Please Don’t Wait…

I don’t want you to wait one single moment more.  Come closer, I want to make sure you really hear me – I don’t want you to wait one single moment more…

I know you have a dream life that keeps you up at night, longing for more…

When I think about you possibly going another day, week, month or year without accomplishing exactly what you want, well, it makes me feel sad because I know it doesn’t have to be this way.  Not at all.

Think about this – In a year from now, how will you feel if you are in the same position you are in now?  Well I can answer that for you – it will feel as if you have been standing still and you will feel frustrated.

Follow Your Dreams

I’m sure you have heard it over a thousand times, if not more – “Follow Your Dreams.”  And I’m also sure that after all this time it must feel like it’s just a cliche – but can I assure you, it’s truly possible.

The secret to accomplishing your dreams is understanding that there is a way to “follow” them.  And that’s where I come in.  I can help you do this!  And it is what I do best.

So think about this…

How will you “feel” when one year from today, you are living the life you’ve always dreamed of? When you finally accomplish the goals, you’ve been longing for?

I think I can answer that question for you too….SIMPLY AMAZING!

Now remember what I said earlier – I don’t want you to wait a single moment more…

How Life Coaching Changed My Life

There was a time in my life when I felt everything was falling apart and no matter what I tried to do to “fix” it – it just appeared to get worse.

I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted – because I felt confused about how to make things better.  I didn’t know what to do.

Are you feeling this way now?

The Gift of Life Coaching
present Many years ago when I “stumbled” upon Life Coaching I was very intrigued by the concept of how it works and how it would be applicable to my life.  But what really peeked my curiosity was how I was introduced to Life Coaching and how it appeared to “show up” at the perfect time for me.

Yet, did I engage in Life Coaching right away?  Of course not.  I was a skeptic, possibly just the way you are right now.  I mean, after all, I tried so hard before to make everything “perfect” and “right” and failed.  So how could Life Coaching possibly show me anything other than what I had already experienced…right?

But you see, that’s exactly what my very first “lesson” was – the ability to understand and then accept that things do happen for a reason.  Yes, yes, I know – it’s sounds very new age like and all that, and may even sound so “out of reach” especially when one is suffering so deeply, but honestly, it’s not new age at all, it’s as old as time itself.  Simply meaning, it’s the “truth.”

Once I was able to wrap my head around the concept of “truth” everything began to make sense for me.  It truly was if a “light” switch went off.  Did it happen over night?  No, it is a process.  A process that I have learned how to be so grateful and thankful for.  It has not only changed my life, but I get to “experience” how it changes others as well.

I would like for you to pay attention to the words that I “quoted” and underlined.  They are little clues for you around your own life story.  And you may want to ask yourself right now this question…”What Is My Truth?”

I hope this gives you a little insight into why Life Coaching is such an instrumental tool in the process of life itself.  For more information simply CLICK HERE.

In Healing,

Patricia Diesel, CPC

Boot Camp Organizing Is Open

Welcome to Boot Camp!

A training program that can possibly change your life!
Why Boot Camp
You see, it has been my experience that people who struggle with task management, procrastination, and clutter have “something” in common.  That something is the lack of follow-through.

What I also found is that people sometimes equate the experience of following through with the word “discipline” which can conjure up negative feelings, possibly an experience of punishment or something of that nature.

Now this belief system can potentially limit them in this area until one comes from a place of understanding and acceptance, but I also found that sometimes, yes, sometimes, the best way to overcome the lack of follow-through is to just jump in with a “Boot Camp” attitude.

