting at the beginning and following all the way through to fruition.

It appears that most people get frustrated with their resolutions and give up because they feel they will never get to the end – the final hooray where they can celebrate their victories.  But what most neglect to see is that in order to finish what you started you have to first get the right mind set.

So what do I mean by this?  Well for starters, once you make the conscious decision to make a resolution, it’s time to stop thinking and start acting on it.

Do It Today

Why is it so important to start today? It’s important to start today because putting things off just means that you’re feeding the cycle of making excuses. You can’t actively take part in your life while passively waiting for things to happen for you. Waiting doesn’t accomplish anything, at least not when you’re looking to change your life.

Plus, why would you want to waste even another moment if you can get started on your new and improved life today?

Sometimes we argue that our lives “really” don’t need improvement and that our resolution is  just a “pie in the sky” dream.   Usually we make these excuse when we are not willing to do the work.    Don’t allow complacency and stagnation to take over and destroy your personal advancement.

One of the best ways to get the ball rolling is by starting with a list of the things you want!

  • Maybe you always wanted to take a dance or art class.
  • Maybe you wanted to travel to a specific place or learn another language.
  • Maybe you want to declutter your home or office and get organized.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed, you may want to start with things that would have an immediate impact on your self-esteem which will help boost your confidence level.  Anything that allows you to actively take a step further towards the person you want to be, while making you feel good about the fact that you’re taking action, is a worthwhile activity to engage in.

Set reasonable goals for yourself  and start slowly.  For example:

  • Clean off your desk as the first step rather than organizing the entire office.
  • Purge your dresser drawers first rather than revamping the whole room.
  • Walk around the block to start rather than trying to run a mile.

There’s an old saying – “Good things  come to those who wait.”  But guess what, “Good things come to those who take action.”

Good luck – I know you can do it!

Want to learn more on how to fulfill your 2012 goals – register for this amazing tel-class HERE!

Date:  Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time:  6:00 – 7:00 PM Eastern Time