
The Cluttered Soul…

“Nothing clutters the soul more than remorse, resentment and recrimination.”

– Norman Cousins – Author of Head First and Anatomy of an Illness.

My Dear Friends,

Our souls radiate our eternal essence.  I believe it’s how we find our soul mates, our soul sisters and kin.

Relinquishing painful experiences and learning how to “let-go” helps the soul be free to match up to other like souls.

It’s no coincidence one of the 3 golden organizing rules is to “keep like with like”  – this rule is designed so we may bring about harmony and peace in our life.

When our mind, our body, our environment is cluttered – our soul’s light becomes dull and cries out to shine and be healthy.  A cluttered soul invites and manifests illness – which can come in many forms of disease and disorders. If we took a moment to examine hoarding from this perspective, I think we would find some interesting information.

It is such an undeniably remarkable gift – our souls.  They are deserving of nourishment and light.

My prayer is that we can one day learn how to feed our souls bountifully to ward off anything that can remotely threaten our well-being.  This is my prayer.

