3 Simple Habits Guaranteed To Keep You Organized
Psst, I have something new to share with you. Well, it’s not actually “new” – truth be told, I knew this information for quite some time. And when I say that, what I really mean is I have used this throughout my career, over and over – time and time again, with my clients. The […]
Do You Dance Around Your Clutter?
Clutter is a very personal topic – it brings up many emotions; shame, guilt, frustration, anger, overwhelm. Often people tend to “dance” around the subject because of these feelings. The problem with that is if we use these moves for too long, twisting and turning, away from our clutter, it only becomes worse. So I […]
A Candid Conversation With Croatia
Andrea Situm, entrepreneur, editor, and inspirational writer is the CEO of Nativa Media Ltd. in Croatia. She recently interviewed me for her magazine, Natural Life. She did an amazing job and I’m so grateful. Thought I would share it with everyone. CLICK BELOW FOR ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT Patricia Diesel interview Croatia – Natural Life Magazine – […]
Recently I sat down with Joanna Gagis, television host of Life & Living to chat about my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living and well, life. Joanna asked me some personal questions about my wellness journey and then we really got into it and explored the 3 […]
This Applies To All Of Us
When I was younger, I used to think I was invincible – gosh, I guess if I’m really honest about it, I thought that right up until that dreaded day when everything changed for me. I think many of us feel that way. We never imagine the day will come when our life will be […]
The Results Are Pouring In
The Results Are Pouring In Over the past five days, I have had the good fortune to connect with so many people who took advantage of my special invitation. The invite was to spend 30 minutes with me. In the time we spent together I shared my 3 Lessons To Remember, Listened Intently, Asked Powerful […]
Be On Your Way To Wellness
I’m offering a special opportunity to be coached absolutely free. I opened up my calendar for a limited time so I can personally answer any of your questions about wellness and so much more. This special invitation expires this Friday and only a few spots remain. GET YOUR FREE SESSION HERE Even if you’re not […]
3 Important Lessons To Remember
Have you ever been totally caught off guard by something that would change your life forever? It happened to me… In my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life I explain how the night before I was supposed to leave for a mini-getaway (I was so looking forward to escaping the winter […]
How To Begin Thriving In Chaos & Clutter
Chaos and clutter go hand in hand. It can be hard to live with clutter or think straight through the chaos but, most of the time, people who live with clutter and chaos think it’s just too difficult to ever change their ways. They can’t find a way to de-clutter their life and start living […]
Regret, Guilt, Worry – How To Overcome Negative Emotions
Can you recall a time when something in your life didn’t go right? Do you wish things would have turned out differently and now you have regrets over it? You’re not alone – many people feel this way – including myself. I have been such a planner all my life that it was difficult for […]