With your new “Boot Camp” attitude, you will no longer be saying things such as this:

  • “I can’t take it anymore”
  • “I can’t stand myself for being late”
  • “I’m so overwhelmed & frustrated”
  • “I’m so embarrassed I can’t have anyone over”
  • “I feel like a failure”
  • “I have too many things going on”
  • “I’m such a mess”

What is Boot Camp Organizing
Boot Camp Organizing is a program that will:

  • Create awareness
  • Put an end to self-defeating patterns
  • Develop an action plan
  • Have you feeling like a winner

Now don’t worry, there will be no one dressed in army fatigues screaming at you, but there may be whistles, alarm clocks and a few obstacle courses… (lol)

Here’s how it works:

Step One

You will show up to a Group Conference Call with everyone who has enrolled in Boot Camp.  There will be a meet and greet and sharing of each person’s challenge and struggle. This will now be your Peer Support Group to access through your training.  Count on making new friends.

Step Two

You will send me pictures/video of your entire home and/or office environment.  I understand I will be entering your world and I take that invitation very seriously.  You can count on confidentiality, respect and no judgement.

Step Three

We will set up a private one hour conference call, otherwise known as an “Intake Session” to review your pictures.  This session allows me the opportunity to assess your living conditions and consult with you in a very private and personal way. This will be invaluable information for me to understand you better, i.e., patterns, behaviors, circumstances.

Step Three

You will be given a suggested plan of action which will take into consideration your ability to invest physically, emotionally and financially.

Step Four

We will engage in a one-on-one weekly coaching program for 30 minutes for a period of 7 weeks.  That’s a total of seven (7) sessions.  They will be set each week on the same day and same time.  In these sessions we will:

  • Set your agenda for the devised plan
  • Create next steps
  • Have deliberate target dates
  • Have measurable outcomes

Step Five

We will develop a “Best Practice” for you to then utilize moving forward in your organizing pursuits and maintenance routine.

Please Note:  Our time together is considered just like “Real Time.”  You have the option to engage via internet, telephone or Skype. This is a modality that I have used for many years to service clients nation wide and is just as effective as if I were there “live.”

What Does Boot Camp Cost?

For the “purpose” of Boot Camp I am making an outrageously low offer that you simply will not be able to resist…that is, if you are truly serious about seizing an amazing opportunity to change the course of your life.

Remember, you will receive a private, one-on-one consultation & assessment with me and seven private coaching sessions.  A value worth thousands of dollars.  But for this Boot Camp Special the price is an amazingly low price of only $399.00. 

Since I am only able to take a handful of clients at this deeply discounted offer, you will have to act NOW if you want to guarantee your spot in Boot Camp.  So show me your new Boot Camp attitude and…


Once you register you will be sent your Welcome Package with all the detailed information about Boot Camp Organizing!

So what will it be?

Will you be showing up with your sleeves rolled back, ready to jump in, combat your clutter and disorganization, and win the battle…

Or will you continue to find excuses of why you can’t enlist.

So what will it be….the choice is yours!

Are You A Lover Of What Is?

Can I share my latest read with you?  It makes such complete sense to me that I felt compelled to tell you about it.

Loving What Is
This is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s Book – Loving What Is:

“I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts me when I argue with reality.  We can know that reality is good just as it is, because when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration.  We don’t feel natural or balanced.  When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.”
My Dear Friends…
Doesn’t this free you up?  Doesn’t it give you permission to say, “Ah, yes, it is all OK – I am not going to argue with “what is.”  I can accept it and then take the steps that are necessary with ease.
Living an untruth is always stressful.   So many times haven’t we denied or tried to control our reality instead of just accepting it.  And how has that worked out?  Usually it becomes at some point very painful.
The process of Life Recovery is just like that…loving it all…loving every broken piece of it and then some.
Maybe it’s your career, relationship, environment, finances or health that’s causing you anxiety, frustration and confusion.  But if, just if, we take this approach of Loving What Is, doesn’t it feel gentler and more peaceful? Doesn’t clarity begin to focus in? Then inspiration possibly?
If you are struggling and would like to learn how to overcome your challenges and recover, I would love to share with you all the valuable tools that help me.
In Healing,

Is Your Kitchen Smiling?

A kitchen is such an important place in the home, wouldn’t you agree?

A lot happens in the kitchen. 

Think about it.

In the kitchen we stock our cabinets with utensils and kitchenware to prepare and enjoy our meals.

