
Please Don’t Stress

Modern stress is a very real thing. What this means is that modern life has created stress that most of us find overwhelming. This new stress comes from:

Technology which causes us to be continually “connected” – so we’re never turned “off.”
Work-Life balance issues – i.e., trying to do too much and prioritizing it all.
Continual Stimulation – we are on overload from air, noise and visual pollution – it takes a toll on our brain power.

The real problem with all of this is that stress is inflammatory. So when we have inflammation circulating throughout our body we are in a state of dis-ease. If we do not learn how to manage our stress in positive ways, ultimately this can break us down and lead to chronic health conditions.

Studies have also shown that when we are in constant stress – we outwardly manifest what we are internalizing – thus many people experience clutter in their environment.

In my upcoming event, 3 Hallmarks of Wellness, we will be covering Modern Stress and similar topics that are of true concern. Learning how to cope and manage stress is paramount to our well-being.

That’s why in this workshop, I will be personally guiding you through the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness so you can experience first-hand how to learn how to deal with some of these real life issues we face today.


Tuesday’s Tips – 4/5/11 – What’s Your EQ?

What’s Your EQ?

Join us in this week’s Tele-Class

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

April 5, 2011 – 6:oo PM – 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Here’s the buzz about EQ and why I am offering this class.

First let me begin by saying that over the years, it has been my experience that 99.9% of my clients can get organized…once taught.

This means, getting organized is a skill set that can be learned – at any age, any time.

If my clients were struggling before we met, it was usually due to one or two reasons:

1)  They were never exposed to the skill set adequately and therefore felt insecure in their ability


2)  They just didn’t want to do it because of a belief system they integrated into their life.

Regardless of either reason, the client did not feel good about their emotional intelligence.

I have found that once they were exposed to EQ, they had better self-esteem, more confidence, the ability to get organized and feel more in control over their life.

And it is for this reason I am offering this class – I want more people to feel better!

Register Now!

Are You Addicted To Technology?

Check out the below quote from “O MAGAZINE”…

I am addicted to gadgets. Trouble is, I keep forgetting where I put them.
A friend once said, “Our lives are spent in moments–how many of them
do you want to waste looking for your cellphone or BlackBerry?” Finding
a place for everything frees up time to pursue what you really want.–Donna
Brazile, columnist in O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE

Can you relate? Of course most of us can.

But what I would like to know is when did we allow technology go govern our day?

Are you interested in learning tips on how to be more balanced out and turn down the noise from outside exposure?

We already have enough noise in our heads, do we really need more?

Join me on next weeks Conference Call – “Living A Balanced Life”

Go Here To Register:

Together we can find ways to make it better!

I am addicted to gadgets. Trouble is, I keep forgetting where I put them.
A friend once said, “Our lives are spent in moments–how many of them
do you want to waste looking for your cellphone or BlackBerry?” Finding
a place for everything frees up time to pursue what you really want.–Donna
Brazile, columnist in O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE

Save It With A Smile – A Snapshot of Clutter Control

Taking a PictureMy daughter, a fashion design student in New York City, called to remind me about her annual runway show this spring. Every year, two schools showcase their work and compete against one another to see who will win the title of “Best Designer.”

As you can well imagine, there is lots of energy and excitement leading up to this event and when the day arrives, every proud family member is there trying to capture the moments with their cell-phone cameras, digital cameras and video equipment.

But with all the fame and glory, comes, yup, you guessed it…clutter! Between the layers of outfits and accessories, piles of sketches and designs, and the ever-glowing memories from program announcements and pictures, you end up with lots of “stuff”.

Now in the life of a design student, their clutter actually becomes a stepping stone for their portfolio. Once they choose their overall design to display as their creation and work of art, they can begin to let go and reduce the excess trimmings, so to speak.

But what about us loved ones who share in their delight? What do we do about the paper trails of stuff that follow us home?

On my drive back that evening, I kept glancing at the program thinking to myself, “where am I going to put this?” How do I keep it safe until I decide what I want to do with it? Should I place it in a drawer or a file? Maybe, I should just put it in with my daughter’s other memories that are in her childhood treasure chest?

But then it occurred to me, that if I take a photograph of the brochure, inside and out, that this image will be just as valuable to me and her as the actual program, and I won’t have to worry about finding a place in my home for it to live.

Therefore, I started thinking about other ways clutter could be reduced. Consider this: How many times have you gone shopping and tried on outfits that you were not sure of, but still purchased them, only to return them.

Well, what if you took out your camera and took a picture of yourself instead. This way you have time to think about it, ask your friends and family their opinion and the best part is, you don’t have to spend any money while you are trying to figure it out. When you finally make your decision, just delete the image. It’s that simple.

So now, I carry a small digital camera in my purse where I go. If I forget it, I use my camera on my cell phone. It is my new resource for clutter control and I’m loving it!