Stop The Insanity

Are you familiar with this quote from Einstein?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Well, I recently learned that the accurate quote, according to Quote Investigator, is…

“Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.”

Now, I’m not here to steal Einstein’s thunder, (I actually have a “thing” for the MAN) but I found it pretty interesting that there is quite a distinction between the two quotes.

Did you happen to catch it?

Repeating the same mistakes is insanity.

NOT doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Here’s why.

If you do something over and over again, such as exercising, and you are looking for a different result with your body appearance or emotional health, how is that insane?  It’s not.  It’s logical and practical that you will see a different result.

But if you keep repeating the same mistakes, such as not opening your mail, or not doing the laundry or overspending, and expecting a different result, that’s more in line with insane thinking.  Not only will you get the same results but it will get worse.

Are you following me here? 

It’s like my Mindfulness Program – there are 6 Mindful Tools that you repeat over and over until you start seeing the results of living a clutter-free life.  And it works!

Insanity would be not repeating the mindful tools and expecting them to work.  Big Mistake!

What mistakes are you making in your life that you keep repeating and looking for a different result?

If you’ve been trying to declutter your life, perhaps there are some “things” you could be doing differently to get you the REAL results you deserve.

Let’s talk about it and see what we can come up with so you can finally stop the insanity and get the results you deserve.  (I think Einstein would like that!)

Schedule your call with me here: