Patricia is Featured on TLC’s “TruthBeTold”
Patricia Diesel from Keep It Simple Now is featured on TLC’s Truth Be Told working with her client Alfie on overcoming chronic disorganization and hoarding.
Unclutter Your Love
Reveal how emotional clutter impacts your relationships in this ground breaking two night workshop!
Dancing and Organizing – What’s the Connection?
What makes organizing so easy for some people, yet so difficult for others?
Reclaiming Your Garage
The old story of whatever doesn’t fit in the house usually ends up in the garage, is still going very strong. Countless people take their excess “stuff” and use the garage to store it. The problem is, eventually it becomes so cluttered that you no longer can use the garage for its proper use, such as parking your vehicle, perhaps. See how I reclaimed my garage here…
From Treasure to Stranger: Deciding What to Keep and Eliminate
How is it possible then that the things we cling to and find so endearing can actually create pain for us? At what point does our “stuff” no longer feel good to us? Read this to find out…
Organized Shopping
In my quest to find some new outfits, I realized it might benefit me to ask for the assistance of a personal shopper. I have suggested to clients with wardrobe challenges that they ask for the guidance and assistance of a fashion consultant. Maybe it was about time I took my own advice…
Hot Off The Press…
Are there days when you can’t find your keys? Do you own a closetful of clothes but never seem to have anything to wear? Do you spend sleepless nights wondering how you will ever plan the kids’ birthday parties, organize the basement, or balance your checkbook (since you haven’t reconciled it in six months)? If you constantly seem to be playing catch-up, you’re not alone.
Calling All Men…
What are your struggles with organization? How does it impact your life? Single Dads, what are your struggles with domestication? What are your struggles in the workplace? I’m curious. Let’s get some discussions going on the blog. Comment below and let me know your thoughts. I want to develop solutions targeting these struggles and I […]
A New Year – A New You!
Staying organized can be difficult for many. After cleaning out our spaces and making clean sweeps, the clutter seems to creep back into our homes and offices as the year passes. This article contains some basic organizing fundamentals to stay organized in the new year.
Body Doubling
Body Doubling is a way some people approach attacking a project or task such as organizing. Do you practice body doubling? Read this article to find out.