
“The Energy of the Mind is the Essence of Life”

Yes, Aristotle said this! 

But what I am curious about is what is your energy level like?  Do you associate your energy levels with how you live your life? 

If you can bring yourself to feel good in your mind – isn’t true then that your whole life begings to feel better?  Have you thought about how you can work with your mind to overcome some of your challenges?  Interesting right?

Well, I will confess…it helps me tremendously to run when I begin to feel “low.”  It’s a quick pick-me-upper and quite frankly I know that I need that to make me feel better.  My outlook starts to get more focus and clarity. 

Now, do I always feel like running or exercising, of course not!  But then, some days I really do look forward to it. It’s like anything else, you do it because it’s an investment in something that you realize the payoff is going to have a great return.  And feeling good – for me – is a fabulous payoff!