I am curious about something…
Have you ever had an idea you were super excited about?
Did you have good intentions to carry out that idea, but when it came time to putting that idea into action, well, it never happened?
Why did you do that? |
It Still Goes Back To Fear
Maybe, just maybe it’s a fear of success…or how about this…maybe, just maybe it’s a fear of failure. You see, what may stand true for you, can be the polar opposite for another. However, the feelings associated with this fear can be just as strong. Fear can deny us of what we really want to do. |
Words Are Powerful 
We may not realize the power behind our words. When we speak a mantra, an intention, a statement, we put our words into motion. Our words are then waiting for us to claim them, take action and follow through. |
It’s Time To Take Action
Are you tired of doing the same thing and receiving the same results? Then it’s time to change what you are doing.
In other “Words”…
- If you say you want to get organized and change the quality of your life, then take the action that is necessary to begin the process.
- If you say you are tired of living in chaos and want peace of mind, then take the action that is required to develop a plan.
- If you say you would like to spend more quality time with the people you love, then take action to create balance in your life.
STOP PROCRASTINATING and you will stop asking yourself once and for all…
“Why Do I Do That?” |
Do what you know is right, take action!
With love,
Patricia Diesel, CPC
Keep It Simple Now, LLC
(908) 642-1226
Please Note: Procrastination can be a serious struggle. If you feel that you are stuck in the cycle of procrastination and want to learn strategies to overcome this, please contact me.