
Need A Little Magic In Your Life?

Are you familiar with the folk tale of Aladdin (the Disney movie from 1992) where he rubs a  magic lamp and a genie appears and grants him 3 wishes?

It’s one of my favorite stories.

I sometimes wonder if I was granted 3 wishes like Aladdin, what I would choose and how my life would change.

So I make a little game out of it.  I think really hard about the 3 wishes I would like.  Then I try to figure out if I can turn those wishes into achievable goals.

It’s pretty interesting how this little game reveals some really big stuff.

I encourage you to try it.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how I can help make some of your wishes come true and turn them into achievable goals.

With Spring right around the corner, tidying up and getting organized I’m thinking might just be one of them.

If that’s the case, head on over HERE and see how I’ve created some magic just for you!

The unbearable heaviness of clutter remains heavy on my heart

The unbearable heaviness of clutter remains heavy on my heart.

I have witnessed countless women suffer from the unbearable heaviness of clutter.

Their suffering remains heavy on my heart…

Until the day arrives when they are set free from the clutter.

Unfortunately, many women procrastinate a very long time before they finally take action.  The latest research gives us a little insight into why…

“A recent study published in Current Psychology,
found a substantial link between procrastination and clutter problems.  Procrastination is closely tied to clutter, because sorting through and tossing items is a task that many people find unpleasant and avoid. It takes time to file away important papers or sort through a dining room table buried under books.”

Stress is also a huge problem with clutter.  We know that stress is inflammatory and causes problems with the immune system.  Clutter and stress are a toxic combination.

Research shows that there is a “growing body of evidence that clutter can negatively impact mental well-being, particularly among women. Clutter can also induce a physiological response, including increased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.”
I can give you countless reasons why I advocate for women to get organized…all of them lead to a healthier life.

Check out this article from The New York Times – you’ll see what I mean.

Set Yourself Free!

How long have you been held captive by your clutter?

Clutter can weigh you down – emotionally and physically.  No  matter how you look at it – it’s a downer! The papers, the mail, the clothes, the endless “things”… It’s not fun and it certainly isn’t the quality of life you deserve.

Ask yourself this question: 

Is this really the way you want to live your life – bogged down with countless clutter and emotional turmoil?

Free at last
Are you ready to be set free from the chaos and clutter?  I hope so, because I have designed a Clutter Rescue Workshop that will get those chains unshackled so you can begin to feel immediate relief.
Free Yourself From Your Clutter!

Free Yourself From Your Clutter!

What does this workshop look like? 

It looks awesome to tell you the truth – and beyond that – freeing!  Just the thought of being “clear” minded enough to make sense of your “things” is invaluable.  That’s what this workshop will provide for you.  The clarity and the insight to be able to sort through all of this “stuff” that’s been going on for you and help you to make wise decisions on how to make a plan and move forward with it.  Yes, yes, a well thought out plan … now that’s exciting!

What will we cover in the workshop?

We will work on specific challenges that are affecting you personally (i.e., clutter, disorganization, procrastination, lack of follow through, productivity and motivation) and then discuss them collaboratively in our group sessions – this is where the peer support is invaluable. You will get to witness what your peers are experiencing, gain insight and provide support as well.

Why am I offering this workshop now?

Because I know the holidays are right around the corner.  I also know how clutter works with human behavior.  Now is the time to get started and get a handle on things to calm your emotions before things begin to get too hectic.  Then we can roll this right into your goals for the upcoming year.  Now is the time to begin not later!

Where is the workshop?
The workshop is on-line in a group setting.  You will attend with your peers for three (3) consecutive weeks at the same time each week.  There will be a meet and greet, sharing of each person’s challenges and objectives.

What are the dates and time?
Monday Evenings
8:00 – 9:00 PM ET
November 17, 2014
November 24, 2014
December 1, 2014

But that’s not all!
You will also receive three (3) personal, one-on-one coaching sessions with me that will last one hour each.  It will be for a period of three (3) weeks consecutively.  Here we will set up your goals & objectives, create a plan of action, and begin your next steps into success.  We will schedule these times together once you register for the workshop.

What does it cost? 

