The Benefits Of Life Coaching
How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough
“Right now, this very moment, I have such a clear vision that I must share it with you,” said Barbara.
“Okay, let’s hear it – you have my full attention,” I replied.
“I feel like I finally get it. I see for the first time what you have been trying to show me all along. Not only do I see it, but I truly feel it.”
“This is going to be good,” I said. “I can’t wait, please continue…”
Barbara excitedly shares her vision. She tells me to envision an egg. Only this egg is a stone egg. This stone egg is really an analogy – because the stone egg, this hard-core shell that has been rock solid for many years, is really her. And like the stone egg, Barbara’s outer core has been very difficult to penetrate. And like the stone egg once again, this outer shell has protected itself like she has protected herself for many, many years. They are both the same, virtually unbreakable.
“But you see, Patricia,” she said, “you know this. You have been watching me, observing me, coaching me. You get me. You see this and so you take heed and carefully select your words and actions with me. But with every word and action, you create a little crack on the egg.
“It’s as if I see you gently tapping the egg ever so slightly, but nevertheless unyielding. You do not give up, you just keep tapping away, little by little. Eventually, one of these taps creates a huge fracture. It’s hard to see now where the very first crack occurred as all the cracks blend into one another. The stone egg is extremely fragile and like myself, can break open in an instant.
“You prepare the stone egg for this critical time. You place the egg in a safe zone so when it’s ready to emerge it does not feel broken. Instead, like myself, it will witness a break through. And a pivotal moment it will be for us as the stone egg morphs into no other but me. But the best part of all of this is that what I see and feel is my higher self finally coming out to play.
“It’s whimsical, it’s delirious and most of all it is freeing. I celebrate, I dance, I sing, I am overjoyed that at last I get to experience the freedom to be no one else, but me.”
It is a glorious day. I am grateful and I am thankful for this experience with Barbara. And as always, I like to save the best for last.
Barbara said:
“I know this is only the start. I am onto a new beginning, one with no end in sight and I am finally ready!”