Ready, Set, Go! (January 10th Tel-Class)
So the New Year is here…and resolutions were made. Now the hard part comes into play – how to honor your commitment by staying true to your word. It would be great if we could achieve our goals without a lot of effort, but we know this is not true. Setting out to accomplish something […]
Thinking Outside The Box
A funny thing happened while I was holiday shopping this season. I was cruising around from store to store, checking off items on my gift list, feeling very productive and happy, yet, oddly enough, in just about every store I made a purchase from, I came up empty handed for gift boxes. It was either […]
Why I Chose My Winners To Get Simplified!
To say the least, Melissa and Tammy wooed me! They made me feel something for them… And for me, that translated into wanting to help them. Check out what they had to say and you will see why it wasn’t difficult for me to select these Two Amazing Women as My Winners! […]
Disorder Distracts – Order Brings Focus
I’ve heard it been said that “Wisdom is the study of difference.” I thought about this and how it applies to disorder and order.
Save It With A Smile – A Snapshot of Clutter Control
Tips on how to use technology to help control clutter and live and organized life.
5 Steps to Simplifying His Routine
Are you having challenges getting your man organized? Is it common to find your significant other dropping things throughout the house when he walks in the door? Wish you could head him off at the pass and break these patterns?
Are You Living The Life You Imagined?
Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to “put yourself out there” or “take the next step” or for that matter, “jump right in.” But in order to be confident in ourselves, we need to be true to our vision, our dreams and then believe in them to move forward. What are you doing today to make living the life you imagined real?
Reclaiming Your Garage
The old story of whatever doesn’t fit in the house usually ends up in the garage, is still going very strong. Countless people take their excess “stuff” and use the garage to store it. The problem is, eventually it becomes so cluttered that you no longer can use the garage for its proper use, such as parking your vehicle, perhaps. See how I reclaimed my garage here…
From Treasure to Stranger: Deciding What to Keep and Eliminate
How is it possible then that the things we cling to and find so endearing can actually create pain for us? At what point does our “stuff” no longer feel good to us? Read this to find out…
Organized Shopping
In my quest to find some new outfits, I realized it might benefit me to ask for the assistance of a personal shopper. I have suggested to clients with wardrobe challenges that they ask for the guidance and assistance of a fashion consultant. Maybe it was about time I took my own advice…