Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Did you know that every morning you wake up to a reality vision board? Think about this. Your home, is your creation. It is your vision in real life. So if you are pleased with your environment that you live in, good for you. If not, then change it. You see, we do manifest outwardly […]

1 Major Reason To Eat Salad Daily

Listen, I can give you all the top reasons why you should eat salad. And tell you that by making just one simple change to your diet it can pay off with plenty of health benefits. But unless you have been living underneath a rock for a very long time, you know all of this. […]

Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

WEDNESDAY WELLNESS – TIPS FOR CLEAN LIVING Eat your vegetables raw or slightly steamed at most. Why raw foods? There is a presence of a beneficial antioxidant, “Quercetin” that is found in fruits and vegetables. You can also juice them. If this concept is new to you, then try it at least one day per […]

What Area Of Your Life Is Calling Out For Change?

Here’s a question for you … What area of your life is calling out for change? If I simplified that question for you and asked you to look at it from a body, mind and environment standpoint, what would you say? Is your body craving nutrition… Did you know that nutrient deficiencies and toxicity from […]

The Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

The Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet Did you know that our pH level plays and important part in our health? pH stands for ‘potential of hydrogen’ and it indicates the level of acidity or alkalinity in our body. pH is measured on a scale of 0-14. The number 7 is considered neutral. The lower […]


The Fresh, Free Environment How one chooses to live is a very personal choice. However, when clutter starts to interfere with the quality of your life, it’s time to reassess your living space. If your possessions do not have a permanent place in your home, remember the Golden Rule: “A place for everything and everything […]

Please Don’t Stress

Modern stress is a very real thing. What this means is that modern life has created stress that most of us find overwhelming. This new stress comes from: Technology which causes us to be continually “connected” – so we’re never turned “off.” Work-Life balance issues – i.e., trying to do too much and prioritizing it […]

The Paper Cut Theory

What happens when you go off your food plan? Or when you fall off your schedule? That was one of my biggest concerns when I first started changing the course of my diet and daily routine. I was concerned about giving into tempting foods that I knew caused inflammation. I was worried if I broke […]


The Forward Thinking Mind The words that you say to yourself matter. Our brains tend to believe what we hear. Develop a positive mindset by creating a “Greatest Hits Playlist” of positive thoughts. Think of it like a musician preparing for a concert. Choose empowering words that soothe and heal. Choose love. Remember: We do […]

3 Hallmarks of Wellness

3 Hallmarks of Wellness The Body, Mind & Environment EventHave you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have? Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space? Does it feel impossible to do? What if, instead, the constant battle went […]