We store our food in pantries, cupboards, the refrigerator and freezer.

Some of us dine in the kitchen with table and chairs, while others take a more causal approach with an island counter and stools.

There’s an obvious purpose for the kitchen – it’s a room that provides nourishment for us.

But it’s also a place where we converse and commune with others. Or where we find solace in a cup of coffee/tea with our morning or evening read.

The kitchen is an important room.

Did you know you can learn a lot about a person by observing their kitchen?  It can reveal their habits, routines, patterns, circumstances and so much more. 

For example:

  • When you are looking for your utensils do you find them easily?
  • When you go to stock your cabinets, do you have room to put your things away?
  • When you gather your food, are you aware of what you do or don’t have?
  • When you sit to enjoy your meal is your table or counter clear for your place setting?
  • When your communing with others or just by yourself, is it a relaxed, inviting area?

So what do you think – is your kitchen smiling?

Curious to learn more about your kitchen and what it may be saying about you?

If so, please join me in this upcoming tel-class. Once you register, you will receive a short questionnaire to complete. We will review it together in class.

Till then, I’ll be cooking up some good stuff to share with you from my kitchen.

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it
With love,Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Dear God…

Dear God,

What will you have me do, where will you have me go, what do I need to know, to make this the best day for my soul and others?



(Thank you Neale Donald Walsch)

Life’s Golden Ticket

In Brendon Burchard’s inspirational novel, Life’s Golden Ticket, he talks about this particular character who’s life isn’t going too well.  His business is falling apart, his relationship with his Fiance, (who he loves deeply) is on it’s last leg, and he’s financially struggling.

I think it’s a fair assessment to say that in some aspect we can all relate to this character.  And because of this I would like to share the rest of this story with you.  (I will do my best to reenact.)
The Lion Tamer

So the story continues with this character going to an Amusement Park. While at the Park, he somehow gets thrown into a Lion Cage.  Now he’s obviously freaking out and doesn’t understand what’s happening.  He looks up and he sees a Lion Tamer perched up high on a red box.As he’s trying to make sense of it all he realizes the Lion Tamer is releasing Lions into the Cage.  Now he’s really, really, flipping out.  The Lions are getting closer and closer – they can smell his FEAR!

Now the Lions start swatting and pouncing on him.  He’s laying there in a fetal position trying to protect himself and he’s thinking, “This is it, this is the end of my life.” Then all of a sudden the Lions just stop.  They get off of him and start walking away.  He can’t believe it.Dazed and confused, he stands up, looks around and he sees the Lion Tamer again.  He thinks to himself, “I wonder what made him call the Lions off.”  As he turns his head to watch the last of the Lions walking away, he sees his Fiance at the other end of the cage.  He realizes the Lions left him to go and attack her!

At this point, something takes over and he musters up all the strength he has and runs towards the Lions and starts yelling at them, “Get Back, Get Back” as he’s pushing them back as hard as he can.  He can’t believe it.  He has no idea where this strength is coming from, but it’s working.

As the Lions are walking away he goes to get his Fiance, but he can’t find her.  She’s nowhere to be found.  Was she just a vision?  Dazed and confused once more, he again looks up to the Lion Tamer and the the Lion Tamer says:

“You Finally Found Something Worth Fighting For!”

The morale of the story is sometimes we need something worth fighting for to change the course of our life.  To make the difference for us. Especially when we may feel that our life is not going so well.

So the question for you Dear Friend is:

What’s worth fighting for in your life?

Sometimes when life feels out of balance and uncertain we need to be reminded that we all have something deep within that’s worth fighting for.  My coaching programs are designed to help you do just that.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.


Patricia Diesel, CPC


Cool Stuff…

I found an awesome sight to do new business with.   The people are friendly and so supportive – but beyond that there business model is awesome.  Honestly, I am not sure how I stumbled upon them, but I am grateful for it.  It’s a new way for people to locate me and interact.  It’s also a great venue to find other professionals, not just life coaches.  Now that’s Cool Stuff!

