Tasks You Can Do Each Day To Lessen The Load

15 Minutes?
Spring is the season for cleaning things up and getting organized.
Although we may have the desire to bring order to our lives, it can still be challenging to dedicate the time. I’m sure if given a choice most of us would opt for play time instead.
It’s not unusual to feel conflicted between wanting to get all the chores done yet want to spend quality time with friends and family.
So what can we do to lighten the load and still have time to do the things we want?
Begin with utilizing one of the Golden Rules of Organizing; The 15-Minute Rule.
Each day choose a task for 15 minutes or so and begin chipping away a little at a time. Before you know it, you will soon have everything under wraps and have more time for fun and relaxation.
Speed Clean Your Bathroom
Choose what you can clean for that day in 15 minutes – toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, tile, or floor. A little at a time goes a long way to get the entire bathroom shiny and sparkling.
Vacuum Your Floors
Carpet, hardwood or tile – it all needs to be vacuumed. Pick a room and clean away. If you have time to spare – try damp mopping the floors to make it extra clean.
Empty All The Trash
Go from room to room and empty the trash. Then take it to your outside disposal or dumpster and be rid of it! Put a fresh liner in the baskets.
Clean Out The Refrigerator
Get rid of your leftovers, wipe down the shelves, and prepare your grocery list. Now you can go food shopping and put away your food in a clean refrigerator. Nice!
Throw Out Expired Medicines
This is a good habit to get into – take inventory of your meds and get rid of all the expired ones. Include non-prescriptions, vitamins, first-aid items, and cosmetics. Just remember to be responsible when throwing away.
Organize Your Pantries
Take out what doesn’t belong there and put “like with like.” Categorize all your soups, pastas, can goods, etc. Have the labels face forward for easy viewing. Before you know it, the whole kitchen will be finished!
Clean Out Your Drawers
Today it’s your kitchen drawer, tomorrow it may be a desk drawer. The point is, a little at a time and eventually you will work your way up to getting all the drawers done. That will feel good!
Program Your Cell Phone
Go ahead – finally make the changes necessary to your phone – change the ring tone, add or edit your contact list, download your pictures – just do it!
Recycle Old Books and Magazines
Do you have books and magazines that are just sitting there unread? For every new book or subscription you bring in, the old must go out. Recycle, Donate or Trash – take the time to view what you have and then take an action!