You will receive three group coaching calls for one hour each and three private coaching calls for one hour each – that’s a total of 6 hours of coaching for a deeply discounted price of only $399.99! ($Over 2,000.00 value)

How do I register?
All you have to do is simply click on this link:


How many people will be in the workshop? 
I am only accepting a limited amount of students.  So if you want to guarantee your place, it would be a “wise” decision to register as soon as you receive this!

What happens next? 

Once you register for the Clutter Rescue Workshop you will receive a Welcome Package.  And in that package you will receive all the details and information that is required to get started.

Will this workshop really work?
I believe in my programs and my processes – I know they work!  Your job is to believe in yourself!

My Closing Message
I sincerely hope you will consider this workshop if you are truly struggling and want to change things for good.  It’s a great first step and the beginning to something better!  And I can promise you, I will always give you my best!

With love,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226



Boot Camp Organizing Is Open

Welcome to Boot Camp!

A training program that can possibly change your life!
Why Boot Camp
You see, it has been my experience that people who struggle with task management, procrastination, and clutter have “something” in common.  That something is the lack of follow-through.

What I also found is that people sometimes equate the experience of following through with the word “discipline” which can conjure up negative feelings, possibly an experience of punishment or something of that nature.

Now this belief system can potentially limit them in this area until one comes from a place of understanding and acceptance, but I also found that sometimes, yes, sometimes, the best way to overcome the lack of follow-through is to just jump in with a “Boot Camp” attitude.

With your new “Boot Camp” attitude, you will no longer be saying things such as this:

  • “I can’t take it anymore”
  • “I can’t stand myself for being late”
  • “I’m so overwhelmed & frustrated”
  • “I’m so embarrassed I can’t have anyone over”
  • “I feel like a failure”
  • “I have too many things going on”
  • “I’m such a mess”

What is Boot Camp Organizing
Boot Camp Organizing is a program that will:

  • Create awareness
  • Put an end to self-defeating patterns
  • Develop an action plan
  • Have you feeling like a winner

Now don’t worry, there will be no one dressed in army fatigues screaming at you, but there may be whistles, alarm clocks and a few obstacle courses… (lol)

Here’s how it works:

Step One

You will show up to a Group Conference Call with everyone who has enrolled in Boot Camp.  There will be a meet and greet and sharing of each person’s challenge and struggle. This will now be your Peer Support Group to access through your training.  Count on making new friends.

Step Two

You will send me pictures/video of your entire home and/or office environment.  I understand I will be entering your world and I take that invitation very seriously.  You can count on confidentiality, respect and no judgement.

Step Three

We will set up a private one hour conference call, otherwise known as an “Intake Session” to review your pictures.  This session allows me the opportunity to assess your living conditions and consult with you in a very private and personal way. This will be invaluable information for me to understand you better, i.e., patterns, behaviors, circumstances.

Step Three

You will be given a suggested plan of action which will take into consideration your ability to invest physically, emotionally and financially.

Step Four

We will engage in a one-on-one weekly coaching program for 30 minutes for a period of 7 weeks.  That’s a total of seven (7) sessions.  They will be set each week on the same day and same time.  In these sessions we will:

  • Set your agenda for the devised plan
  • Create next steps
  • Have deliberate target dates
  • Have measurable outcomes

Step Five

We will develop a “Best Practice” for you to then utilize moving forward in your organizing pursuits and maintenance routine.

Please Note:  Our time together is considered just like “Real Time.”  You have the option to engage via internet, telephone or Skype. This is a modality that I have used for many years to service clients nation wide and is just as effective as if I were there “live.”

What Does Boot Camp Cost?

For the “purpose” of Boot Camp I am making an outrageously low offer that you simply will not be able to resist…that is, if you are truly serious about seizing an amazing opportunity to change the course of your life.

Remember, you will receive a private, one-on-one consultation & assessment with me and seven private coaching sessions.  A value worth thousands of dollars.  But for this Boot Camp Special the price is an amazingly low price of only $399.00. 

Since I am only able to take a handful of clients at this deeply discounted offer, you will have to act NOW if you want to guarantee your spot in Boot Camp.  So show me your new Boot Camp attitude and…


Once you register you will be sent your Welcome Package with all the detailed information about Boot Camp Organizing!

So what will it be?

Will you be showing up with your sleeves rolled back, ready to jump in, combat your clutter and disorganization, and win the battle…

Or will you continue to find excuses of why you can’t enlist.

