What Can You Do In 15 Minutes?

Tasks You Can Do Each Day To Lessen The Load Spring is the season for cleaning things up and getting organized. Although we may have the desire to bring order to our lives, it can still be challenging to dedicate the time.  I’m sure if given a choice most of us would opt for play […]

Steve Adubato and I Catch Up

Stay tuned for the clippings of Steve and I discussing – “How to Clean Up Your Clutter and Organize Your Life for Better Success!”  As always, Steve made me feel comfortable and he was truly engaged and interested in the topic of organization.  It was so much fun!  Thank You Steve! http://www.caucusnj.org/one-on-one/shows/turner-eisner-diesel.asp

Calling All Men…

What are your struggles with organization? How does it impact your life?  Single Dads, what are your struggles with domestication?  What are your struggles in the workplace? I’m curious. Let’s get some discussions going on the blog. Comment below and let me know your thoughts. I want to develop solutions targeting these struggles and I […]

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