Resolve To Reduce Clutter
Patricia Diesel advises that you resolve to reduce your clutter and set yourself free.
The Ultimate Women’s Workshop
The Ultimate Women’s Workshop Is Finally Here – For Women Who Want To Get Organized (for good) without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.
Clutter & Stress In The Workplace
Messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives. Why is that? When dirty dishes are piled, laundry overflows and your belongings are scattered about, your stress level rises. Trust me when I tell you, clutter & stress […]
NEWS UPDATE – SAVE THE DATES This September I will be teaching two courses – one in New York and the other in New Jersey. Both offer complimentary intro’s so you can learn about the course curriculum. Below is the information about the workshops. Hope to see you soon! Coaching Through The Clutter Mindfulness […]