So what will it be….the choice is yours!

The Infamous Home Office – (Tuesday’s Tel-Class – 1/17/12)

Have you been dreaming of getting your home office into shape?

Would you like to know what is the key to having an office that runs efficiently?

Then you may want to consider signing up for this upcoming class:  REGISTER HERE !


Smart Systems that Work for You


When you walk into your office, do you sit down at your desk and begin your daily work with a strong sense of focus and concentration? If you said yes, well good for you!  But many of us don’t feel this way.  Instead of entering with a purpose, we get distracted and end up going in several directions, none of which proves to be productive or efficient.

If you can relate to this and feel overwhelmed and scattered, take a serious look at your desk!

(And then consider signing up for this class right now!)

Has it become your dumping ground and covered with things to read (I know, one day you will get to relax and read it) such as newspapers, magazine articles, letters…need I go on?

First, suffice it to say, you need a system to streamline your stuff and organize your work.

So let’ me give you a taste of what you will be learning in class:

Smart Sorting

Take those papers and divide them into three categories:

1. Immediate Attention

2. Look Later

3. File

Please, make it simple on yourself, throw away, shred, or recycle everything else that you have not touched or looked at in years and do not need!

Never underestimate the power of having things within arm’s reach – so now put all those immediate action items there!

Organize them so you can see them…try something that will keep them upright, such as a letter sorter. If you lay them down, it’s too risky to start piling again, hence they get buried.

Now create an area that is for your “Look Later” stuff. Find something that is colorful and will draw your eye as a reminder.

I personally like the file totes that have the detachable file inserts. It’s ideal for your magazines, papers, and catalogs and you can make bold labeled tabs for each category.

Tip: Once you see it getting full or heavy, it’s time to purge!

Curious? Want to hear a little more?

Keep reading, but I’m telling you – you should sign up for this class – it’s going to be a popular one!                                                                                                

Clearing Your Space

I always say, you must be attracted to your tools, and a filing cabinet is no exception. Find something that you like that will compliment the style of your office. You have to feel like you want to “go” to the files.

Take the time to shop or go on-line and browse a bit. I suggest you find one with drawers that close – it helps things look less cluttered and professional.

Finally, it’s important to put like with like.  This means, no commingling your papers please. Separate your mail immediately and keep your bills in their own home. Then put the rest of the mail in the homes you already established prior – “Immediate, Look at Later or File.” Remember, now is a good time to toss, shred or recycle the rest.


If it’s been more than 2 weeks and you haven’t read your catalogs, it’s time to let them go.

Want to learn more and get that office of yours humming?

Then I suggest you sign up now and take advantage of this opportunity – so don’t delay!


Don’t forget to come prepared with your questions so I can personally help you!



The New Year Buzz


It’s almost time to “ring in” the New Year…

and the most popular buzz that’s humming around town for a resolution is:

“To live a simpler lifestyle.”

Now I knew it would only be a matter of time before this idea caught on, and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for anyone who is considering reducing their stress level.  I am a firm believer that by living a simpler lifestyle you can reap many benefits, such as overall health and wellness.

But unfortunately most people have misconceptions about how to go about this and end up overwhelmed, thus causing them to break their goal for the New Year.

Living simply can be implemented once you have a simpler state of mind – which can begin with a fresh perspective on considering the lifestyle you want to live.

One mantra in particular I found helpful for awareness is “less is more.”   Try thinking about how to apply this in all aspects of your life and then choose something small to begin building on.

Sometimes purging areas of your life can be the catalyst to living a simpler lifestyle!

Save It With A Smile – A Snapshot of Clutter Control

Taking a PictureMy daughter, a fashion design student in New York City, called to remind me about her annual runway show this spring. Every year, two schools showcase their work and compete against one another to see who will win the title of “Best Designer.”

As you can well imagine, there is lots of energy and excitement leading up to this event and when the day arrives, every proud family member is there trying to capture the moments with their cell-phone cameras, digital cameras and video equipment.

But with all the fame and glory, comes, yup, you guessed it…clutter! Between the layers of outfits and accessories, piles of sketches and designs, and the ever-glowing memories from program announcements and pictures, you end up with lots of “stuff”.