Check It Out Here

Sharing The Love

Whenever a client reaches their goal…well, it’s like a mini “Love Fest” breaks out.  They get all excited, I get all happy and overjoyed, it’s a great feeling!


Peggy's Empty Storage Unit
Sharing The Love
My client Peggy set out on a mission.  And that mission was to empty the contents of her 9×10 storage unit and finally be free.  Free to keep only what was necessary and mainstream back into her life and say no and good-bye to the rest.

Now mind you, when Peggy first called me she was feeling overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin or how to start.  Initially she didn’t even believe it was possible.


Peggy and I met in our weekly telephone sessions and devised a plan.  One that felt realistic, manageable and doable. Together we set an agenda, created next steps, and devised a schedule.

She stayed committed to the process and was 100% on board with being held accountable. Was it always easy?  No of course not!  But that’s the awesome part of being coached.  Coaching provides you with a mentor to help you get through it, cheering you on all the way.  Reminding you that yes, yes, you can do it!

As Peggy so beautifully put it…

“Instruction is wonderful, but encouragement brings it to life!”

So here’s to Peggy and all her hard work…

Peggy, you are simply AMAZING!

Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

By Patricia Diesel, CPC


Right up there with minding our health and tending to our finances, getting organized is always a hot topic as the calendar turns to the new year.  In fact, a survey suggests that “Getting Organized” is one of the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.  January is a great time to get organized because the sense of renewal at the New Year puts us in the right mind set to try new ways of doing things and even living.

Your organization project begins with discarding the old, broken, obsolete or unused items that have accumulated during prior years.  Anyone who has ever experienced clutter knows the feeling of being weighed down; you cannot explain the feeling, but there is a gnawing indescribable burden you carry around with you.  In your home, a cluttered space can create tension by making you feel that your life is out of control.  The stress from living with clutter can be exhausting.

You do not need to live this way.  When you de-clutter your life, you cast off the stuff from the past you have been carrying around.  By clearing clutter, you can set the conditions for a deep personal transformation.  If you address clutter in your life, you can feel as if the weight of the world is released from your shoulders.

A home should be welcoming and inviting, a clutter-free place to entertain friends and family.  Your rooms should be pleasurable to the eye, a beautiful place where you can relax and feel good. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary where you surrender for rest to rejuvenate yourself and be free of computers, Blackberry’s and other intrusions.  Look around as you read this and think about what you really need in your life and space.

Clearing out your personal space can reap tremendous mental, physical and emotional rewards by giving you the freedom to invite friends and loved one’s into your home without the stress of the last minute “panic pick-up” to put your space in order for guests.  Living in an efficient space that is free of emotional freight makes it easier to see and achieve your goals and move forward.

As you evaluate the steps to de-clutter your life, also consider your office.  The less cluttered, the clearer your thinking and enhancing your potential to be more efficient and creative.  It is not just sanity that can be saved by getting organized, but valuable time.  You can waste a lot of time and energy if it takes you 10 minutes to rummage through files and drawers looking for your important paperwork.   Work can be stressful, but de-cluttering your workspace is something that you can control.

Your office should be well appointed, where everything you need is easy to locate. Files can be color-coded—red for “hot” active matters, and other colors for other priorities.  A clear desk limits distractions to set the stage for doing your best work. Everything should have a place.                                                                                                                                      

 Change can be difficult. It is understandable that it can feel scary and overwhelming to part with your stuff, so it is important to begin with baby steps.  As a first step, purchase a journal and write down what you want to create for yourself.  Get clear on your vision so you can manifest this into reality. 

Then start small with one drawer, one closet or one room.  It does not matter where you start, but the important step is to start somewhere.  If you are afraid of throwing something valuable away, have it appraised. Keep only well-chosen items that bring you joy and delight.

Divine order, sweet bliss; this is what you ultimately achieve when you surrender to the process of letting go of your clutter. I have never seen anyone regret they did; the only thing they might regret is that they waited so long.