Do You Need Decluttering Tips?
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin said that I believe it’s true. Sometimes it may feel as if we are always trying to catch up and spending too much time on making lists and putting this and that away. But can you imagine what it would feel like if you […]
Dancing and Organizing – What’s the Connection?
What makes organizing so easy for some people, yet so difficult for others?
From Treasure to Stranger: Deciding What to Keep and Eliminate
How is it possible then that the things we cling to and find so endearing can actually create pain for us? At what point does our “stuff” no longer feel good to us? Read this to find out…
A New Year – A New You!
Staying organized can be difficult for many. After cleaning out our spaces and making clean sweeps, the clutter seems to creep back into our homes and offices as the year passes. This article contains some basic organizing fundamentals to stay organized in the new year.