Look what I found while cleaning out my basement
Look what I found while cleaning my basement.
Get Your Life In Order
Order in our life makes us feel stable and confident.
How To Re-Focus And Find Simplicity In The New Normal
Patricia Diesel is teaching a workshop like no other. She says you will need to learn new skills to navigate your way through The New Normal and organizing is just one of them.
Mental Wellness Conference; Productivity & Performance
Struggling with your productivity? Let me help you improve your focus and get the right things done, says Patricia Diesel
Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life 1. Decreases Stress Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things. 2.You Can Breathe Easier Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins […]
5 Productivity Habits Highly Successful People Demonstrate
5 Productivity Habits Highly Successful People Demonstrate
There are two types of people in this world…
Loving What Is
Loving What Is
Let’s Mind Map Together
Let’s Mind Map Together
Can Teaming Up Actually Calm You Down?
Can Teaming Up Actually Calm You Down?
Disorder Distracts – Order Brings Focus
I’ve heard it been said that “Wisdom is the study of difference.” I thought about this and how it applies to disorder and order.