Powerful Time Savers & Productivity Hacks For Better Work Flow (That Actually Work!)

INTRODUCING the most powerful, yet simple, productivity hacks and time savers for anyone’s life that will maximize EFFICIENCY and get you organized.

Eliminate undue worry, stress and procrastination by learning how to master your time and create schedules that stick!

Inside the EFFICIENCY e-book there is a powerful hack that …

Harvard Business Review acknowledged it as the most useful productivity hack, saying: “This may be the single most important skill or practice you can possibly develop as a modern professional.”


How To Be More Efficient Without Stressing Out





Getting Stuff Done, Dreams Coming True … Just another day with EFFICIENCY

I met a friend recently for lunch.  At the close of our meal, she reached over the table and placed her hand on top of mine – looked me square in the face and said, “I have a confession to make.”

“I have this dream.” She said.  “At first, I was really excited about my dream.  But then time passed, life went on, and I  never realized my dream.  But the weirdest thing is happening now.  It seems like it’s all I can think of, it’s constantly on my mind.  I know this sounds crazy, but I feel as if my dream has possessed me.”  She cried.  “It haunts me day and night.”

You see, my friend has always been challenged with getting things done on TIME.  It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a household task, a professional project or to arrive on time for a an appointment or business meeting.  She is unsuccessful.

Her dream has always been to ARRIVE.  Arrive on time, without being frantic, stressed or rushed.  To complete her to-do’s without worry or overwhelm.  She envisions herself breezing through her work and showing up to places with time to spare.

That’s it.  That’s her dream in a nutshell.

Dreams are funny like that – once they are lodged in our heart, they refuse to go away.  When we ignore our heart, we essentially give up on a part of ourselves.  And I never want you to give up!

Here’s what I want you to do.

I want  you to refuse to quit.  Say it over and over:  “I Refuse To Quit.”  Write it down on a Post-it Note and plant that baby everywhere.

Now write down your dream and then put a dollar sign in front of it.  (Really, do it!)  What would that dream be worth to you in real dollars – financially and emotionally – to cross the finish line?  To get things done and show up on time?

What kind of money are we talking about here?  What’s your time worth?  And think hard now – what’s your peace of mind worth?

Write that number down.  Look at it.  Say it out loud.  That’s what you’re losing out on by not fulfilling your dream.

Now imagine how you’ll feel when you become a student of EFFICIENCY — with all the tools, motivation, and support you need to reach your dream faster, easier and with more joy.

Imagine how incredible you’ll feel when that dream is really coming true!

Imagine your dream paying off – over and over again!

The thing is, the world is not going to get less distracting. YOU have to get stronger and more focused. Let me help you!



Struggling With CLUTTER?

So many people struggle with clutter.


They don’t have to.


They can live clutter free.  There are options.


Yet, people by and large still struggle.


Why is that?



It’s a question that I have asked myself for years. In fact, I was so intrigued by this question that I found myself on a quest to find the answer. Unbeknown to me, I soon found that this one question was packed with more than I bargained for.


I wanted to know, understand, and come to terms with, ‘why human beings insist on struggling – even when they don’t have to?’


This question posed other questions for me.  Unleashing my deep desire to come to a better understanding of:


  • Why are so many people depressed?
  • Why do we feel anxious?
  • What are we all so afraid of?
  • Why is there so much imbalance in the world?
  • What is the human spirit capable of?


Which evolved into what I guess, one would say, a spiritual journey for me.


Over the years, I have received countless emails from people asking: What’s the secret to living a clutter-free life?


And with each inquiry my quest grew deeper.


I wanted to help these people.


I wanted to get them to a place where they could live in a home that was neat and clean.


I wanted them to stop worrying and feel at peace.


And most of all I wanted their pain to go away.  It broke my heart to see them suffer.


I wish I could tell you that I was able to figure out all the answers, but there are still many questions that remain open.


However, this spiritual journey that I speak of has served me well.  It has provided a richer understanding of why some people choose to free themselves of clutter while others remain stuck.


Yet, that didn’t stop my quest for trying to help those who are still struggling.


With compassion and tenacity, I created a program that is simple to implement for freeing your mind.


Mindful Tools For Organized Living is the most elite and complete, step-by-step program that will help you overcome your stress, overwhelm and procrastination.


All that is required is a few necessities:


  • You show up
  • You are committed
  • You keep an open mind
  • You embrace mentoring


With these requirements, everything else will fall neatly into place.


I am confident when I say; It is the only program you’ll ever need to finally get organized for good!


You can learn more about how this program can help you or a loved one here:  https://mindfulness.patriciadiesel.com/mindfulness


Lessons Learned: A Framework For Organization


I learned a long time ago that there is so much more to organization than meets the eye.

Organization is a platform for real growth to occur and breeds an environment that is conducive to wellness for your body, mind and environment.

Because I believe in the power of organization, I would like to invite you to my upcoming workshop:

A Framework For Organization

You can get all the juicy details by CLICKING HERE!