Now in the life of a design student, their clutter actually becomes a stepping stone for their portfolio. Once they choose their overall design to display as their creation and work of art, they can begin to let go and reduce the excess trimmings, so to speak.

But what about us loved ones who share in their delight? What do we do about the paper trails of stuff that follow us home?

On my drive back that evening, I kept glancing at the program thinking to myself, “where am I going to put this?” How do I keep it safe until I decide what I want to do with it? Should I place it in a drawer or a file? Maybe, I should just put it in with my daughter’s other memories that are in her childhood treasure chest?

But then it occurred to me, that if I take a photograph of the brochure, inside and out, that this image will be just as valuable to me and her as the actual program, and I won’t have to worry about finding a place in my home for it to live.

Therefore, I started thinking about other ways clutter could be reduced. Consider this: How many times have you gone shopping and tried on outfits that you were not sure of, but still purchased them, only to return them.

Well, what if you took out your camera and took a picture of yourself instead. This way you have time to think about it, ask your friends and family their opinion and the best part is, you don’t have to spend any money while you are trying to figure it out. When you finally make your decision, just delete the image. It’s that simple.

So now, I carry a small digital camera in my purse where I go. If I forget it, I use my camera on my cell phone. It is my new resource for clutter control and I’m loving it!

Livin’ Can Be Easy – 10 Simple Steps to Live Simply

Simple, Modern InteriorLike most of us these days, it seems to be more and more difficult to take time out to smell the roses along the way. The days are so full, it’s hard enough to manage the things we have to do, let alone find time for ourselves.

Here are a few tips that may help simplify things a bit for you:

1. Cease the clutter

Having too much stuff requires energy and time to maintain and can be a huge drain on your energy level. Consider letting go of the items either by donating, discarding or selling.

2. Say goodbye to catalogs

Do you really need all those catalogs coming in? Tear off your mailing label, attach to an index card and write, “please remove me from your list” and mail to catalog holders.

3. Eliminate junk mail

Request to be “removed” from any list by writing your name and address and sending to: Mail Preference Service, DMA, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008

4. Stop credit card offers

Call Trans Union at (888) 567-8688. Opt out for two years, or permanently. Since they share information with Experian and Equifax, you do not have to duplicate your request.

5. Automatic billing

Notify your individual creditors or go directly to your banking institution to set up automatic withdrawals monthly.

6. Consolidate debt

Devise a plan to attach that debt! Consolidate all your credit cards to make one payment. Come up with a budget. Talk to a financial advisor. Take the steps necessary to face your debt head on – it’s a huge stress factor and emotional drain, but once addressed, you will start to feel better.

7. Prioritize projects

Make a list of what needs to be done first and the time frames for completion. Conquer the little ones first so you can begin to reap the rewards of satisfaction to keep you motivated. Remember, baby steps first!

8. Reduce information overload

What magazine and newspaper subscription can you cut back on? Give your brain a break. Consider cutting down and focusing on just what you need to find out – this pertains to Web surfing, as well.

9. Be spontaneous

Being spontaneous once in a while can be a good thing. Releasing a little control can energize you and raise your spirits. It’s a great way to break the everyday routine and add a little fun into your life again.

10. Find peace

Having a place to go to for your down time is important. Find a spot that you feel at peace and can relate to as your own private sanctuary., Mediate, have a cup of tea or simply do nothing. Just relax.

Are You Living The Life You Imagined?

Simple Success Coaching Program

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau

Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to “put yourself out there” or “take the next step” or for that matter, “jump right in.”  But in order to be confident in ourselves, we need to be true to our vision, our dreams and then believe in them to move forward.  What are you doing today to make living the life you imagined real? 

If you are ready to make your dreams a reality, go here:

and take advantage of my one hour absolutely FREE coaching session when you sign up for three. 

Life is precious and so is time…what are you waiting for?

You Get To The Point Where…

“You get to the point where your demons, which are terrifying, get smaller and smaller and you get bigger and bigger.” – August Wilson

Do you ever get to the point where your clutter just seems so big?  Do you feel terrified, almost paralyzed when you think about “attacking” it?  The key to overcoming this fear of clutter is to take the first step, one at a time, with a laid out plan.  Once you begin to build up your resistance to the “powerless” feelings, you will see how the clutter begins to take on a new look.  It will get smaller and smaller and you will become bigger and bigger.