
Calm, Clarity and Focus Are On The Other Side


What do you do when you’re feeling stressed out?  I ask that because your response to that question determines how long your stress will hang around.

Everyone has stress. It is a normal part of life. However, when you are constantly reacting to stressful situations without making adjustments to counter the effects, you will feel stress which can threaten your health and well-being.

If you would like to learn a powerful strategy on how to deal with your stress, then please join me for this FREE webinar.

Calm, Clarity and Focus are on the other side waiting for you.


Mental Wellness Conference; Productivity & Performance

Tired of struggling with your productivity and performance…?

You could stop struggling to perform at a high mental level with this…

Take A Virtual Organizing Session With Me!

Dear Friend,

What better way to make use of  your time then to get ORGANIZED!

Why not tackle the things you’ve been procrastinating on and bring a sense of order to the things you can control now.

Studies show over and over that when you are organized you feel better because it reduces your stress.  And right now anything you can do to be productive will lessen your anxiety.  So de-cluttering and organizing are on the top of the list!

I want to help you as much as I can create a living space that reflects wellness because I know this will help your emotional and mental well-being.

The best way I can do this is by helping you virtually.  I’ve been doing this for many years and it is absolutely 100% effective, just as if I was standing right along side you.

So if you are interested in getting organized I will be offering 45 minute consultations and assessments for only $30.   Together we will review your environment, your goals and create an action plan to get you started.

You can register by clicking on the link below.  Once you are registered, I will follow up with you to discuss further details on how to prepare for your session and to schedule your time.

I can’t wait to help you get ORGANIZED!

With lots of love,




The 3 Gateways To Self-Care; How to improve your wellness and reduce stress

I’ve been thinking a lot more about the impact stress has on people.

The interesting thing about stress is that most of us tend to shrug it off as if it’s just a normal part of life.  So we pay it no mind and try to carry on with our day, hoping things will eventually calm down and get better.

Now, let me be clear.  Everyone experiences stress to some degree in today’s modern world.  But I’m talking about the stress that keeps building until it wreaks havoc on your body, mind and living space.

The very first thing I advise my clients to do when the stress starts to manifest is to go into self-care mode.

Our wellness is a direct outcome of how well we take care of ourselves and how intentional we are about it. When we wait on self-care, our wellness can suffer and fall like a house of cards.

If you would like to learn some strategies on how to self-care and reduce your stress, I’m going to be offering a FREE webinar on The 3 Gateways to Self-Care.

I hope you’ll join me and while your at it, invite a friend or loved one as well.


Powerful Questions To Streamline Your Life


The core reason why we de-clutter is because we want a better quality of life. We want our life to be simpler, less complicated.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Yet, when it comes time to let our things “go” we struggle. This holds us back and delays the peace of mind we are seeking.

Here are some questions that can help you streamline your stuff and balance out what’s really important for you.

Take a look:

Does it make me feel happy, good, joyful?
Is this something I use currently or is it a “someday” item?
Is this something I would buy right now if I saw it in a store?
Do I feel confident when I wear this?
If I were moving, would I take this with me?
Do I have multiple items of this?
Is this worth my time to clean, maintain or store this item?
Would someone else benefit more from having this item?
Is the thought of wasting money keeping me from getting rid of this?
Am I holding on for sentimental reasons?
Do I like this or do I love this?

PS:  Don’t overthink your answers. Go with your gut. Then make a decision.

Why Clutter Exists and What It’s Trying To Tell You

There’s a question that stumps many people when I ask them: What is your clutter trying to tell you?

But before we get into answering that, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you might have clutter to begin with.

Clutter usually starts when there is a significant life change. Examples may include a health setback, a death, loss of a relationship, a change in career, financial burden, and so on.

These life changes can impact a person and can trigger a range of emotions such as feeling anxious, depressed, sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, etc.

Over time, if we do not deal with our emotions, they can activate a cycle of hopelessness and feeling stuck in life, all of which lead to a breakdown of the human spirit.

When the human spirit is compromised, it is only natural that inward feelings will be expressed outwardly, which we refer to as manifesting. For some, this outward manifestation means clutter.

Now, if we go back to the original question—What is your clutter trying to tell you?—and follow the trail of your clutter’s origin, the answer becomes more obvious. Perhaps there are some unresolved emotions and frustrations in your life that you haven’t dealt with. Take a close look at your life and the places where a life change may be manifesting as clutter.

Everyone’s clutter signifies something different. It’s important to understand how yours originated so you can begin to recognize some of the unresolved areas in your life that still need healing.

Healing your past pains is a crucial part of creating a life of joy and peace now. And once you can break out of your cycle of pain, anger, or hopelessness, you may find it becomes easier to reassess your clutter and see it for what it truly is.

3 Strategies That Can Help You Get Organized

3 Strategies That Can Help You Get Organized

There are three strategies that can make your organizing efforts more successful. 

It begins with taking a look at organizing from a psychological, social and tactical aspect. 

Here’s a quick intro to get you started:

It’s extremely important that mentally you start out with a positive outlook and you maintain that throughout.  Feeding your mind healthy thoughts is good for the brain and helps sustain your motivation.  Using your mind to envision your outcome is also important by staying focused on the “outcome.”

We are humans and we’re not designed to do things alone.  Having a support system is critical to your well-being.  A mentor, friend, coach, peer, someone that you can openly and honestly talk to and receive feedback and pointers from is the key to following through.

Having an organizing plan that you can execute with confidence can make a huge difference with how you manage your time. Make sure you understand how to declutter, sort and organize in the most efficient manner.

All three strategies play an important role separately and collectively. Through the process of getting organized you may find yourself bouncing from one to the other for strength. endurance and stability.  ​

Remember, organizing can be something you just “do” or it can be a lifestyle.  It all depends upon how you choose to look at it.

“Ask The Organizer” is back!

“Ask The Organizer” is back!

If you have questions about how to declutter your life and want to know what is the best way to organize your home and office, I have great news for you!

This Sunday evening, April 14, 2019 @ 7:00pm et – I will be hosting another “Ask The Organizer” FREE tel-conference.

Simply call into the below phone number, enter your pin # and you can get all your questions answered.  I suggest you make a list of all the pressing things you want to take care of so I can help you cross them off and get into action!

Here’s the info:

Phone:  1-605-562-0400
Pin Code:  954 5600

Oh, I expect the line to fill up, so the early bird catches the worm here… 🙂

Talk to you soon!



Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

How would you like to work with me for the next 30 days?

What would happen if you were able to let go of the things (clutter and all) that are standing in the way of you living your best life?

Would that progress make you happier, healthier, more productive and fulfilled?

Well to get there, perhaps you need a coach.

Just like elite athletes need a coach helping them climb to higher levels, so do you.

That’s why I’m kicking-off my 30 Day Challenge; Flourish In Wellness.

And if you act now, you’ll be able to take advantage of the

Early Bird Registration.

You can get all the details here!

I Love Sunday Mornings



I hope your week-end is going great!

Sunday mornings tend to be my favorite time.  I enjoy the peace and quiet and the serenity the day offers almost effortlessly.

I admire people who really know how to live their life like that every day.

I say that because I know they have something special going on for them. They figured out a way to not let the noise and chaos of life get in their way of living their best life.

Some days are not easy and I know life isn’t perfect, but I also recognize that it’s up to us to make it better.  No one else can do that for us.

I’ve been on a little bit of a journey for quite some time now…trying to gather the best of the best information to help myself and ultimately help you.

I will be sharing some really cool stuff in my upcoming webinar.  If you haven’t registered yet, and you’re thinking about how to make your days better…come on over and join us.

You can register here: