Julies’ Lasting Impression

Julie’s Lasting Impression

Have you ever met someone in your life that changed you forever?

I’ll never forget my experience with Julie and the lasting impression she had on me.

It was a warm Friday afternoon and I just finished the remainder of my iced tea that Julie poured for us earlier. I handed the glass back to Julie, and gave her a great big hug good-bye.

“You stay put, I can see my way out,” I told her.

We did a lot of de-cluttering work that day and I could see it took a lot of energy out of her.

As I headed down the driveway toward my car, I remember thinking…

I don’t want one more person to go through this. It’s just too painful.

By the time I reached my car, my emotions welled up and got the best of me.

I drove away feeling overwhelmed with sadness.

Not too long after, Julie lost her courageous battle with cancer.

That was the turning point in my career.

From that time forward, I made a decision to help people understand the importance of decluttering their life now, before a crisis occurs.

Today, I show women how to get organized in a way that combats the fear, overwhelm and procrastination so they feel empowered to change their life. (before a tragedy occurs)

It’s working. It’s making a difference. And I know it can for you too!

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to my MINDFULNESS WORKSHOP. It’s on-line and LIVE for one day only. Space is limited.

You can get all the details HERE!

I hope you’ll join me.