


Happy First Day Of Fall!

As summer wraps up and fall and winter approach, there’s plenty to do to get your home ready for the coming season.

But, there’s also plenty to do to get your “life” in order.

For instance, what are some of the “things” you promised yourself you would change in your life?  Do you need a better routine?  Do you need to self-care more often?  Do you need to change your diet?

Now is the time to get organized in your home, but remember, your home is a reflection of “you.” So how do you want to move forward in life that brings out the best in you and mirrors that back into your home?

You see, if you’re concerned about your disorganization or your clutter, what you need to realize first is that this is just an outward manifestation from what’s going on within you.  So the focus should always be on YOU first to figure out the “cause.”

Now I understand that sometimes it’s not always easy to identify the “source” of your time management issues, the perpetual procrastination, the undeniable distractions, etc., but once you do, it becomes so much clearer on what your next steps should be to clean-up the outward mess.

If this makes sense to you, and you would like to FALL INTO LIFE in a productive, stress-free way, then you should consider the Mind Clearing Session that everyone is raving about.  You can learn all about it by clicking on the link below.

Remember, it all begins with YOU!




How To Handle Events That Change Your Life Course

There are many events that can take place in life and alter our course.

Some examples are:

  • Divorce/Ending of a Relationship
  • Care Giving
  • Illness/Death
  • Career Change/Retirement

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with these life changes.

It’s not unusual during these different stages to try and manage our emotions in an effort to comfort ourselves and feel better.  Unfortunately we may not make the best decisions at the time and end up overeating, overspending and over drinking.  All of which lead to clutter of the body, mind and environment.

We can also feel pure exhaustion and overwhelm and find it difficult to get things done that used to be part of our usual routine. This can include our household chores as well as our own self-care.

We are all human and there will be times when we will hurt. This is when we realize just how fragile we are.  Being kind and patient with ourselves is key for our well-being.

As we begin to heal, we accept that life has changed and we find ourselves asking questions, such as:

What are the changes I need to make and how do I go about doing it?

Each person is different, therefore determining the proper strategy for your needs are unique to you.  Working with a life coach to help you figure things out just might be the first step in the right direction.

If you’re interested, I’d like to offer you a free, no obligation consultation.  Together we can discuss what changes are necessary for you to overcome the obstacles you are now facing.

Insight is invaluable.  Inspiration is powerful.  Action is life changing.

I hope to hear from you.

You can schedule your appointment with me HERE!


3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck

3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck

You may not realize it, but everything begins with a decision. Think about it. You might be saying right now, Yes, I know, but the problem is I can’t make a decision. And my answer to that is, Actually you are making a decision.  You are making a decision to not take action.  That’s why you are stuck and not moving forward.

Now mind you, a little procrastination can be healthy. Especially when you are giving yourself permission to figure things out. But if you find yourself in an endless loop of stalling, chances are pretty high that you are stuck in a rut.

For example, let’s say that you really want to unclutter your life but you’re feeling stuck. Begin by asking, Why do I want to simplify my life? And your answer will probably be something like, Because I don’t want to feel so weighed down by this stuff anymore. It’s overwhelming.

Now think about how simplifying your life is going to make you feel once you are more organized and clutter free. I’m going to assume you will start to feel much better. Somewhat lighter and perhaps it will be easier to breathe…ah yes, less is best!

By asking yourself the “Why” you enabled yourself to get emotionally involved with the idea of living clutter free.  You began to desire your true outcome. – i.e., to find relief.

You must understand the reason behind the “why” to make your decision.

Now all you have to do is hold steadfast to that feeling and take action. Believe in yourself – accept that it is indeed possible to live clutter free. To make absolute sure that you live out your decision, it’s best to get yourself an accountability partner or a life coach who can help you stay true to yourself.

As an overview this is what you need to do next time your feeling stuck:

  1.   Think about what you really want.  Ask yourself why?
  2.   Get emotionally involved with what you want.  Desire it.
  3.   Accept the idea that it’s possible – then go for it – make the decision.

Remember: We can control our thoughts and attitude about our decisions.

If you struggle with this, it’s an indication you should seek out support. Why not begin with your first decision to have a chat with me. You can start that conversation by clicking HERE