Coaching Super Specials!

$2 Per Minute Coaching

If you are looking for an affordable and flexible way to begin changing your life through organizational coaching, life coaching, entreprenurial coaching, or business coaching, this is the option for you! There are no minimums or restrictions for how or when you use these minutes. Just purchase the minutes up front and get started! You customize your level of coaching by outlining your own schedule and frequency. This is a great way to begin a coaching program if you are new to coaching or if you want more flexibility and control over your coaching sessions.

Coaching Services

$2 Per Minute

No Commitment
You Control Frequency
You Control Session Length
Minutes Never Expire


Email PuzzleEmail Coaching Special

If you are looking for an affordable way to obtain organizational coaching, life coaching, entrepreneurial coaching, or business coaching, this is the solution for you! This simple, affordable, and flexible program provides you with the coaching you need, when and how you want to use it. For more information about this special program, email [email protected].

$100 = 50 Coaching Emails

(25 Emails From You, 25 Emails From Me)


I Was Waiting For Someday – But Someday Never Came

But to my amazement, Someday is finally here!

Can you identify with this? What have you been putting off over and over – thinking you will get to it “some day.”

And then that “some day” shows up and you have nothing to show for it except a bunch of stuff that was never attended to.

Are You Buried Alive?

This Friday, Larry King Live will feature guests from TLC’s Buried Alive at 9:00 PM ET on CNN!


You don’t have to suffer alone. Millions of people are affected by clutter and hoarding. It takes an experienced professional to support you with compassion and empathy, to keep you accountable and committed for successful results.

I have been helping people virtually and in-house nationwide and globally, and I can help you too! It’s not too late to begin – it’s just the first step in the right direction to allow the process to unfold.

If you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress due to your own clutter or from a loved one, I urge you to get support.

Please let me know how I may assist you. Please visit my website @ for a wealth of information on this subject. Also, stay tuned for an upcoming show on LifetimeTV where I discuss this subject matter.

Until then, I wish you well!


Patricia Diesel

Why Can’t I Get Organized? Help!

My Dear Friend,

With respect to your situation and current affairs…I must speak the truth. You have confessed to reading and investigating organizing options every which way you turn…and the reason for your delayed success is quite frankly, this…

Self help techniques are failing you because you need a customized program. One that will help you come into your own and figure out what is best for you and your family. Period.

This does not mean it happens over night…the success you seek – the calm, quiet of your mind and space is something that you work towards and then maintain for life. Again, period.

Anyone else telling you differently is misleading.

I can help you if you are committed and accountable to the process that is required for living an organized life.

If you feel you are up for the challenge, I can offer you many coaching options that we can work through.

The above letter was sent in response to a woman who is overwhelmed with her disorganization and clutter. She is continually let down by trying self-help techniques that do not help her.

Can you relate to this? What are your thoughts? Are you ready to create a lifestyle that enhances your quality of life?

Visit me at

Check Out My Video From Lifetime TV

LifetimeYes, it’s true…we live in a very busy world. It’s hard to slow down at times and just relax.

Now more than ever, the need to balance our life is critical to our overall well being.

Sometimes, we may find that if we choose to prioritize ourselves we can begin to see a difference in our overall wellness.

Try beginning your day by preparing the evening before. How you start your day does set the tone for the rest of the day. Doing a little prep work, may just be the ticket you need to begin feeling better.

Yes, life is a balancing act, but if we practice, we can become pretty good at it!

Check it out…

The Value of an Organized Life…


The pure simplicity of knowing my things are in their homes – so I shall not play “Hide-N-Seek” today.

My head is at rest, I no longer wake with worry, I can breathe  at last.

 – P. Diesel

What’s Her Secret?

“Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can relate to this quote in so many ways.  From a personal standpoint, reflectively speaking, I would have to say I have learned hard lessons on how important it is to have “patience” in a relationship. Over time, I have mellowed out, and can see now, what at one time I was blind to. 

Speaking professionally…patience is a virtue.  It’s the process of building a vision, an idea or thought.  Developing your business plan takes time and nurturing.  If we rush, we can stifle the creativity that could make the difference for us.

Think about it…do you consider yourself a patient person?  Would it benefit you to have more patience?  What areas do you think you can show more patience? 

I would love to hear from you…

What’s Your Top Priority Today?

Hey…what are you doing today that is important? 

Me, I am spending all day with my web designer to get the new website complete so we can launch soon…

Hats off to designers of all trades, it’s truly a creative process. 

So, come on, tell me…what have you chosen to be your top priority today?

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This Tip…

Tip for the day:

When you are feeling overwhelmed or confused on what to do next – utilize your 15-20 minute rule and just focus on something that makes you feel good. You should begin to see a difference in your energy level.  Just breathe…

Please tell me what you do when things begin to stress you out…how do you handle it? 

Thank You For Your Patience…

I just can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about my new web-site!  By now you are getting a good read on my Blog…this is going to extend over into my new site…the look and feel…It is my intention to always provide you with up-to-date information and resources, and state-of-the-art solutions and systems.  Stay tuned – because we are almost ready to launch – you will be the first to know!  Thank you again for your patience while we go through this transition. 
