Are You Clutter Blind?
Are You Clutter Blind?
Did you know that clutter can cause you not to see?
Let me explain.
When you live with clutter for a long period of time, you literally become so accustomed to seeing an untidy collection of objects that you no longer “see” it.
An energetic film grows over your stuff that conditions you not to see it.
Building up an immunity to clutter is not a good thing. I repeat, it is not a good thing.
So here’s what I want you to do.
I want you to view your clutter through the eyes of a visitor.
Imagine someone coming to your home for the first time. Now imagine them walking around and looking at all your “hot spots.”
You’ll be surprised how spaces and areas of clutter come into view that you have passed many times.
Then I want you to snap some photos of your clutter. This is a powerful way to “see” your space with fresh eyes.
Keep looking at the photos over and over. By doing so, this will help bring the clutter into your consciousness so you can begin to “see” it again.
With this new “sight” you’ll be able to recognize that de-cluttering your environment is necessary for your well-being and take action.
If you need help, book a FREE call with me by clicking HERE!