Stop The Insanity

“Stop The Insanity and get the results you deserve. I think Einstein would like that.” says Patricia Diesel

A Reminder We Can All Use

A REMINDER WE CAN ALL USE A few signs along the way after teaching my Mindfulness Course in Florida.  We are all so unique and special and although our stories may be different we are all the same – and we all need kindness, love and support.  Here’s to staying mindful!

Is Clutter Rooted In Unhappiness?

Are you deeply rooted in clutter or unhappiness? Is unhappiness the root cause of your clutter or is clutter causing you to be unhappy? Which comes first?

It’s All In The Mind

Patricia Diesel’s Mindfulness Program helps make decluttering easier without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.

The Cost Of Procrastination

Inside the Mindfulness Workshop we take a good look at the consequences of procrastination and how to combat this.

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