How To Re-Focus And Find Simplicity In The New Normal


As the country slowly starts to open up, there are still many challenges and adjustments ahead, as people start to get back to work – new procedures and protocols will have to be put in place.
Therefore, we will need to become more mindful of our personal habits and learn how to adapt as we get used to the “NEW NORMAL.”

Now more than ever, you need to be ORGANIZED because these changes will influence your home and work environment. It is ESSENTIAL that you sharpen your skills for focus, self-discipline, and time management.

And it’s equally important to keep things as SIMPLE as possible!
A brief overview of what you’ll learn in the workshop:
  • Mind Hacks:  To overcome stress and overwhelm and maintain a positive attitude
  • Clutter Solutions: To control clutter overload in your home and work space
  • ​Motivational Tips: To ensure self-care remains a top priority for your wellness
  • Safety Strategies:  To establish new boundaries and healthy habits
  • Skill Sets: To manage your time efficiently for focus and productivity

Now more than ever you need to learn the skills to navigate your way through The New Normal.  Being organized is just one of them.

Learn more about this very special workshop by clicking the link below:




Does Your Paperwork Need Organizing?

Do you detest all the paperwork scattered throughout your house and the energy spent looking through them?

Well, you’re not alone.

Here’s a little known fact:

“Each month, the average U.S. household receives 80 pieces of junk mail, three magazines, six catalogs and 10 credit car solicitations.  And that’s just snail mail.  When you add receipts, articles clipped from magazines, and ATM slips, it’s no wonder that piles of paper are as common in our homes as furniture (and sometimes are the furniture.)”

In other words, paperwork without organization means clutter!  Period.

That’s why it’s so important to organize all of it, including your tax documents, medical info, and even your kid’s treasured drawings.

I know how important it is to take control over paper clutter, so once a year I run a workshop on doing just that.  If you’re interested in learning how to simplify and streamline your papers, this is the workshop for you!

The class is limited to a room capacity of 10 people.  Oh, and if you register within the next 48 hours you automatically get the discount price.  But I wouldn’t wait until the last minute and chance getting locked out or paying a higher fee.

You can get all the details by clicking on the link below.  Hope to see you in class!


If You Are Struggling Read This

Photo By:  Danielle MacInnes

Recently someone who was struggling with getting organized wrote to me asking for help.

Here is some of what she wrote: ✍️

“Why can’t I get organized?
  I want nothing more than to be free from this clutter, but I can’t seem to do it.
I start, I stop.  Sometimes, the thought of it, even though it’s what I want, seems so overwhelming. 
If it’s something I want so much, then why can’t I do it?  What’s stopping me?  
Please help me understand this.  What am I not getting?”  🤔

Here’s part of my response to her:

“There can be many reasons why you may be experiencing overwhelm, especially when it’s a goal that is very important to you.  Without knowing your situation entirely, I will try to give you a better understanding of what may be the reason behind your lack of follow through with getting organized. 

There is a theory, one that I subscribe to, that beneath one’s clutter is the inability to forgive one’s self.  You see, buried underneath the clutter is a lot of life history, with raw emotion.  When we try to “deal” with the clutter, we are then reminded of our pain that was never healed.  This can be conscious or unconscious.

The truth is, we all make mistakes in life and have regret.  Unfortunately, people with clutter have difficulty with letting go of their past. They cling to their past with shame and guilt which only keeps them imprisoned.  They don’t realize that there is greatness in their brokenness.”

                   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –                     

Friends, forgiveness helps us make peace with what is and discover self-acceptance and grace.  Forgiveness allows us to move forward. 

I understand that coming to terms with brokenness and choosing to forgive yourself can seem like an impossible task.  But if you are struggling with your past, feeling overwhelmed and accumulating clutter, there are resources that can help you. 🔥🔥🔥

This is one of them:  CLICK  HERE

Make Your Home Look Like A Million Bucks

Photo:  Jonny Lindner – Pixabay


Here’s list of 33 Home Upgrades That Cost Less Than $100.00 that might help you in the process of getting organized.

Click Here To See Full List

And if you need help de-cluttering don’t forget to grab my video tutorial while it’s 50% discounted.

Get Your Video Tutorial Here

And Just Like That … I Changed

I just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. 

So I changed.

This is what it’s like for people who just can’t take the madness and chaos of clutter.  Be it physical or mental – clutter is clutter.The heaviness of clutter is painful. Dragging around all that “stuff” day after day and the crazy mental chatter that swirls around – it’s exhausting.

It takes courage to change, but it’s possible.

And I make it a hell of a lot easier with my Mindful Tools For Organized Living program.

Patricia Diesel is the creator of Mindful Tools For Organized Living.

A coaching program that rapidly speeds up your results to overcome clutter and keep you organized for good.

She is one of the most sought after organizing experts and clutter coaches in today’s modern world.

If you are willing to learn and open to being guided, then you will be successful with this program.  Each tool is designed to empower you to be deliberate and confident as you move through the process. It is possible to change and be organized.

End the heartache today and say “Yes” to clutter-free living!

Start by clicking HERE!