There Is A Way To Rest Easy
I show my clients how to confront their fears in a non-threatening way, says Patricia Diesel
Jen’s Story Just Might Help You
Jen has a wee bit of a problem. A problem that has, over time, gotten bigger. And now, this problem is difficult to keep under wraps, so Jen is feeling anxious and not sleeping well. That’s when she called me and asked if I could help her. Jen’s story just might help you.
Why Now Is A Good Time To Get Organized
Your clutter did not appear over night, so to expect to create order to your environment with “urgency” is not always the best way to get organized, says Patricia Diesel.
The Real Reason You Need My Help
The real reason you want my help is because I can help you transform your life for good.
Pen and Paper; The Benefits Of Writing It Out
There are many benefits to writing on good old fashioned paper with pen.
We De-Clutter For Peace Of Mind
Yes, having an environment that is neat and tidy is awesome, but that’s not really the reason why we declutter our lives. We seek to do so because we desperately want peace of mind.
Why Clutter Exists and What It’s Trying To Tell You
Everyone’s clutter signifies something different. But it’s important to understand how the clutter originated so you can begin to recognize the unresolved areas in your life that still need healing.
Why I Don’t Mess Around With Clutter
I help women de-clutter their lives. The truth is, clutter is messy. And when you have clutter you need help. And not just any help. You need an expert.
Life After Clutter Can Exceed Your Expectations
I want to give you an inside look at what life is like for people after they are clutter-free. It exceeds most people’s expectations.
I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?
In my new class I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.